
杭志宏,男,教授,博导,www.优德88.cpm 物理科学与技术学院副院长,www.优德88.cpm 高等研究院常务副院长。获得2017年江苏省优秀青年基金支持,主要从事波动功能材料方面的研究。2001年本科毕业于复旦大学物理系,2004年和2008年分别在香港科技大学物理系获得硕士和博士学位。2012年底加入www.优德88.cpm 。在Nature Materials, Phys. Rev. Lett., Light: Sci. & Appl., Science Bulletin等国内外顶级物理学、光学杂志发表论文80余篇,在多次国际会议担任邀请报告和分会主席。

研究方向:杭志宏教授从基础理论出发,设计人工微结构,在多个维度实现对电磁波、声波的有效调控。特别是创新性地提出利用光子晶体来实现具有特定电磁参量的超材料:包括首次实现双零折射率光子晶体和和各个角度入射都全部透射的超透明材料(PRL封面2016)。该系列成果获得2017年度江苏省科技技术二等奖。最近在利用拓扑物理设计光学器件方面做出一系列原创性的工作,包括基于量子自旋霍尔效应设计的具有拓扑保护单向传输的光子晶体波导(PRL 2018,高被引论文),在多个波段都得到了验证,相关成果获得2020年度江苏省光学学会光学青年科技奖。与公司合作,成功将声学超材料在降噪隔振方面的设计加以产业化,相关设计应用于世界顶级音箱制造商KEF的最新产品中。



Y. Yang, Y. F. Xu, T. Xu, H.-X. Wang, J.-H. Jiang, X. Hu*, and Z. H. Hang*, Visualization of a Unidirectional Electromagnetic Waveguide Using Topological Photonic Crystals Made of Dielectric Materials, Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 217401 (2018)

Y. Yang, Z. Jia, Y. Wu, R.-C. Xiao, Z. H. Hang*, H. Jiang* and X.C. Xie, Gapped topological kink states and topological corner states in honeycomb lattice, Science Bulletin, 65, 531 (2020)

J. Chen, …, Z. H. Hang*, “Topological pseudospin switcher: Mechanism and acoustic realization”, Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 67, 254312 (2024)

Y. Yang, D. J. Zhu, Z. H. Hang* and Y. D. Chong*, "Observation of antichiral edge states in a circuit lattice", Science China: Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 64, 257011 (2021)


X. Q. Huang^, Y. Lai^, Z. H. Hang^, H. H. Zheng and C. T. Chan*, Dirac cones induced by accidental degeneracy in photonic crystals and zero-refractive-index materials, Nature Materials 10, 682-586 (2011)

J. Luo, Y. Yang, Z. Yao, W. Lu, B. Hou, Z. H. Hang*, C. T. Chan and Y. Lai*, “Ultratransparent Media and Transformation Optics with Shifted Spatial Dispersions”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 223901 (2016)

H. Chu, Q. Li, B. Liu, J. Luo, S. Sun*, Z. H. Hang*, L. Zhou and Y. Lai*, “A Hybrid Invisibility cloak based on integration of transparent metasurfaces and zero- index materials”, Light: Science & Applications 7, 50 (2018)

J. Luo, B. Liu, Z. H. Hang* and Y. Lai*, “Coherent Perfect Absorption via photonic Doping of Zero-index Media”, Laser Photonics Rev. 180001 (2018)


F. Liu, T. Xu, S. Wang, Z. H. Hang* and J. Li*, “Polarization Beam Splitting with Gauge-Field Metamaterials”, Adv. Opt. Mat. 180158 (2019)

Marcet^, Z. H. Hang^, S. B. Wang, J. Ng, C. T. Chan and H. B. Chan*, Measurement of Enhanced Radiation Force on a Parallel Metallic-Plate System in the Microwave Regime, Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 045504 (2014)

C. Fu, J. M. Yang, Z. H. Hang*,"Ultra-broadband symmetrical acoustic coherent perfect absorbers designed by the causality principle", Phys. Rev. Res. 5, L042020 (2023)

C. Tang, S. Zhang, J. Zhang, X. Zhang* Z. H. Hang*, X. Zhang*, Y. Li*, Z Yang*, "Silicon carbide coated carbon nanotube porous sponge with super Elasticity, low Density, high thermal Resistivity, and synergistically enhanced electromagnetic interference shielding performances" , Chemical Engineering Journal 469, 144011 (2023)