




报 告 主 题:数字孪生技术在自动驾驶船舶中的应用(Digital Twins in Autonomous Vessels)

报 告 背 景:


Digitalization has become a key aspect of making maritime industries more innovative, efficient, and fit for future operations. One of the most attractive aspects is the concept of digital twins , which refers to digital replicas of physical assets, processes, and systems that can be used as advanced tools for design, operation, and maintenance. This presentation introduces the development of the digital twin of the research vessel (RV) Gunnerus in Norway, which will be a significant scientific and operational achievement for the maritime industry, making efficient and safe offshore operations possible. It enables data exchange safely and easily among different subsystems, modules, and various applications. Thus, the twin ship can provide an integrated view of the ship’s various physical and behavioral aspects in different stages and allow simultaneous optimization of functional performance requirements. In addition, it enables advanced control and optimization, e.g., creating more reliable prediction for flexible objectives (time, output, emissions, fuel consumption), and executing day-ahead and long-term planning for operations. Several related applications are presented in the end to confirm the effectiveness of the digital twin ship system.


张厚祥 院士

挪威科技大学教授,挪威皇家科学院、工程院双院院士,负责多项欧盟研究理事会,挪威研究理事会,德国研究理事会项目,经费总额约合人民币 4 亿元。张厚祥教授目前担任 IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, EEE/ASME Transactionsons on Mechatronics,IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters,以及 IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine 副主编。开发的产品被劳斯莱斯,康斯伯,挪威 OSC,DIPAI 等公司采用,获得了极高的产业转换价值。张教授目前担任挪威科技大学海洋操作与土木工程系科研系主任,培养了 16 名博士,多名硕士,教育成就斐然。