


现为www.优德88.cpm 医学部放射医学与防护学院副教授20157月毕业于清华大学工程物理系,获得核科学与技术工学博士学位。在美博士后期间从事宇宙射线风险评估研究,主要研究内容为开发高能宇宙射线蒙特卡罗程序以及宇航员太空旅行风险评估模型,并参与火星计划宇航员风险评估项目,此后在美国西南医学研究中心从事医学物理相关专业,主要研究方向为蒙特卡罗程序开发及相关应用、DNA损伤模拟研究、剂量计算、肿瘤生长及对辐射的响应研究、GPU加速计算等方向。国内外发表学术论文20多篇,同时担任Physics in Medicine and BiologyAnnals of Nuclear Energy等期刊的审稿人,参与编写《载人航天辐射医学》、《核与辐射事故应急医学救援教程》、《简明放射医学》等教材。





  1. Yujie Chi, Youfang Lai,Congchong Yan, Minyu Tsai, Xun Jia. Sensitivity of DNA Damage to Variance of Simulation Parameters in Microscopic Monte Carlo Simulation, Biophysical Journal, 2020, 118 (3), 301a.

  2. 闫聪冲,邱睿,谢文章,李春艳,武祯,李君利.低能电子致DNA链断裂的纳剂量蒙特卡罗模拟[J].强激光与粒子束, 2013, 25(1): 153-157.

  3. 闫聪冲,邱睿,刘立业,曾志,张斌全,李君利.中国参考人数字体素体模及其在辐射防护领域的应用[J].清华大学学报:自然科学版, 2012, 52(7): 911-916.

  4. Youfang Lai, Minyu Tsai, Zhen Tian, Nan Qin,Congchong Yan, SH Hung, Yujie Chi, Xun Jia.A new opensource GPUbased microscopic Monte Carlo simulation tool for the calculations of DNA damages caused by ionizing radiationPart II:Sensitivityand uncertainty analysis. Medical physics, 2020, 47 (4), 1971-1982.

  5. Minyu Tsai, Zhen Tian, Nan Qin,Congchong Yan, SH Hung, Yujie Chi, Xun Jia.A new opensource GPUbased microscopic Monte Carlo simulation tool for the calculations of DNA damages caused by ionizing radiationPart I: Core algorithm and validation. Medical physics, 2020, 47 (4), 1958-1970.

  6. Congchong Yan, Min-Yu Tsai, Zhen Tian, Nan Qin, Xun Jia. DNA Geometrical Model for Microscopic Monte Carlo Simulation on Early DNA Damage in a Lymphocyte Cell Nucleus. Oral presentation, American Association of Physicists Medicine Annul meeting 2018.

  7. Congchong Yan, Eliedonna E Cacao, Francis A Cucinotta. Mixed Field Effects, Radiation Quality and Harderian Gland Tumor Dose Response in the Spread Out Bragg Peak. Conference proceedings of the 63rd Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting, 2017.

  8. Congchong Yan, Junli Li, Michael Dingfelder. Calculation of cross sections of low-energy electrons in liquid water, Conference proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Microdosimetry, 2013.

  9. Francis A. Cucinotta,Congchong Yan. Helium and Heavy Ion Absorption and Fragmentation Cross Sections and Transport Descriptions in the GERMCode. Committee on Space Research 2018 meeting.

  10. Francis A. Cucinotta,Congchong Yan, and Premkumar B. Saganti. 2nd-order optical model of the isotopic dependence of heavy ion absorption cross sections for radiation transport studies. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 414, 11–17(2017).

  11. Junli Li, Chunyan Li, Rui Qiu,Congchong Yan, Wenzhang Xie, Zhen Wu, Zhi Zeng and Chuanjong Tung. DNA strand breaks induced by electrons simulated with Nanodosimetry Monte Carlo Simulation Code: NASIC, 2015, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 166(1-4), 38-43(2015).

  12. Junli Li, Chunyan Li, Rui Qiu,Congchong Yan, Wen-Zhang Xie, Zhi Zeng, Chuan-Jong Tung. Comparison of direct DNA strand breaks induced by low energy electrons with different inelastic cross sections. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 311, 27–36(2013).

