Academic Talk: In-situ Ultrafast Carrier Dynamics in Emerging Low-dimensional Materials


PresenterProf. Jianbo GaoBrock University)

TopicIn-situUltrafast Carrier Dynamics in Emerging Low-dimensional Materials

Time3:30 pm, June 6th(Tuesday)



The understanding of ultrafast carrier dynamics is the foundation of quantum materials applications in renewable energy, nanotechnology, and quantum information and technology. To reveal the ultrafast dynamics, the majority research groups rely on classic ultrafast optical spectroscopies such as pump-probe transient absorption spectroscopy and time-resolved photoluminescence. Although these non-contact photon-in and photon-out approaches have made revolutionary discoveries, which have been demonstrated by our pioneers’ work in Femtochemistry (Zewail, 1999), super resolution microscopy (Hell, 2014), and chirped pulsed amplification (Strickland, 2018), they lack anin-situfeature for characterizing building block devices such as solar cells, LEDs, photoconductors, transistors, etc.. In this talk, I will highlight the ultrafast photocurrent spectroscopy that we have developed to bridge the gap between classic optical spectroscopies and carrier dynamicsin-situdevices. In particular, I will focus on quantum materials including perovskite nanocrystals and 2D layer transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC). Because of their unique quantum confinement effect, leading to the novel phenomena such as hot carrier andexciton condensation, the understanding of ultrafast dynamicsmay lead to next generation hot carrier solar cells and room temperature superconductors.


Image result for jianbo gaoCurrently, Dr. Jianbo Gao is an assistant professor in the Department of Chemistry at Brock University, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Gao received MSc from Jilin University under the supervision of Zhankui Jiang. Then Dr. Gao moved to oversee and received a Ph.D. degree from the University of Alberta (2009), Dr. Gao had postdoc trainings at the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (2009-2013), the Los Alamos National Laboratory (2013-2014), and the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, and Chemistry at University of California, Berkeley (2014-2017).From 2017-2022, Dr. Gao was an assistant professor at Clemson University and lead a unique research direction to bridge the gap between ultrafast dynamics with novel device application.

Dr. Gao’s research interests include A) novel ultrafast carrier dynamics of quantum materials; B) next generation quantum devices application in renewable energy and optical quantum communication; and C) nanomaterials synthesis. His research is highly interdisciplinary and is at the interface of Materials Physics, Materials Sciences and Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Chemistry.

Contact:Zeke Liu

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