
史振中,www.优德88.cpm 特聘教授。2006年于中国科技大学取得学士学位,2013年于美国纽约州立大学布法罗分校取得物理学博士学位,20137月至20212月期间,先后在美国强磁场国家实验室和美国杜克大学从事博士后研究工作。20213月加入www.优德88.cpm 物理科学与技术学院。



  1. Zhenzhong Shi, S. Dissanayake, P. Corboz, W. Steinhardt, D. Graf, D. M. Silevitch, H. A. Dabkowska, T. F. Rosenbaum, F. Mila, and S. Haravifard*, “Phase diagram of the Shastry-Sutherland Compound SrCu2 (BO3) 2 under extreme combined conditions of field and pressure”, Nat. Commun.13, 2301 (2022).

  2. Zhenzhong Shi, P. G. Baity, J. Terzic, Bal K. Pokharel, T. Sasagawa, and Dragana Popović*, “Magnetic field reveals zero Hall response in the normal state of stripe-ordered cuprates”, Nat. Commun.12, 3724 (2021).

  3. Zhenzhong Shi, P. G. Baity, J. Terzic, T. Sasagawa, and Dragana Popović*, “Pair density wave at high magnetic fields in cuprates with charge and spin orders”, Nat. Commun.11, 3323 (2020).

  1. Zhenzhong Shi, P. G. Baity, T. Sasagawa, and Dragana Popović*, “Vortex phase diagram and the normal state of cuprates with charge and spin orders”, Sci. Adv.6, eaay8946 (2020).

  1. Zhenzhong Shi, W. Steinhardt, D. Graf, P. Corboz, D. F. Weickert, N. Harrison, M. Jaime, C. Marjerrison, H. Dabkowska, F. Mila, and S. Haravifard*, “Emergent Bound States and Impurity Pairs in chemically Doped Shastry-Sutherland System”, Nat. Commun.10, 2439 (2019).