




2012.9-至今, www.优德88.cpm 医学部公共卫生学院

2010-2012, 英国纽卡斯尔大学,研究人员

2007-2009, 英国伯明翰大学,研究人员

2006, 美国得克萨斯州立大学,研究人员

2002-2005, 中院动物研究所,博士


  1. 利用斑马鱼胚胎和人胚胎干细胞研究环境化学物心脏发育毒性

  2. 环境化学物致癌的表观遗传毒性机制


  1. Ren F, Huang Y, Tao Y, Ji C, Aniagu S, Jiang Y,ChenT*.Resveratrol protects against PM2.5-induced heart defects in zebrafish embryos as an antioxidant rather than as an AHR antagonist.Toxicol Appl Pharmacol.2020 May 3:115029.

  2. HuangY, Jiang B, Xia Y, Wang J, Ji C, Tong J,ChenT*,Jiang Y*.Downregulation of miR-133a contributes to the cardiac developmental toxicity of trichloroethylene in zebrafish.Chemosphere. 2020. 251:126610

  3. Ren F, Ji C, Huang YJ, Aniagu S, Tong J, Jiang Y*,ChenT*, AHR-mediated ROS production contributes to the cardiac developmental toxicity of PM2.5 in zebrafish embryos.Sci Total Environ.2020 Jun 1;719:135097.

  4. Jin H, Ji C, Ren F, Aniagu S, Tong J, Jiang Y*,ChenT*. AHR-mediated oxidative stress contributes to the cardiac developmental toxicity of trichloroethylene in zebrafish embryos.J Hazard Mater.2020 Mar 5;385:121521.

  5. Ren F, Wang J, Aniagu S, Li J, Jiang Y*,ChenT*Effects of Trichloroethylene on the Expression of Long Intergenic Noncoding RNAs in B6C3F1 Mouse Liver.Chem Res Toxicol.2020 Jan 27.

  6. Jiang Y, Li J, Ren F, Ji C, Aniagu S,ChenT*.PM2.5-induced extensive DNA methylation changes in the heart of zebrafish embryos and the protective effect of folic acid,Environ Pollut.2019 Dec;255(Pt 3):113331.

  7. YuXF, WangJ, OUYangN, GuoS, SunH, TongJ,ChenT*, LiJ*,The role of miR-130a-3p and SPOCK1 in tobacco exposed bronchial epithelial BEAS-2B transformed cells: Comparison to A549 and H1299 lung cancer cell lines.J. Toxicol. Environ. Health Part A.2019;82(15)

  8. Jiang Y, Zhou Z, Fei R, Zhou X, Wang J, Tao Y, Li J*,ChenT*. Role of miR-182-5p overexpression in trichloroethylene-induced abnormal cell cycle functions in human HepG2 cells.J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2019;82(16):920-927.

  9. Wang J, Yu XF, OUYang N, Luo Q, Tong J,ChenT*, Li J*.Role of DNA methylation regulation of miR-130b expression in human lung cancer using bioinformatics analysis.J Toxicol Environ Health A.2019;82(17):935-943.

  10. Wang J, Yu XF, Ouyang N, Zhao S, Yao H, Guan X, Tong J,ChenT*, Li JX*.MicroRNA and mRNA Interaction Network Regulates the Malignant Transformation of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells Induced by Cigarette Smoke.Front Oncol.2019 Oct 9;9:1029

  11. Chen T, Jin H, Wang H, Yao Y, Aniagu S, Tong J, Jiang Y*. Aryl hydrocarbon receptor mediates the cardiac developmental toxicity of EOM from PM2.5 in P19 embryonic carcinoma cells.Chemosphere. 2019 Feb; 216:372-378.

  12. Wang J, Yu XF, OUYang N, Luo QL, Zhao SY, Guan XF,Chen T*, Li JX*. Multi-platform analysis of methylation-regulated genes in human lung adenocarcinoma.J Toxicol Environ Health A. 2019 Jan 9:1-9.

  13. Yue C, Cheng Ji, H Zhang, L Zhang, Jian T, Jiang Y*,Chen T*.Protective effects of folic acid on PM2.5-induced cardiac developmental toxicity in zebrafish embryos by targeting AhR and Wnt/β-catenin signal pathwaysEnviron Toxicol2017 OctCoverpaper

  14. Jiang Y, Chen JH, Yue C, Zhang H, Tong J, Li JX*,Chen T*. The role of miR-182-5p in hepatocarcinogenesis of trichloroethylene in mice.Toxicol Sci.2016 Dec

  15. Zhang H, Yao YG, Chen Y, Yue C, Chen JH, Jiang Y*,Chen T*.Crosstalk between AhR and wnt/β-catenin signal pathwaysin the cardiac developmental toxicity of PM2.5 in zebrafish embryos.Toxicology2016 May

  16. Jiang Y, Wang D, Zhang G, Wang G, Tong J*,Chen T*. Disruption of cardiogenesis in human embryonic stem cells exposed to trichloroethylene.Environ Toxicol.2015 Apr 6

  17. Chen T,Middleton FK, Falcon S, Reaper PM, Pollard JR, Curtin NJ. Development of pharmacodynamic biomarkers for ATR inhibitors.Mol Oncol.2014 Oct 13.

  18. Jiang Y,ChenJH,TongJ,Chen T*. Trichloroethylene-inducedgene expression and DNA methylation changesin B6C3F1 mouse liver.Plos One.2014 Dec 30

  19. Chen T,Stephens P, Middleton F,Curtin NJ.Targeting the S and G2 Checkpoint.Drug Discov Today.2011 Dec 14.

  20. Chen T, Williams T, Mally A, Hamberger C, Mirbahai L, Hickling K, Chipman JK*. Gene expression and epigenetic changes by furan in rat liver.Toxicology. 2011

  21. Chen T,Mally A, Ozden S, Chipman JK. Low Doses of the Carcinogen Furan Alter Cell Cycle and Apoptosis Gene Expression in Rat Liver Independent of DNA Methylation.Environ Health Perspect.2010 Nov;118(11):1597-602.


Method for measuring ATR inhibition mediated increases in DNA damage. (2017.10.17,U.S. Patent Number9791456 B2


Jiang Y, Dai YF,Chen T,Advances in Molecular Toxicology (Chapeter 2 Advances in TCE Toxicology), Volume 11, Pages 51-79,ELSIVER,2017

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