Base for Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities

Base for Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities

Base for Introducing Talents of Discipline to Universities

- Functional Optical Nanomaterials

(National ‘111 Project’)

‘Base for Introducing of Talents of Discipline to Universities - Functional Optical Nanomaterials’ wasselected in the National 111 Project in 2016. The base is led by Professor Xiaohong Zhang, with threeinternational academic masters, 13 international professorsand 14 domestic professors.

Functional optical nanomaterials with excellent opticaland/or photoelectric properties are critical materials for thedevelopment of information, energy, biomedical and otherapplications. It is not only the major demand of nationalhigh-tech industry, but also an important research frontier ofmaterials science. 'Base for Introducing Talents of Discipline toUniversities - Functional Optical Nanomaterials' will focus onoriginal and creative research, strive to break through in theapplication of functional optical nanomaterials, and greatlyenhance the international influence of the base. It will carry outscientific research in three areas: structure design and controllable preparation for functional opticalnanomaterials, interface control and performance of functional optical nanomaterials, and the applications offunctional optical nanomaterials.

Deputy Administrator of State Administration of Foreign Experts Affairs Changkui Zhou’s Visit

(Editor: Xiaoyu Jin)

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