This centre was jointly established by Soochow University and Western University on Nov 13th, 2012. The vision of the centre is to be a global leader in interdisciplinary research and education in synchrotron radiation, to facilitate exchange and collaboration between the two universities in the area of synchrotron radiation research, and to enhance research capability and capacity in this and related areas by assembling a critical mass of expertise and resources. The centre provides a multi-disciplinary platform for materials research and the training of highly qualified personnel and provides on-going support for large-scale synchrotron radiation facilities.

The inaugural director of the Centre is Prof. Tsun-Kong Sham from Western University, who is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Officer of the Order of Canada. Prof. Xuhui Sun, Associate Dean of FUNSOM and CNST from Soochow University, serves as the Associate Director of the Centre. The centre is currently staffed by 9 faculty members from FUNSOM, Soochow University and 18 members from 7 departments of Western University.

Since it was started, five international workshops and one summer school on synchrotron radiation research have been held. Agreements on 2+2 Joint PhD Program and Undergraduate Exchange have been signed by both universities, through which 17 students have been benefitted. An Advanced Materials Soft X-rays Beamline for Energy Research is being built and will be open for users in 2018.

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Opening Ceremony

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5th Bilateral Workshop

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Summer School

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