杨恺,www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授/博士生导师,国家优青,江苏省“333高层次人才”,苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才
JF Wu, C Xu, ZF Ye, HB Chen#, YP Wang*,K Yang*, Bing Yuan*, Transition between different diffusion modes of individual lipids during the membrane-specific action of As-CATH4 Peptides,Small, 2023, 19,202301713.
ZX Deng, X You, Z Lin, XW Dong, B Yuan*,K Yang*,Membrane-active peptides attack cell membranes in a lipid-regulated curvature-generating mode,J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2023, 14,6422-6430.
L Ou, H Chen, B Yuan*,K Yang*, Membrane-specific binding of 4 nm lipid nanoparticles mediated by an entropy-driven interaction mechanism,ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 18090-18100.
YS Wei, HB Chen, YX Li, KJ He,K Yang*, HB Pang*, Synergistic entry of individual nanoparticles into mammalian cells driven by free energy decline and regulated by their sizes,ACS Nano, 2022, 16, 4, 5885–5897.
WD Ma, XK Jiang, YJ Dou, ZH Zhang, J Li, B Yuan,K Yang.Biophysical impact of lipid A modification caused by mobile colistin resistance gene on bacterial outer membranes,J. Phys. Chem. Lett,2021,12,11629-11635.
C Xu, WD Ma, K Wang, KJ He, ZL Chen, JJ Liu,K Yang*, B Yuan*,Correlation between single molecular dynamics and biological functions of antimicrobial peptide melittin,J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2021, 11,4834–4841.
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Ye Li, TT Yue,K Yang*, XR Zhang, Molecular modelling of the relationship between nanoparticle shape anisotropy and endocytosis kinetics.Biomaterials, 2012, 33, 4965-4973.
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