何乐 教授



教授 博士生导师

2008年于南京大学获得学士学位,2013年于美国加州大学河滨分校获得化学博士学位。20132015年在加拿大多伦多大学从事博士后研究。20159月加入www.优德88.cpm 功能纳米与软物质研究院,被聘为教授、博士生导师。入选国家级青年人才计划、江苏省“双创计划”、江苏省“333人才工程”第二层次、江苏省优青、江苏省六大人才高峰高层次人才。202311月起担任www.优德88.cpm 科学技术研究院院长。


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  • Nat. EnergyNat. Commun.Acc. Chem. ResAdv. Mater.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.JouleNano Lett.等期刊发表文章110篇,论文总引用6000余次,SCI H-index43已获授权美国发明专利2项,国内发明专利8项;撰写国际专著三部(章);受邀担任30余个国际主流学术期刊审稿人。

  • 加入www.优德88.cpm 以来,以通讯作者在Nat. EnergyNat. Commun.Adv. Mater.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.JouleACS Nano等国际杂志发表论文50余篇。

  • 1名博士毕业生获江苏省优秀博士论文,1名博士毕业生入选博新计划,4名博士毕业生获江苏省卓越博士后计划


  • 2022江苏省“333人才工程”第二层次

  • 20212021年中美化学与化学生物学教授联合会 “杰出教授奖”

  • 2021Journal of Materials Chemistry C Emerging Investigator

  • 2020江苏省优秀青年基金获得者

  • 2020IFAM第六届优秀青年学者论坛优秀报告奖

  • 2019江苏省双创团队成员

  • 2017“江苏省六大人才高峰”高层次人才

  • 2017苏州市高新区创业领军人才

  • 2016江苏省双创博士

  • 2015加拿大班廷博士后奖学金





Selective publications after joining FUNSOM:

  1. Song, R.; Zhao, G.; Restrepo-Florez, J. M.; Viasus, C. J.; Chen, Z.; Ai, C.; Wang, A.; Jing, D.; Tountas, A. A.; Mao, C.; Li, C.; Shen, J.; Cai, G.; Qiu, C.; Ye, J.; Fu, Y.; Wang, L.; Sun, J.; Xu, Y.-F.; Li, Z.; Nguyen, N. T.; Maravelias, C.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*; Ozin, G. A.*, Solar Ethene: Selective Photocatalytic Dehydrogenation of Ethane,Nat. Energy,2024, In Press. (equal contribution)

  2. Xiao, Y.; Feng, K.; Dawson, G.; Tolstoy, V. P.; An, X.*; Li, C.*;He, L.*, A feasible interlayer strategy for simultaneous light and heat management in photothermal catalysis,iScience,2024, In Press.

  3. Hu, X.; Zhu, Z.; Zhou, Y.; Liu, S.; Wu, C.; Wang, J.; Shen, Y.; Yan, T.; Zhang, L.; Chen, J.; Feng, K.; Genest, A.; Rupprechter, G.; An, X.*; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Enhanced photochemical eects of plasmonic cluster catalysts through aggregated nanostructures,Green Chem.,2024, In Press. (equal contribution)

  4. Wang, J.; Zhu, Z.; Feng, K.; Liu, S.; Zhou, Y.; Urooj, I.; He, J.; Wu, Z.; Shen, J.; Hu, X.; Chen, Z.; Dong, X.; Sohail, M.; Ma, Y.; Chen, J.; Li, C.*; An, X.*;He, L.*, Anisotropic Plasmon Resonance Enables Spatially Controlled Photothermal and Photochemical Effects in Hot Carrier-Driven Catalysis,Chin. J. Chem.,2024, In Press. (equal contribution)

  5. Zhang, L.; An, X.; Feng, K.; Li, J.; Liu, J.; Chen, J.; Li, C.*; Zhang, X.*;He, L.*, Non-Photochemical Origin of Selectivity Difference between Light and Dark Catalytic Conditions,ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,2024,16, 21987–21996. (equal contribution)

  6. Zhong, B.; Cai, M.; Liu, S.; He, J.; Wang, J.; Feng, K.; Tolstoy, V. P.; Jiang, L.; Li, C.*; An, X.*;He L.*, Modulation of the Structure-function Relationship of the “nano-greenhouse effect” towards Optimized Supra-photothermal Catalysis,Chem. Asian J.,2024,19,e202301077. (equal contribution)

  7. Zhang, C.; Wu, Z.; Shen, J.;He, L.*; Sun, W.*, Silicon Nanostructure Arrays: An Emerging Platform for Photothermal CO2Catalysis,Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin.,2024,40, 2304004. (equal contribution)

  8. Cai, M.; Li, C.; An, X.; Zhong, B.; Zhou, Y.; Feng, K.; Wang, S.; Zhang, C.; Xiao, M.; Wu, Z.; He, J.; Wu, C.; Shen, J.; Zhu, Z.; Feng, K.; Zhong, J.;He, L.*, Supra-photothermal CO2methanation over greenhouse-like plasmonic superstructures of ultra-small cobalt nanoparticles,Adv. Mater.,2024,36, 2308859. (equal contribution)

  9. Zhu, Z.; Tang, R.; Li, C.*; An, X.*;He, L.*, Promises of Plasmonic Antenna-Reactor Systems in Gas-Phase CO2Photocatalysis,Adv. Sci.,2023,10, 2302568. (equal contribution)

  10. Xi, Y.; Cai, M.; Wu, Z.; Zhu, Z.; Shen, J.; Zhang C.; Tang, R.; An, X.*; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Identication of photochemical effects in Ni-based photothermal catalysts,Chin. J. Struct. Chem.,2023,42, 100071. (equal contribution)

  11. Wu, Z.; Shen, J.; Li, C.; Zhang, C.; Wu, C.; Li, Z.; An, X.*;He, L.*, Niche Applications of MXene Materials in Photothermal Catalysis,Chemistry,2023,5, 492-510. (equal contribution)

  12. Wu, Z.; Shen, J.; Li, C.*; Zhang, C.; Feng, K.; Wang, Z.; Wang, X.; Meira, D.; Cai, M.; Zhang, D.; Wang, S.; Chu, M.; Chen, J.; Xi, Y.; Zhang, L.; Sham, T.; Genest, A.; Rupprechter, G.; Zhang, X.*;He, L.*, Stabilization of Exposed Metal Nanocrystals in High-Temperature Heterogeneous Catalysis,ACS Nano,2023,17, 1550-1559. (equal contribution)

  13. Zhong, G.; Zhao, R.; Shi, Y.; Li, C.;He, L.*; He, L.; Huang, Y.*; Thermal Shock Synthesis of Carbon Nanotubes Supporting Small-sized Rhenium Nanoparticles for Efficient Electrocatalytic Hydrogen Evolution,Rare Met.,2023,42, 2166-2173.

  14. Zhu, Z.; Feng, K.; Li, C.*; Tang, R.; Xiao, M.; Song, R.; Yang, D.; Yan, B.*;He, L.*, Stabilization of Exposed Metal Nanocrystals in High-Temperature Heterogeneous Catalysis,Adv. Mater.2022,34, 2108727. (equal contribution)

  15. Wang, S.; Zhang, D.; Wang, W.; Zhong, J.; Feng, K.; Wu, Z.; Du, B.; He, J.; Li, Z.;He, L.*; Sun, W.*; Yang, D.*; Ozin, G.*, Grave-to-cradle Upcycling of Ni from Electroplating Wastewater to Photothermal CO2Catalysis,Nat. Commun.,2022,13, 5305.

  16. Zhang, C.; Kang, Q.; Chu, M.;He, L.*; Chen, J.*, Solar-Driven Catalytic Plastic Upcycling,Trends Chem.,2022,4, 822-834.

  17. Shen, X.; Li, C.*; Wu, Z.; Tang, R.; Shen, J.; Chu, M.; Xu, A.; Zhang, B.*;He, L.*; Zhang, X., Rationally Designed Nanoarray Catalysts for Boosted Photothermal CO2Hydrogenation,Nanoscale,2022,14, 11568-11574.

  18. Chen, Z.; Li, H.; Li, C.*; Liu, J.; Hua, W.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, C.; Xiao, M.; Xu, A.B.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, Shear-induced alignment of low-aspect-ratio nanorods for modulations of multiple optical properties,J. Mater. Chem. C,2022,10, 9478-9483

  19. Guo, J.*; Song, R.; Li, Z.; Pan, D.; Xie, H.; Ba, Y.; Xie, M.; Fan, S.; Yang, X.; Zhang, H.; Yu, H.; Zhang, S.; Du, J.*;He, L.*; Wang, L.*, Gold Decorated Hydroxyapatite–CeO2Enabled Surface Frustrated Lewis Pairs for CO Oxidation,Adv. Energy Sustainability Res.,2022,3, 2200106.

  20. Zhu, Z.; Hu, X.; An, X.; Xiao, M.; Zhang, L.; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Photothermal catalytic CO2hydrogenation with high activity and tailored selectivity over monodispersed Pd-Ni nanoalloys,Chem. Asian J.,2022,17, e202200993.

  21. Shen, J.; Tang, R.; Wu, Z.; Wang X.; Chu, M.; Cai, M.; Zhang, C.; Zhang, L.; Yin, K.;He, L.*; Li, C.*, Integrated Photothermal Nanoreactors for Efficient Hydrogenation of CO2,Trans. Tianjin Univ.2022,28, 236–244.

  22. Wang, X.; Zhu, Z.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, C.; Chen, Z.; Xiao, M.; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Preparation and Photothermal Catalytic Application of Powder-form Cobalt Plasmonic Superstructures.J. Inorg. Mater.,2022,37, 22-28.

  23. Cai, M.; Wu, Z.; Li, Z.; Wang, L.; Sun, W.; Tountas, A. A.; Li, C.; Wang, S.; Feng, K.; Xu, A. B.; Tang, S.; Tavasoli, A.; Peng, M.; Liu, W.; Helmy, A. S.;He, L.*; Ozin, G.*; Zhang, X.*, Greenhouse Inspired Supra-Photothermal CO2Catalysis,Nat. Energy2021,6,807-814. (equal contribution)

  24. Wu, Z.; Li, C.*; Li, Z.; Feng, K.; Cai, M.; Zhang, D.; Wang, S.; Chu, M.; Zhang, C.; Shen, J.; Huang, Z.; Xiao, Y.; Ozin, G.*; Zhang, X.*;He, L.*, Niobium and Titanium Carbides (MXenes) as Superior Photothermal Supports for CO2Photocatalysis,ACS Nano2021,15, 5696-5705.

  25. Feng, K.; Tian, J.; Guo, M.; Wang, Y.; Wang, S.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, J.;He, L.*; Yan, B.*, Experimentally unveiling the origin of tunable selectivity for CO2hydrogenation over Ni-based catalysts,Appl. Catal., B2021,292, 120191.

  26. Lou, D.; Zhu, Z.; Xu, Y. F.; Li, C.*; Feng, K.; Zhang, D.; Lv, K.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, C.; Ozin, G.*;He, L.*;Zhang, X., A Core-Shell Catalyst Design Boosts the Performance of Photothermal Reverse Water Gas Shift Catalysis,Sci. China Mater.2021,64, 2212-2220. (equal contribution)

  27. Tang, R.; Zhu, Z.; Li, C.*; Xiao, M.; Wu, Z.; Zhang, D.; Zhang, C.; Xiao, Y.; Chu, M.; Genest, A.; Rupprechter, G.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, X.*;He, L.*, Ru-Catalyzed Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction with Near-Unity Selectivity and Superior Stability,ACS Materials Lett.2021, in press.(equal contribution)

  28. Xiao, M.; Liu, J.*; Chen, Z.; Liu, W.; Zhang, C.; Yu, Y.; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Magnetic assembly and manipulation of Janus photonic crystal supraparticles from a colloidal mixture of spheres and ellipsoids,J. Mater. Chem. C2021,9, 11788-11793.

  29. Lou, D.; Xu, A.; Fang, Y.; Cai, M.; Lv, K.; Zhang, D.; Wang, X.; Huang, Y.*; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Cobalt-Sputtered Anodic Aluminum Oxide Membrane for Efficient Photothermal CO2hydrogenation,ChemNanoMat2021,7, 1008-1012.

  30. Shen, J.; Wu, Z.; Li, C.*; Zhang, C.; Genest, A.; Rupprechter, G.;He, L.*, Emerging applications of MXene materials in CO2photocatalysis,Flatchem2021,28, 100252. (equal contribution)

  31. Wu, Z.; Zhang, C.; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Research Progress on Magnetically Responsive Smart Optical Nanomaterials,Materials China2021,40, 1-10.

  32. Zhang, D.; Lv, K.; Li, C.; Fang, Y.; Wang, S.; Chen, Z.; Wu, Z.; Guan, W.; Lou, D.; Sun, W.*; Yang, D.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, All-Earth-Abundant Photothermal Silicon Platform for CO2Catalysis with Nearly 100% Sunlight Harvesting Ability,Solar RRL2021,5, 2000387. (equal contribution)

  33. Feng, K.; Wang, S.; Zhang, D.; Wang, L.; Yu, Y.; Feng, K.; Li, Z.; Zhu, Z.; Li, C.; Cai, M.; Wu, Z.; Kong, N.; Yan, B.; Zhong, J.*; Zhang, X.*; Ozin, G.*;He, L.*, Cobalt Plasmonic Superstructures Enable Almost 100% Broadband Photon Efficient CO2Photocatalysis,Adv. Mater.2020,32, 2000014. (equal contribution)

  34. Fang, Y.; Lv, K.; Li, Z.; Kong, N.; Wang, S.; Xu, A.B.; Wu, Z.; Jiang, F.; Li, C.*; Ozin, G.*;He, L.*, Solution-Liquid-Solid Growth and Catalytic Applications of Silica Nanorod Arrays,Adv. Sci.2020,7, 2000310. (equal contribution)

  35. Li, C.; Zhang, J.; Wang, S.; Zhu, Z.; Li, H.*; Xu, A. B.; Yu, Y.; Wang, X.; Yao, J.; Wang, L.*; Solovev, A. A.;He, L.*, Silica Nanocapsules with Unusual Shapes Accessed by Simultaneous Growth of the Template and Silica Nanostructure,Chem. Mater.2020,32, 575-581. (equal contribution)

  36. Cai, M; Li, C.*;He, L.*, Enhancing Photothermal CO2Catalysis by Thermal Insulating Substrates,Rare Met.2020,39, 881–886.

  37. Kong, N.; Han, B.; Li, Z.; Fang, Y.; Feng, K.; Wu, Z.; Wang, S.; Xu, A. B.; Yu, Y.; Li, C.*; Lin, Z.*;He, L.*, Ruthenium Nanoparticles Supported on Mg(OH)2Microflowers as Catalysts for Photothermal Carbon Dioxide Hydrogenation,ACS Appl. Nano Mater.2020,3, 3028-3033.

  38. Li, C.; Yu, Y.; Wang, L.*; Zhang, S.; Liu, J.; Zhang, J.; Xu, A.B.; Wu, Z.; Tong, J.; Wang, S; Xiao, M.; Fang, Y.; Yao, J.; Solovev, A. A.; Dong, B.;He, L.*, A step-by-step strategy for controlled preparations of complex heterostructured colloids,Chem. Mater.2019,31, 9513-9521. (equal contribution)

  39. Liu, J.; Xiao, M.; Li, C.*; Li, H.; Wu, Z.; Zhu, Q.; Tang, R.; Xu, A.B.;He, L.*, Rugby-ball-like photonic crystal supraparticles with non-close-packed structures and multiple magneto-optical responses,J. Mater. Chem. C2019,7, 15042-15048. (equal contribution)

  40. Zhang, B.; Jie, J.*; Shao. Z.; Huang, S.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, One-step growth of large-area silicon nanowire fabrics for high performance multifunctional wearable sensors,Nano Res.2019,12, 2723-2728.

  41. Li, H.; Li, C.; Sun, W.; Wang, Y.; Hua, W.; Liu, J.; Zhang, S.; Chen, Z.; Wang, S.; Wu, Z.; Zhu, Q.; Tang, R.; Yu, J.;He, L.*; Ozin, A. G.*;Zhang, X.*, Single-Stimulus-Induced Modulation of Multiple Optical Properties,Adv. Mater.2019,31, 1900388.(equal contribution)

  42. Li, C.; Yao, J.; Huang, Y.; Xu, C.; Lou, D.; Wu, Z.; Sun, W.; Zhang, S.; Li, Y.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, Salt-Templated Growth of Monodisperse Hollow Nanostructures,J. Mater. Chem. A2019,7, 1404-1409. (equal contribution)

  43. Wang, S.; Li, C.; Chen, Z.; Zhu, Z.; Zhu, Q.; Tang, R.; Sun, W.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, Anomalous effect of the aging degree on the ionic permeability of silica shells,RSC Adv.2018,8, 38499-38505.

  44. Zhang, S.; Li, C.; Zhang, J.; Yu, Y.; Zhou, H.; Tang, R.; Li, Y.; Yu, J.; Du, X.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, A general and mild route to highly dispersible anisotropic magnetic colloids for sensing weak magnetic fields,J. Mater. Chem. C2018,6, 5528-5535. (equal contribution)

  45. Wang, L.; Ghoussoub, M.; Wang, H.; Dong, Y.; Shao, Y.; Tountas, A.; Wood, T.; Li, H.; Sun, W.; Xia, M.; Li, Y.; Wang, S.; Jia, J.; Qiu, C.; Qian, C.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*; Ozin, G.*, Photocatalytic Hydrogenation of Carbon Dioxide with High Selectivity to Methanol at Atmospheric Pressure,Joule2018,2, 1369-1381. (equal contribution)

  46. Li, C.; Zhang, S.; Zhang, B.; Liu, J.; Zhou, H.; Solovev, A.; Tang, R.; Bao, F.; Yu, J.; Zhang, Q.; Lifshitz, Y.*;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, Local-Curvature-Controlled Non-Epitaxial Growth of Hierarchical Nanostructures,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2018,57, 3772-3776.

  47. Wang, L.; Cai, M.; Sun, W.*;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*,Promoting Charge Separation in Semiconductor Nanocrystal Superstructures for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity,Adv. Mater. Interfaces2018,5, 1701694. (equal contribution)

  48. Zhu, Z.; Zhang, S.; Li, C.; Zhang, J.; Yu, J.; Du, X.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*, A Mechanistic Study of Silica-Etching by Hot Water,Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.2018,20, 1440-1446. (equal contribution)

  49. Cao, M.; Liu, Q.; Chen, M.; Yang, P.; Xu, Y.; Wu, H.; Yu, J.;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*; Zhang, Q.*,Dispersing Hydrophilic Nanoparticles in Nonaqueous Solvents with Superior Long-Term Stability,RSC Adv.2017,7, 25535-25541.(equal contribution)

  50. Yang, P.; Li, H.; Zhang, S.; Chen, L.; Zhou, H.; Tang, R.; Zhou, T.; Bao, F.; Zhang, Q.*;He, L.*; Zhang, X.*,Gram-Scale Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Fe3O4Nanocrystal Clusters with Long-Term Charge Stability for Highly Stable Magnetically Responsive Photonic Crystals,Nanoscale2016,8, 19036-19042. (equal contribution)

  51. Sun, W.; Qian, C.;He, L.*; Ghuman, K.; Wong, A.; Jia, J.; O'Brien, P.; Reyes, L.; Wood, T.; Helmy, A.; Mims, C.; Singh, C.; Ozin, G.*, Heterogeneous Reduction of Carbon Dioxide by Hydride-Terminated Silicon Nanocrystals,Nat. Commun.2016,7, 12553. (equal contribution)

  52. He, L.*; Wood, T.; Wu, B.; Dong, Y.; Hoch, L.; Reyes, L.; Wang, D.;Kübel, C.; Qian, C.; Jia, J.; Liao, K.; O'Brien, P.; Sandhel, A.; Loh, J.; Szymanski, P.; Kherani, N.; Sum, T.; Mims, C.; and Ozin, G.*,Spatial Separation of Charge Carriers in In2O3-x(OH)yNanocrystal Superstructures for Enhanced Gas Phase Photocatalytic Activity,ACS Nano2016,10, 5578-5586.

    Selective publications before joining FUNSOM:

  53. He, L.; Janner, M.; Lu, Q.; Wang, M.; Ma, H. and Yin, Y.*, Magnetochromatic Thin Film Microplates,Adv. Mater.2015,27, 86-92. (equal contribution)

  54. He, L.;Wang, M.; Zhang, Q.; Lu, Y.; Yin, Y.*, Magnetic Assembly and Patterning of General Nanoscale Materials through Nonmagnetic Templates,Nano Lett.2013,13, 264-271.

  55. He, L.; Wang, M.; Ge, J.; Yin, Y.*, Magnetic Assembly Route to Colloidal Responsive Photonic Nanostructures,Acc. Chem. Res.2012,45, 1431-1440.

  56. He, L.; Hu, Y.; Wang, M.; Yin, Y.*,Determination of Solvation Layer Thickness by A Magneto-photonic Approach,ACS Nano.2012,6, 4196-4202.

  57. He, L.; Malik, V.; Wang, M.; Hu, Y.; Yin, Y.*,Self-Assembly and Magnetically Induced Phase Transition of Three-Dimensional Colloidal Photonic Crystals,Nanoscale2012,4, 4438-4442.(equal contribution)

  58. He, L.; Hu, Y.; Han, X.; Lu, Y.; Lu, Z.; Yin, Y.*, Assembly and Photonic Properties of Superparamagnetic Colloids in Complex Magnetic Fields,Langmuir2011,27, 13444-13450.

  59. He, L.and Yin, Y., “Magnetically Responsive Photonic Nanostructures: Making Color Using Magnets”,Proc. SPIE2011,8031, 80310U2-7.

  60. He, L.; Hu Y.; Kim, H.; Ge, J.; Kwon, S. and Yin, Y.*, Magnetic Assembly of Nonmagnetic Particles into Photonic Crystal Structures,Nano Lett.2010,10, 4708–4714.


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