


通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号, 邮编215123


王璐瑶,现任www.优德88.cpm 医学部放射医学与防护学院讲师。2009年获得华中科技大学生物医学工程专业学士学位,2015年获得华中科技大学生物医学工程专业博士学位。作为主要人员参与了科技部863计划、国家科技支撑计划国家自然科学基金等多个项目,目前已发表SCIEI论文13篇。





1. Wei Zhao, Tianye Niu, Lei Xing, Yaoqing Xie, Guanglei Xiong, Kimberly Elmore, Jun Zhu,Luyao Wang, James K Min. Using edge-preserving algorithm with non-local mean for significantly improved image-domain material decomposition in dual-energy CT, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2016, 61(3): 1332-1351.

2.Luyao Wang, Jun Zhu, Xiao Liang, Ming Niu, Xiaoke Wu, Chien-Min Kao, Heejong Kim, Qingguo Xie. Performance evaluation of the Trans-PET? BioCaliburn? LH system: a large FOV small-animal PET system, Physics in Medicine and Biology, 2014, 60(1): 137-150.

3. Jun Zhu,Luyao Wang, Chien-Min Kao, Heejong Kim, Qingguo Xie. Performance evaluation of the Trans-PET? BioCaliburn? SH system, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2015, 777: 148-153.

4. Qingguo Xie, Yuanbao Chen, Jun Zhu, Jingjing Liu, Xi Wang, Wei Liu, Xin Chen, Ming Liu, Zhongyi Wu, Daoming Xi,Luyao Wang, Peng Xiao, Chin-Tu Chen, Chien-Min Kao. Implementation of LYSO/PSPMT block detector with all digital DAQ system, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 2013, 60(3): 1487-1494.

5.Rong Yuan, Ming Luo,Luyao Wang, Qingguo Xie. A web-based procedure for liver segmentation in CT images, in Conference Record of 2015 SPIE Medical Imaging, 2015: p. 94143F-94143F-6.

6. Rong Yuan, Ming Luo, Shaofa Wang,Luyao Wang, Qingguo Xie. A method for automatic liver segmentation from multi-phase contrast-enhanced CT images, in Conference Record of 2014 SPIE Medical Imaging, 2014: p. 90353H-90353H-6.

7. Qing Xiong, Rong Yuan,Luyao Wang, Yanchun Wang, Zhen Li, Daoyu Hu, Qingguo Xie. A method for quickly and exactly extracting hepatic vein, in Conference Record of 2013 SPIE Medical Imaging, 2013: p. 867029-867029-6.

8. Shuguo Gu, Jingjing Liu, Qingguo Xie,Luyao Wang. An improved fuzzy C-Means algorithm for unbalanced sized clusters, in Conference Record of 2012 SPIE Medical Imaging, 2012: p. 83143F-83143F-6. (Corresponding author).

9.Luyao Wang, Jingjing Liu, Rong Yuan, Shuguo Gu, Long Yu, Zhitao Li, Yanzhao Li, Zhen Li, Qingguo Xie, Daoyu Hu. Implementation of an Interactive Liver Surgery Planning System, in Conference Record of 2011 SPIE Medical Imaging, 2011: p. 79641K-79641K-7.








1.湖北省技术发明奖 一等奖,2013.12,第4排名
