


2004/08 - 2010/07,美国爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa)物理与天文学系,等离子体物理,博士

2001/08 - 2004/06,南京大学物理学系,凝聚态物理,硕士

1997/09 - 2001/06,南京大学物理学系,物理学,学士


2014/11 -现在,特聘教授、博导,www.优德88.cpm 物理科学与技术学院

2012/10 - 2014/10,主任博士后研究员(Director's Postdoc Fellow),美国洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室

2010/08 - 2012/10,博士后,美国爱荷华大学(The University of Iowa)物理与天文学系




3AAPPS-DPP Scientific Program Committee 20192020Vice Chair 2021




2、亚太等离子体物理学会青年研究奖AAPPS-DPP Young Researcher Award2018

3、主讲《普通物理》(General Physics)入选江苏高校省级外国留学生英文授课培育课程,2017


5Director's Postdoc Fellowship, Los Alamos National Laboratory2012









国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目 “尘埃等离子体本征性质及动态调制响应机制的研究”,主持,2022.01-2025.12

科技部国家重点研发计划重点专项 “利用灰尘注入开展托卡马克芯部安全因子的原位诊断”,主持,2018.12-2023.11

国家自然科学基金委员会面上项目 “尘埃等离子体与统计物理和冲击波物理的交叉研究”,主持,2019.01-2022.12

中组部四青人才科研启动基金 “尘埃等离子体物理实验研究”,主持,2016.01-2018.12

国家自然科学基金委员会青年科学基金项目 “外加势场调制尘埃等离子体动力学行为的研究”,主持,2016.01-2018.12

江苏省 “六大人才高峰” 高层次人才启动基金 “尘埃等离子体实验研究”,主持,2018.01-2018.12


1. Y. He*, B. Ai*, C. Dai, C. Song, R. Wang, W. Sun, F. Liu, andYan Feng*

Experimental demonstration of a dusty plasma ratchet rectification and its reversal

PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, Vol. 124, 075001 (2020)

2. D. Huang, S. Lu, X. Shi, J. Goree, andYan Feng*

Fluctuation theorem convergence in a viscoelastic medium demonstrated experimentally using a dusty plasma

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 104, 035207 (2021)

3. S. Lu, D. Huang, andYan Feng*

Plastic strain rate quantified from dislocation dynamics in dusty plasma shear flows

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 103, 063214 (2021)

4. D. Huang, S. Lu, andYan Feng*

Determination of viscosity in shear-induced melting two-dimensional dusty plasmas using Green-Kubo relation

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 103, 013211 (2021)

5. X. Ding, S. Lu, T. Sun, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Head-on collision of compressional shocks in two-dimensional Yukawa systems

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 103, 013202 (2021)

6. L. Gu, W. Li, C. Reichhardt, C. J. O. Reichhardt, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Continuous and discontinuous transitions in the depinning of two-dimensional dusty plasmas on a one-dimensional periodic substrate

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 102, 063203 (2020)

7. D. Huang, S. Lu, andYan Feng*

Reply to "Comment on 'Shear modulus of two-dimensional Yukawa or dusty-plasma solids obtained from the viscoelasticity in the liquid state' "

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 101, 057202 (2020)

8. W. Lin, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Universal relationship of compression shocks in two-dimensional Yukawa systems

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 101, 013203 (2020)

9. W. Lin, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Pressure and energy of compressional shocks in two-dimensional Yukawa systems (Editors' Suggestion)

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 100, 043203 (2019); Vol. 101, 019902(E) (2020)

10. W. Li, K. Wang, C. Reichhardt, C. J. O. Reichhardt, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Depinning dynamics of two-dimensional dusty plasmas on a one-dimensional periodic substrate

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 100, 033207 (2019)

11. K. Wang, D. Huang, andYan Feng*

Shear modulus of two-dimensional Yukawa or dusty-plasma solids obtained from the viscoelasticity in the liquid state

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 99, 063206 (2019)

12. K. Wang, W. Li, D. Huang, C. Reichhardt, C. J. O. Reichhardt, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Structures and diffusion of two-dimensional dusty plasmas on one-dimensional periodic substrates

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 98, 063204 (2018)

13. W. Li, D. Huang, K. Wang, C. Reichhardt, C. J. O. Reichhardt, M. S. Murillo, andYan Feng*

Phonon spectra of two-dimensional liquid dusty plasmas on a one-dimensional periodic substrate

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 98, 063203 (2018)

14.Yan Feng*, W. Lin, and M. S. Murillo

Viscosity of two-dimensional strongly coupled dusty plasma modified by a perpendicular magnetic field

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 96, 053208 (2017)

15. Roman Belousov*, E. G. D. Cohen*, Chun-Shang Wong*, John A. Goree, andYan Feng*

Skewness of steady-state current fluctuations in nonequilibrium systems

PHYSICAL REVIEW E, Vol. 93, 042125 (2016)