Academic Talk: A greener future: next generation tandem cells


Presenter:Professor Xiaojing Hao,FTSE, FAIP, ARC Future Fellow, School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering, UNSW.

Topic:A greener future: next generation tandem cells

Time:10:00 AM, Apri 18th(Thursday)



The development of high-efficiency silicon-based tandem cells is a promising solution for further LCOE reduction. To achieve a lower LCOE than Si cells, while with improved efficiency, the requirement for low degradation rate of Si tandems is critical (i.e. <2% degradation after the 1st year of operation and 0.5%/year afterwards). Additionally, to achieve terawatt-level PV deployment, the use of abundant and non-critical elements for the active layer, contacts, and other key components are needed. There is no confirmed ideal top cell solution yet, meeting all the requirements of stability, cost-effectiveness, non-toxicity, and high-efficiency. This talk will cover viable top cell options and their progress at UNSW.


Prof Xiaojing Hao obtained her PhD in the School of Photovoltaic and Renewable Energy Engineering of UNSW in 2010, and currently the Professor at UNSW. Prof Hao has focused her research on low-cost, high-efficiency thin film solar cells and tandem solar cells for more than ten years, researching on various energy materials, initially using Si, and then earth-abundant compound semiconductor materials such as chalcogenides and perovskite for both solar photovoltaic and solar fuel applications. Prof Hao now leads a strong group in the above areas, achieving a number of efficiency records on emerging thin film solar cells. Prof Hao has attracted >$40 million external competitive ARC and ARENA research grants and industry grants since 2011, published >200 peer-reviewed journal papers, including publications in Nature Energy, Nature Photonics, with several fellowships and awards for her research excellence, including 2020 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science: Malcolm McIntosh Prize for Physical Scientist of the Year, 2021 Australian Academy of Science Pawsey Medal.

Contact: Jun Peng

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