冯敏强 教授


冯敏强(Roy Man-Keung Fung)


1997年毕业于香港城市大学物理及材料科学系,获得一等荣誉理学学士学位;1999年及2003年分别获得香港城市大学物理及材料科学系哲学硕士及哲学博士学位。2003年至2013年在香港城市大学从事OLED显示及照明研究工作。20141月加入www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质研究院(FUNSOM)为特聘教授,博士生导师。同时担任FUNSOM产业化基地有机光电技术研究所(IOO)研发中心主任。


联系电话: +(86)-512-65883657


ORCID ID:0000-0003-3447-9673

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  1. 高效能及长工作寿命的白光OLED照明

  2. OLED汽车尾灯开发

  3. 硅基OLED微显示

  4. 光提取技术

  5. 柔性光电器件及其薄膜封装技术

  6. 钙钛矿LED/太阳能电池


Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.等期刊发表SCI论文超过120篇,引用次数超过4000次,H-index34Scopus/ 37GS),申请专利超过50件(授权26件),在国际会议或研讨会上做特邀学术报告超过20次。主持和参与国家重点研发计划、国家自然科学基金、江苏省重点研发计划、江苏省自然基金项目等项目。个人荣誉包括江苏省"六大人才高峰"、江苏省双创团队苏州市紧缺高层次人才苏州市欧美同学会十佳创新先锋"、"吴江区科技领军人才"。





[1] Q.W. Liu, S. Liu, S.Q. Sun, W. Luo, Y.J. Zhang, L.S. Liao,M.K. Fung*, Interfacial engineering for highly efficient quasi-two dimensional organic–inorganic hybrid perovskite light-emitting diodes,J. Mater. Chem. C2019,DOI: 10.1039/c8tc06490c.

[2] S.Q. Sun, X.C. Hua, Q.W. Liu, T.T. Wang, W. Luo, Y.J. Zhang, L.S. Liao,M.K. Fung*, “Influence of a lecithin additive on the performance of all-inorganic perovskite light-emitting diodes”,J. Mater. Chem. C., 2019, 7, 2905-2910.

[3] D.Y. Liu, Y. Li, J.Y. Yuan*, Q.M. Hong, G.Z. Shi, D.X. Yuan, J. Wei, C.C. Huang, J.X. Tang andM.K. Fung*, “Improved performance of inverted planar perovskite solar cells with F4-TCNQ doped PEDOT:PSS hole transport layers,”J. Mater. Chem. A., 2017, 5, 5701-5708.


[4] J.G. Zhou X.C. Hua, Y.K. Chen, Y.Y. Ma, C.C. Huang, Y.D. Wang,M.K. Fung*, Nano-modified indium tin oxide incorporated with ideal microlens array for light extraction of OLED,J. Mater. Chem. C2019, 7, 3958-3964.

[5] Y.Y. Ma, X.C. Hua, T.S. Zhai, Y.H. Li, X. Lu, S. Duhm,M.K. Fung*, “Doped copper phthalocyanine via an aqueous solution process for high-performance organic light-emitting diodes”,Org. Electronics, 2019, 68, 236-241.

[6] J.G. Zhou, X.C. Hua, C.C. Huang, Q. Sun,M.K. Fung*, Ideal microlens array based on polystyrene microspheres for light extraction in organic light-emitting diodes,Org. Electronics2019, 69, 348-353.

[7] Y.M. Xie, Q. Sun, T. Zhu, L.S. Cui, F. Liang, S.W. Tsang,M.K. Fung*, and L.S. Liao*, “Solution processable small molecule based organic light-emitting devices prepared by dip-coating method”,Org. Electronics, 2018, 55, 1-5.

[8] S.H. Li, S.F. Wu, Y.K. Wang, J.J. Liang, Q. Sun, C.C. Huang, J.C. Wu, L.S. Liao andM.K. Fung*, “Management of excitons for highly efficient organic light-emitting diodes with reduced triplet exciton quenching: synergistic effects of exciplex and quantum well structure,J. Mater. Chem. C., 2018, 6, 342-349.

[9] S.F. Wu, S.H. Li, Y.K. Wang, C.C. Huang, Q. Sun, J.J. Liang, L.S. Liao,M.K. Fung*, “White Organic LED with a Luminous Efficacy Exceeding 100 lm W-1 without Light Out-Coupling Enhancement Techniques”,Adv. Funct. Mater.,2017, 27, 1701314-1701322.

[10] Y.H. Li, X. Lu, R.B. Wang, Y.Y. Ma, S. Duhm,M.K. Fung*,Cu-Doped nickel oxide prepared using a low-temperature combustion method as a hole-injection layer for high-performance OLEDs”,J. Mater. Chem. C., 2017, 5, 11751-11757.

[11] Q. Sun, L.S. Cui, Y.M. Xie, J.J. Liang, Z.Q. Jiang, L.S. Liao*,M.K. Fung*,“Aminoborane-based bipolar host material for blue and white-emitting electrophosphorescence devices”,Org. Electronics, 2017, 48, 112-117.

[12]M.K. Fung, Y.Q. Li, L.S. Liao*, “Tandem Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”,Adv. Mater., 2016, 28, 10381-10408.

[13] S.F. Wu, S.H. Li, Q. Sun, C.C. Huang,M.K. Fung*, “Highly Efficient White Organic Light-Emitting Diodes with Ultrathin Emissive Layers and a Spacer-Free Structure”,Sci. Rep-UK., 2016, 6.


[14] X.Y. Liu, Y.J. Zhang, X.Y. Fei, Q. Ran,M.K. Fung* and J. Fan*,Diazaspirocycles: novel platforms for efficient phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes”,J. Mater. Chem. C., 2019, 7, 1370-1378.

[15] Xiyu Fei, Yi-Jie Zhang, Xiang-Yang Liu,Man-Keung Fung*, Jian Fan*, A series of fluorenone-carbazole based regioisomers as bipolar host materials for efficient organic light emitting diodes,Tetrahedron2019, 75, 2664-2669.

[16] X.Y. Liu, Y.J. Zhang, X.Y. Fei,M.K. Fung* and J. Fan*, “Dispirocycles: Novel Platforms for Construction of High-Performance Host Materials for Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes,Chem-Eur J.”, 2019, DOI:10.1002/chem.201806207.

[17] M. Li, S.H. Li, D.D. Zhang, M.H. Cai, L. Duan,M.K. Fung*, and C.F. Chen*, “Stable Enantiomers Displaying Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence: Efficient OLEDs with Circularly Polarized Electroluminescence”,Angew. Chem. Int. Edit., 2018, 57, 2889-2893.

[18] D. L. Zhao, C.C. Huang, X.Y. Liu, B. Song, L. Ding,M.K. Fung* and J. Fan*, “Efficient OLEDs with saturated yellow and red emission based on rigid tetradentate Pt(II) complexes”,Org. Electronics, 2018, 62, 542-547.

[19] Y. K. Wang, C.C. Huang, S. Kumar, S.H. Li, Z.L. Dong,M.K. Fung*, Z.Q. Jiang* and L.S. Liao, “Thermally activated delayed fluorescence sensitizer for D-A-A type emitters with orange-red light emission”,J. Mater. Chem. C., 2018, 6, 10030-10035.

[20] X.Y. Liu, Y.Y. Ma, W.J. Zhang, B. Song, L. Ding,M.K. Fung* and J. Fan*, “A Novel Linking Strategy of Using 9,10-Dihydroacridine to Construct Efficient Host Materials for Red Phosphorescent Organic Light-Emitting Diodes”,Chem-Eur J., 2018, 24, 11755-11762.

[21] W.K. Hu, S.H. Li, X.F. Ma, S.X. Zhou, Q.F. Zhang, J.Y. Xu, P. Shi, B.H. Tong*,M.K. Fung*, and L.S. Fu*, “Blue-to-green electrophosphorescence from iridium(III) complexes with cyclometalated pyrimidine ligands”,Dyes Pigments, 2018, 150, 284-292.

[22] J. Li, Y.H. Li, Y. Zhao, X.Y. Liu,M.K. Fung* and J. Fan*,Naphthalene-based host materials for highly efficient red phosphorescent OLEDs at low doping ratios”,Org. Electronics, 2018, 54, 140-147.

[23] M.M. Xue, C.C. Huang, Y. Yuan, Y.X. Zhang,M.K. Fung* and L.S. Liao*, “A novel electron-acceptor moiety as a building block for efficient donor-acceptor based fluorescent organic lighting-emitting diodes”,Chem. Commun., 2017, 53, 263-265.

[24] M.M. Xue, C.C. Huang, Y. Yuan, L.S. Cui, Y.X. Li, B. Wang, Z.Q. Jiang*,M.K. Fung*, L.S. Liao*, “De Novo Design of Boron-Based Host Materials for Highly Efficient Blue and White Phosphorescent OLEDs with Low Efficiency Roll-Off”,ACS Appl. Mater. & Inter., 2016, 8, 20230-20236.

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