Highlighted by Chem. World: Siligraphene Gets Serious About Solar Cells


Prof. Youyong Li’s research paper 'SiC7siligraphene: novel donor material with extraordinary sunlight absorption’' published in Nanoscale was highlighted by Chemistry World as title of ‘Siligraphene gets serious about solar cells’.

Link to the research highlight:http://www.rsc.org/chemistryworld/2016/03/siligraphene-graphene-silicene-hybrid-solar-cells-optoelectronic-material

Link to the paper:http://pubs.rsc.org/en/Content/ArticleLanding/2016/NR/C6NR00046K

Link to Prof. Youyong Li’s Group:http://funsom.suda.edu.cn/funsomen/c4/01/c3002a50177/page.htm

Editor: Danting Xiang

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