法国巴黎索邦大学 Zhuoying Chen教授 7月18日上午学术报告


PresenterZhuoying Chen (ESPCI Paris/CNRS/Sorbonne Université)

TopicNano and Hybrid Materials for Optoelectronic Applications

Time9:30 AM, July 18th (Thursday)



In this talk, I will present a few results of our group by applying bottom-up designed nanocrystals/nanoparticles and/or organic-inorganic hybrid materials for different solution-processed optoelectronic applications. The first part involves short-wave-infrared photon sensing by the photothermal effect of colloidal metallic nanoparticles.This will be further extended to near-ambient energy harvesting by the creation of flexible and wearable thermoelectric generators boosted by photothermal nanoparticles.The second part involves our recent investigations on bottom-up methods towards more efficient and more stable perovskite solar cells (PSCs). These methods include interfacial passivation,the application of nanostructured transport layer,and the synergetic boosting by colloidal luminescent carbon quantum dots.


Dr. Z. Chen (HDR, Habilitationàdiriger des recherches) has a multi-disciplinary scientific background and she is currently focusing on various research projects on the application of colloidal and hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials. During her PhD thesis at Columbia University (New York), she was trained as a material scientist focusing on colloidal synthesis and meta-material formation. She moved to the field of organic electronics for post-doctoral training and she studied charge transport and device physics in the Cavendish Laboratory of University of Cambridge (Prof. Henning Sirringhaus). Since October 2010 Chen was recruited by the CNRS (National Scientific Research Center, France) as a tenured research scientist. Since then she has been working on the optoelectronic applications of solution-processed colloidal nanocrystals and hybrid organic-inorganic systems.

ContactProf. Sun Baoquan

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