
刘合宾博士 特聘教授 博导

2004年获浙江大学医学院附属第一医院传染病研究所医学博士学位(传染病学专业),2005年获瑞典于默奥(Umeå)大学哲学博士(医学分子生物学专业)。2005-2006年伦敦帝国理工学院分子免疫系博士后、2006-2012年剑桥大学病理系博士后、Senior Investigator。先后在西交利物浦大学生物科学系任助理教授、副教授(tenured)、PI、博士生导师。现为www.优德88.cpm 生物医学研究院特聘教授、PI、博导。在Mol CellPNASJ Immunol等发表多篇高水平SCI研究论文。





4核孔复合体(Nuclear Pore Complex, NPC)在健康和疾病条件下作为免疫细胞的信号转导平台


1.Yang, N., Y. Xiong, Y. Wang, Y. Yi, J. Zhu, F. Ma, J. Li, andH. Liu*,ADAP Y571 Phosphorylation Is Required to Prime STAT3 for Activation in TLR4-Stimulated Macrophages. J Immunol 2021 206: 814-826.

2.Xiong Y, Yi Y, Wang Y, Yang N, Rudd CE andLiu H*,Ubc9 interacts with and SUMOylates the TCR adaptor SLP-76 for NFAT transcription in T cells. J Immunol 2019 Dec 1;203(11):3023-3036.

3.Ye C, Yu Z, Xiong Y, Wang Y, Ruan Y, Guo Y, Chen M, Luan S, Zhang E, andLiu H*,STAU1 binds to IBDV genomic double-stranded RNA and promotes viral replication via attenuation of MDA5-dependent β interferon induction. FASEB J. 2019 Jan;33 (1):286-30.

4.Xiong Y, Ye C, Yang N, Li M, andLiu H*,Ubc9 Binds to ADAP and Is Required for Rap1 Membrane Recruitment, Rac1 Activation, and Integrin-Mediated T Cell Adhesion. J Immunol 2017, 199: 4142-4154.

5.Ye C, Wang Y, Zhang E, Han X, Yu Z, andLiu H*,VP1 and VP3 are required and sufficient for translation initiation of uncapped IBDV genomic dsRNA. J Virol. 2018 Jan 2;92(2): e01345-17.

6.Ye C, Han X, Yu Z, Zhang E, Wang L, andLiu H*,Infectious Bursal Disease Virus Activates c-Src To Promote alpha4beta1 Integrin-Dependent Viral Entry by Modulating the Downstream Akt-RhoA GTPase-Actin Rearrangement Cascade. J Virol. 2017 Jan 18; 91(3): e01891-16.

7.Liu H*,Thaker YR, Stagg L, Schneider H, Ladbury JE and Rudd CE*, SLP-76 sterile alpha motif (SAM) and individual H5 alpha helix mediate oligomer formation for microclusters and T-cell activation. J Biol Chem 2013, 288(41): 29539-29549.

8.Liu H, Schneider H, Recino A, Richardson C, Goldberg MW, and Rudd CE, The Immune Adaptor SLP-76 Binds to SUMO-RANGAP1 at Nuclear Pore Complex Filaments to Regulate Nuclear Import of Transcription Factors in T Cells. Mol Cell 2015, 59(5): 840-849faculty 1000特评).

9.Liu H, Purbhoo MA, Davis DM, and Rudd CE, SH2 domain containing leukocyte phosphoprotein of 76-kDa (SLP-76) feedback regulation of ZAP-70 microclustering. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2010, 107(22): 10166-10171.




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