



程侠菊,女,博士,www.优德88.cpm 医学部放射医学与防护学院讲师。2013年获得www.优德88.cpm 放射医学专业学士学位,2018年获得www.优德88.cpm 放射医学专业博士学位,导师高明远教授,同年入职www.优德88.cpm 任师资博士后,2021年博后出站入职讲师。获得国家自然科学基金青年项目及江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,中国博士后科学基金面上项目以及特别资助项目等,指导本科生获得1次江苏省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(2022年优秀结题)。在医学以及材料类期刊发表SCI论文17篇,其中以第一作者或通讯作者发表论文10篇,部分论文发表在Adv. Mater.ACS NanoCancer Res.等国际主流期刊。




1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,PD1免疫检查点小分子抑制剂PSdis的抗肿瘤研究,8190291320.5万,2020-012022-12,主持

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目,基于PD1免疫节点小分子纳米药物的肿瘤免疫治疗研究,BK2019082120万,2019-072022-06,主持

3. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,PD-1赖氨酸乙酰化修饰对T细胞抗肿瘤功能的调控研究,2021T14049618万,2021-072022-07,主持

4. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,开发一种新型PD1免疫检查点小分子抑制剂及其抗癌研究,2019M6515938万,2019-072021-08,主持


1. Shimeng Zhou; Jinfeng Zhu; Jingwei Xu*; Bingzi Gu; Qiao Zhao; Congzhou Luo; Zhoufeng Gao; Y. Eugene Chin;Xiaju Cheng*; Antitumor potential of PD-L1/PD-1 post-translational modifications, Immunology, 2022, doi: 10.1111/imm.13573.

2. Xiaju Cheng#, Xiuxia Zhou#, Jingwei Xu#, Rui Sun, Huawei Xia, Jianan Ding, Y eugene Chin, Zhifang Chai ZF, Haibin Shi, Mingyuan Gao.Furin Enzyme and pH Synergistically Triggered Aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles for Activated Photoacoustic Imaging and Photothermal Therapy of Tumors.Analytical Chemistry, 2021, 93:9277-9285.

3. Jingwei Xu#,XiajuCheng#, Fuxian Chen, Weijie Li, Xiaohui Xiao, Puxiang Lai, Guopeng Xu, Li Xu, Yue Pan. Fabrication of multifunctional polydopamine-coated gold nanobones for PA/CT imaging and enhanced synergistic chemo-photothermal therapy.Journal of Materials Science & Technology,2021, 63:97-105.

4. Xiangrong Li#,XiajuCheng#, Jie Sun#, Yan S Xu, Nanan Chen, Yimei Hao, Chao Huang, Y eugene Chin. Acetylation-dependent glutamate receptor GluR signalosome formation for STAT3 activation in both transcriptional and metabolism regulation.Cell Death Discovery, 2021, 7:11.

5. Xiaju Cheng, Rui Sun, Huawei Xia, Jianan Ding, Ling Yin, Zhifang Chai, Haibin Shi*, Mingyuan Gao*.Light-triggered Crosslinking of Gold Nanoparticles for Remarkably Improved Radiation Therapy and Computed Tomography Imaging of Tumors.Nanomedicine, 2019, 22(14), 2941-2955.

6. Xiaju Cheng#, Xiaohu Ni#, Renfei Wu, Yu Chong, Xingfa Gao, Cuicui Ge*, Junjie Yin*. Evaluation of the structure-activity relationship of carbon nanomaterials as antioxidants.Nanomedicine, 2018, 13(7): 733~747.

7. Erdong Li#,Xiaju Cheng#, Yaoyao Deng, Jing Zhu, Xiaoding Xu*, Phei Er Saw, Hongwei Gu*, Cuicui Ge*, Yue Pan*. Fabrication of PEGylated Fe@Bi2S3 nanocomposites for dual-mode imaging and synergistic thermoradiotherapy.Biomatetials Science, 2018, 6(7): 1892~1898.

8. Xiaju Cheng, Rui Sun, Ling Yin, Zhifang Chai, Haibin Shi*, Mingyuan Gao*.Light-triggered Assembly of Gold Nanoparticles for Photothermal Therapy and PhotoacousticImaging of Tumours In Vivo.Advanced Materials, 2017, 6(29), 1604894.

9. Xiaju Cheng#, Yuan Yong#, Yiheng Dai, Xin Song, Gang Yang, Yue Pan*, Cuicui Ge*. Enhanced Radiotherapy using Bismuth Sulfide Nanoagents Combined with Photo-thermal Treatment,Theranostics, 2017, 7(17): 4087~4098.

10. Xiaju Cheng#, Xin Tian#, Anqing Wu, Jianxiang Li*, Jian Tian, Yu Chong, Zhifang Chai, Yuliang Zhao, Chunying Chen, Cuicui Ge*.Protein Corona Influences Cellular Uptake of Gold Nanoparticles by Phagocytic and Nonphagocytic Cells in a Size-Dependent Manner.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(37): 20568~20575.

11. Yuan Yong,Xiaju Cheng,Tao Bao, Mian Zu, Liang Yan, Wenyan Yin, Cuicui Ge, Dongliang Wang, Zhanjun Gu*, Yuliang Zhao*. Tungsten Sulfide Quantum Dots as Multifunctional Nanotheranostics for in Vivo Dual-Modal Imaging-Guided Photothermal/Radiotherapy Synergistic Therapy.ACS nano, 2015, 9(12): 12451-12463.


1. 史海斌,高明远,程侠菊,孙瑞。紫外光介导的纳米颗粒自组装聚集体、其制备方法和应用,专利号:201610723117.1,已授权

2. 史海斌,高明远,程侠菊,孙瑞。叶酸修饰的金纳米颗粒及其制备方法与在制备放射增敏治疗药物中的应用,专利号:201810172584.9,已授权

3. 史海斌,高明远,程侠菊,孙瑞。紫外光介导的纳米颗粒自组装聚集体和应用,专利号:201910351907.5,已授权

4. 秦樾,程侠菊,裴剑锋,陈福贤。一种靶向免疫节点PD-1SHP-2互作的先导化合物及其应用,专利号:202010298729.7,已授权


1. 2020年高等学校优秀教育成果奖(科学技术)一等奖,排9

2. 2016-2017年度苏州市自然科学优秀论文二等奖,排1

