


刘腾,www.优德88.cpm 放射医学与防护学院研究员。2012年获得www.优德88.cpm 化学学士学位,2017年获得www.优德88.cpm 化学博士学位,同年进入苏州科技大学任讲师一职2020年入职www.优德88.cpm任职助理研究员,2021年任职副研究员主要致力于纳米材料及其复合物的设计与合成,并研究它们在生物医学中的应用(生物成像、药物装载、肿瘤治疗、免疫治疗等)。在高水平期刊上发表论文30余篇,包括Adv Mater,ACS Nano, J. Control. Release等。






3、江苏省高等学校自然www.优德88.cpm 面上项目,二维二硫化钼/贵金属纳米复合结构在癌症诊疗中的应用,18KJB4300242018/09-2020/08,主持


1. Z. Qi, P. Pei, Y. Zhang, H. Chen, S. Yang,T. Liu*, Y. Zhang*, K. Yang*.131I-αPD-L1 immobilized by bacterial cellulose for enhanced radio immunotherapy of cancer. J. Control. Release, 2022, 346, 240-249.

2. R. Zhang,T. Liu*, W. Li, Z. Ma, P. Pei, W. Zhang, K. Yang*, Y. Tao*. Tumor microenvironment responsive BSA nanocarriers for combined chemo/chemodynamic cancer therapy.J. Nanobiotechnol., 2022, 20 (1), 1-15.

3. Y. Tao#, Y. Sun#, K. Shi, P. Pei, F. Ge, K. Yang* andT. Liu*. Versatile labeling of multiple radionuclides onto a nanoscale metal organic framework for tumor imaging and radioisotope therapy.Biomater. Sci., 2021, 9 (8), 2947-2954.

4. H. Zhou, Z. Qi, P. Pei, W. Shen, Y. Zhang, K. Yang, L. Sun*,T. Liu*. Biocompatible nanomicelles for sensitive detection and photodynamic therapy of early-stage cancer.Biomater. Sci., 2021, 9 (18), 6227-6235.

5. T.Liu*, S. Shen, Y. Huang, X. Zhang, Z. Lai, T. Tran, Z. Liu, L. Cheng*. Controllable growth of Au nanostructures onto MoS2nanosheets for dual-modal imaging and photothermal-radiation combined therapy,Nanoscale,2019, 11(47): 22788-22795

6. T. Liu*, Z. Liu*. 2D MoS2Nanostructures for Biomedical Applications,Adv. Healthc. Mater.2018, 7(8): 1701158

7. T. Liu, Y. Chao, M. Gao, C. Liang, Q. Chen, G. Song, L. Cheng*, Z. Liu*. Ultra-small MoS2nanodots with rapid body clearance for photothermal cancer therapy,Nano Res.,2016, 9(10): 3003-3017

8. T. Liu, S. Shi, C. Liang, S. Shen, L. Cheng, C. Wang, X. Song, S. Goel, T. Barnhart, W. Cai*, Zhuang Liu*. Iron Oxide Decorated MoS2Nanosheets with Double PEGylation for Chelator-free Radiolabeling and Multimodal Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy,ACS Nano, 2015, 9 (1), 950-960

9. T. Liu, C. Wang, W. Cui, H. Gong, C. Liang, X. Shi, Z. Li, B. Sun, Z. Liu*. Combined Photothermal and Photodynamic Therapy Delivered by PEGylated MoS2Nanosheets,Nanoscale, 2014, 6, 11219-11225

10. T. Liu, C. Wang, X. Gu, H. Gong, L. Cheng, X.Shi, L. Feng, B. Sun, Z. Liu*. Drug Delivery with PEGylated MoS2Nanosheets for Combined Photothermal and Chemotherapy of Cancer,Adv. Mater., 2014, 26 (21), 3433-3440

(* corresponding authors,equal contribution authors)