

宋肖垚 女 讲师


电子邮箱: xysong@suda.edu.cn

通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号www.优德88.cpm 一期医学楼医学公共卫生学院4022425,邮编215123


宋肖垚(Xiaoyao Song),博士研究生学历,医学博士学位









1.国家自然科学基金青年基金,代谢组学策略探究PM2.5关键毒作用组分对抑癌基因P53依赖的代谢毒性及其分子机制,21806165,2019.01-202.12; 27.5万元,主持


3.国家自然基金重大研究计划重点支持项目, 大气细颗粒物的毒理与健康效应,91543201, 2016.01-2019.12,336万,参与



  1. 一种用于非暴露式气管滴注的实验鼠固定装置.2018-11-30中国ZL201822003146.8.

  2. 一种精确定量非暴露式气管滴注装置.2018-11-30中国ZL201822008690.1.


  1. 《环境化学前沿(第二版)》第十五章,2019年,科学出版社


1.Xiaoyao Song1, Jianhui Liu1, Ningbo Geng, Yichu Shan, Baoqin Zhang, Baofeng Zhao, Yuwen Ni, Zhen Liang, Jiping Chen*, Lihua Zhang*, Yukui Zhang. Multi-omics analysis to reveal disorders of cell metabolism and integrin signaling pathways induced by PM2.5. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2022. IF: 14.224

2.Zhigang Sui1,Xiaoyao Song1, Yujie Wu, Rui Hou, Jianhui Liu, Baofeng Zhao, Zhen Liang, Jiping Chen, Lihua Zhang*, Yukui Zhang. The Cytotoxicity of PM2.5and its Effect on the Secretome of Normal Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022. IF: 5.190

3.Xiao-Yao Song, Jia-Nan Li, Yan-Ping Wu, Bo Zhang, Bai-Xiang Li*. Atrazine Causes Autophagy- and Apoptosis-Related Neurodegenerative Effects in Dopaminergic Neurons in the Rat Nigrostriatal Dopaminergic System. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2015, 16, 13490-13506. IF: 6.208

4.Ningbo Geng,Xiaoyao Song, Rong Cao, Yun Luo, Mila A, Zhengang Cai, Kejie Yu, Yuan Gao, Yuwen Ni, Haijun Zhang, Jiping Chen*. The effect of toxic components on metabolomic response of male SD rats exposed to fine particulate matter. 2021. Environ Pollut. IF: 9.988

5.Yun Luo, Baoqin Zhang, Ningbo Geng, ShuaiSun,Xiaoyao Song,Jiping Chen,Haijun Zhang*. Insights into the hepatotoxicity of pyrene and 1-chloropyrene using an integrated approach of metabolomics and transcriptomics. Science of the Total Environment, 2022.IF: 10.753

6.Yun Luo, Baoqin Zhang, Ningbo Geng, ShuaiSunXiaoyao SongJiping Chen*HaijunZhang. Transcriptomics and metabolomics analyses provide insights into the difference in toxicity of benzo[a]pyrene and 6-chlorobenzo[a]pyrene to human hepatic cells. Accept. Science of the Total Environment, 2022. 10.753

7.Ningbo Geng, Yun Luo, Rong Cao, Xiaoyao Song, Fang Li, Feidi Wang, Yufeng Gong, Liguo Xing, Haijun Zhang, Jiping Chen*. Effect of short-chain chlorinated paraffins on metabolic profiling of male SD rats. Science of the Total Environment, 2021, 750: 141404. 10.753

8.Xiaoqian Ren, Ningbo Geng, Haijun Zhang, Feidi Wang, Yufeng Gong,Xiaoyao Song,Yun Luo, Baoqin Zhang, JipingChen*. Comparing the disrupting effects of short-, medium- and long-chain chlorinated Paraffins on cell viability and metabolism. Science of theTotal Environment, 2019, 685: 297-307. IF: 7.963

9.Yufeng Gong, Haijun Zhang, Ningbo Geng, Liguo Xing, Jingfeng Fan, Yun Luo,Xiaoyao Song, Xiaoqian Ren, Feidi Wang, Jiping Chen*. Short-chain chlorinated paraffins (SCCPs) induced thyroid disruption by enhancement of hepatic thyroid hormone influx and degradation in male Sprague Dawley rats. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 625: 657-666.IF: 6.551


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