储彬彬 副教授


储彬彬 副教授


2017/09-2020/06:www.优德88.cpm ,功能纳米与软物质研究院,化学,博士

2014/09-2017/06:www.优德88.cpm ,功能纳米与软物质研究院,生物学,硕士

2010/09-2014/06:www.优德88.cpm ,纳米科学技术学院,纳米材料与技术,本科


2023/09-至今:www.优德88.cpm ,功能纳米与软物质研究院,副教授

2020/09-2023/08:www.优德88.cpm ,功能纳米与软物质研究院,博士后




入选www.优德88.cpm “优秀青年学者”(2023


江苏省苏州市工业园区仁爱路199号www.优德88.cpm 一期909-3415






研究兴趣聚焦于发展新型功能探针/制剂及生物成像分析方法,为眼部疾病和癌症的精准诊治提供了新工具和新方法。总共发表了SCI论文35篇,其中以第一作者/共同第一作者/共同通讯作者身份发表SCI论文16篇(其中IF > 8.0的论文11篇),主要包括:Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.Nat. Commun.Adv. Mater.Anal. Chem.ACS Nano等。


  1. Ding, J. L.;#Lu, J.;#Zhang, Q.; Xu, Y.; Song, B.; Wu, Y.; Shi, H.;Chu, B. B.; *Wang, H.; * He, Y. * Camouflage nanoparticles enable in situ bioluminescence-driven optogenetic therapy of retinoblastoma.ACS Nano2023,17, 7750-7764.

  2. Chu, B.;#Chen, Z.;#Shi, H. L.; Wu, X.; Wang, H.; Dong, F.; * He, Y. * Fluorescence, ultrasonic and photoacoustic imaging for analysis and diagnosis of diseases.Chem. Commun.2023,59, 2399-2412.

  3. Lu, J.;#Ding J.;#Chu, B.;#Ji, C.; Zhang, Q.; Xu, Y.; Song, B.; * Wang, H.; * He, Y. * Inactive Trojan bacteria as safe drug delivery vehicles crossing blood brain barrier.Nano Lett.2023,10, 4326-4333. (# co-first author)

  4. Liu, M.;#Chu, B.;#Sun, R.; Ding, J.; Ye, H.; Yang, Y.; Wu, Y.; Shi, H.; Song, B.; Hong, J.; * Wang, H. Y.; * He, Y. * Antisense oligonucleotides selectively enter human-derived antibiotic-resistant bacteria through bacterial-specific ATP-binding cassette sugar transporter.Adv. Mater.2023,35, 2300477. (# co-first author)

  5. Chu, B.;#Yang, Y.;#Tang, J.; Song, B.; He, Y.; * Wang, H. * Trojan nanobacteria system for photothermal programmable destruction of deep tumor tissues.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2022,61, e202208422.

  6. Chu, B.;#Qin, X.;#Zhu, Q. Q.; Wang, H.; Wen, Z.; * Sun, X.; * He, Y.; * Lee, S. T. Triboelectric current stimulation alleviates in vitro cell migration and in vivo tumor metastasis.Nano Energy2022,100, 107471.

  7. Chu B., He Y. * Silicon-based nanoprobes for imaging detection and therapy of ocular diseases.Chem. J. Chinese Universities,2022,43, 20220546.

  8. Yang, Y.;#Chu, B.;#Cheng, J. Y.; Tang, J.; Song, B.; Wang, H. Y.; * He, Y. * Bacteria eat nanoprobes for aggregation-enhanced imaging and killing diverse microorganisms.Nat. Commun.2022,13, 1255. (# co-first author)

  9. Chu, B.;#Wu, S.;#Yang, Y.; Song, B.; Wang, H.; * He, Y. * Multifunctional flavonoid-silica nanohydrogel enables simultaneous inhibition of tumor recurrence and bacterial infection in post-surgical treatment.Small2022,18, 2104578.

  10. Chu, B.;#Wang, A.;#Cheng, L.; Chen, R.; Shi, H.; Song, B.; Dong, F.; Wang, H.; * He, Y. * Ex vivo and in vivo fluorescence detection and imaging of adenosine triphosphate.J. Nanobiotechnol.2021,19, 187.

  11. Chu, B.;Wang, H.; * He, Y. * Fluorescent silicon-based nanomaterials imaging technology in diseases.Chem. Res. Chinese Universities2021,37, 880-888.

  12. Tang, J.;#Chu, B.;#Wang, J.; Song, B.; Su, Y.; Wang, H.; * He, Y. * Multifunctional nanoagents for ultrasensitive imaging and photoactive killing of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria.Nat. Commun.2019,10, 4057. (# co-first author)

  13. Chu, B.;#Wu, S.; # Ji, X.; Chen, R.; Song, B.; Tang, J.; Wang, H.; Su, Y.; He, Y. * Controllable silicon nanostructures featuring stable fluorescence and intrinsic in vitro and in vivo anti-cancer activity.J. Mater. Chem. B2019,7, 6247-6256.

  14. Chu, B.;#Peng, F.;#Wang, H.; Su, Y.; He, Y. * Synergistic effects between silicon nanowires and doxorubicin at non-toxic doses lead to high-efficacy destruction of cancer cells.J. Mater. Chem. B2018,6, 7378-7382.

  15. Chu, B.;#Song, B.;#Ji, X. Y.; Su, Y. Y.; Wang, H.; * He, Y. *Fluorescent silicon nanorods-based ratiometric sensors for long-term and real-time measurements of intracellular pH in live cells.Anal. Chem.2017,89, 12152-12159.

  16. Chu, B.;#Wang, H. Y.;#Song, B.; Peng, F.; Su, Y. Y.; He, Y. * Fluorescent and photostable silicon nanoparticles sensors for real-time and long-term intracellular pH measurement in live cells.Anal. Chem.2016,88, 9235-9242.





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