


通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199, 邮编215123


杨凯博士,2006年毕业于安徽工程大学获得工学学士学位2009年获得www.优德88.cpm 理学硕士学位;2013年获得www.优德88.cpm 理学博士学位2014年入职www.优德88.cpm 放射医学与防护学院并组建课题组聘为副教授。2018年9月起被聘为特聘教授。


课题组多年来一直在纳米医学与放射医学这一新兴领域开展研究,在肿瘤放射治疗、肿瘤微环境调控与肿瘤放射免疫治疗等方面取得了一系列创新性的研究成果。论文总引用超过11000 次,SCI H-index 为47。由于在纳米医学放射医学交叉领域的突出成绩,2018年获得国家优秀青年基金和江苏省优秀青年基金资助,同年入选科睿-唯安发布的 “全球高引用科学家名录”(Highly Cited Researchers)(材料)。


近年来一直在纳米生物医学和放射医学这一交叉领域从事研究,2010以来共发表了SCI论文100余篇,相当一部分成果发表于Nature Biomedical Engineering.、Nano Letters、Chemical Society Reviews、Advanced Materials、Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews、 ACS Nano、Advanced Functional Materials、Small、Theranostics、Biomaterials等著名期刊,论文总引用超过11000 次,SCI H-index 为47。


- 纳米放射医学

- 基于功能纳米材料的肿瘤放射治疗




1) Yu Chao, Ligeng Xu, Chao Liang, Liangzhu Feng, Jun Xu, Ziliang Dong, Longlong Tian, Xuan Yi,Kai Yang*, Zhuang Liu*, Combined local immunostimulatory radioisotope therapy and systemic immune checkpoint blockade imparts potent antitumour responses, Nature Biomedical. Engineering, 2018, 2, 611-621.

2) Longlong Tian, Xuan Yi, Ziliang Dong, Jun Xu, Chao Liang, Yu Chao, Yaxing Wang,Kai Yang*, Zhuang Liu*, Calcium Bisphosphonate Nanoparticles with Chelator-Free Radiolabeling to Deplete Tumor-Associated Macrophages for Enhanced Cancer Radioisotope Therapy, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 11541-11551.

3) Yu Chao, Chao Liang, Yu Yang, Guanglin Wang, Debabrata Maiti, Longlong Tian, Fei Wang, Wei Pan, Song Wu*,Kai Yang*, Zhuang Liu*, Highly Effective Radioisotope Cancer Therapy with a Non-Therapeutic Isotope Delivered and Sensitized by Nanoscale Coordination Polymers, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 7519-7528.

4) Xuan Yi, Meiyun Xu, Hailin Zhou, Saisai Xiong, Rui Qian, Zhifang Chai, Li Zhao*,Kai Yang*, Ultrasmall Hyperbranched Semiconducting Polymer Nanoparticles with Different Radioisotopes Labeling for Cancer Theranostics, ACS Nano 2018, 12, 9142-9151.

5)Xuan Yi, Lei Chen, Jie Chen, Debabrata Maiti, Zhifang Chai, Zhuang Liu,Kai Yang*, Biomimetic Copper Sulfide for Chemo-radiotherapy: Enhanced Uptake and Reduced Efflux of Nanoparticles for Tumor Cells under Ionizing Radiation. Advanced Functional Materials. 2018, 28, 1705161。

6)Kai Yang*, Liangzhu Feng, Zhuang Liu*, Stimuli responsive drug delivery systems based on nano-graphene for cancer therapy. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 2016, 105: 228–241.

7) Xuan Yi,Kai Yang*, Chao Liang, Xiaoyan Zhong, Ping Ning, Guosheng Song, Dongliang Wang, Cuicui Ge, Chunying Chen, Zhifang Chai, Zhuang Liu *, Imaging-Guided Combined Photothermal and Radiotherapy to Treat Subcutaneous and Metastatic Tumors Using Iodine-131-Doped Copper Sulfide Nanoparticles. Advanced Functional Materials. 2015, 25, 4689–4699.

8) Xiaoyan Zhong,Kai Yang*, Zhiliang Dong, Xuan Yi, Yong Wang, Cuicui Ge, Yuliang Zhao, Zhuang Liu*, Polydopamine as a Biocompatible Multifunctional Nanocarrier for Combined Radioisotope Therapy and Chemotherapy of Cancer. Advanced Functional Materials. 2015, 25, 7327–7336.

9) Guosheng Song, Chao Liang, Hua Gong, Meifang Li , Xianchuang Zheng , Liang Cheng,Kai Yang*, Xiqun Jiang , Zhuang Liu *, Core-Shell MnSe@Bi 2Se3 Fabricated via a Cation Exchange Method as Novel Nanotheranostics for Multimodal Imaging and Synergistic Thermoradiotherapy, Advanced Materials, 2015, 27, 6110–6117

10)Kai Yang, Liangzhu Feng, Hao Hong, Weibo Cai and Zhuang Liu*. “Preparation of functionalized nano-graphene bioconjugates for biomedical applications” Nature Protocols.2013, 8(12) 2392-2403

11)Kai Yang, Liangzhu Feng, Xiaoze Shi, Zhuang Liu* “Nano-graphene in biomedicine: theranostic applications” Chemical. Society Reviews. 2013, 42: 530-547. (Invited Review)

12)Kai Yang, Huan Xu, Liang Cheng, Zhuang Liu* “In vitro and in vivo near-infrared photothermal therapy of cancer using Polypyrrole organic nanoparticles” Advanced Materials 2012, 24, 5586–5592.

13)Kai Yang, Lilei Hu, Xingxin Ma, Shuoqi Ye, Changhui Li, Yonggang Li, Zhuang Liu* “Multi-modal imaging guided photothermal therapy using functionalized graphene nano-sheets anchored with magnetic nanoparticles” Advanced Materials 2012, 24: 1868-1872. (Frontispiece)

14)Kai Yang, Jianmei Wan, Shuai Zhang, Youjiu Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, Zhuang Liu* “In vivo Pharmacokinetics, Long-Term Biodistribution, and Toxicology of PEGylated Graphene in Mice” ACS Nano, 2011, 5(1): 516-522.

15)Kai Yang, Shuai Zhang, Guoxin Zhang, Xiaoming Sun, Shuit-Tong Lee and Zhuang Liu,* “Graphene in Mice-Ultra-high in vivo Tumor Uptake and Highly Efficient Photothermal Therapy” Nano Letters. 2010, 10: 3318–3323. (Highlighted by Nature)


1. 2018年获得国家优秀青年基金和江苏省优秀青年基金


3.2015年获得www.优德88.cpm “东吴学者”


