
王飞,2008年毕业于浙江大学信息学院光电系,获得光学工程博士学位;2009年引进到www.优德88.cpm 物理科学与技术学院工作。主要从事光学成像、相干光学、光场调控及光束传输等领域的研究,包括光场相干结构、相位、偏振等参数的调控,产生新颖结构光场;光束在随机介质(如:大气,海水)中光强、偏振和相干性演化特性及随机介质环境中光成像、通信等应用研究。在国内外际期刊上发表相关论文80余篇。获得相关发明专利授权10余项主持和参与国家级、省部级项目6项。



  1. Y. Liu, Z. Dong, Y. Zhu, H. Wang,F. Wang, Y. Chen, and Y. Cai, “Three-channle robust optical encryption via engineering coherence Stokes vector of partially coherent light,” PhotoniX 5:8 (2024).

  2. L. Xu, Z. Zhou, X. Ma, O. Korotkova, andF. Wang, “Control of the total orbital angular momentum of light beams propagating through a turbulent medium,” Opt. Lett. 49, 246-249 (2024).

  3. B. Yuan, Z. Dong, Y. Liu,F. Wang, Y. Cai, and Y. Chen, “Robust high-order polarization arrays via vectorial spatial-coherence engineering,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 20, 054031 (2023).

  4. W. Li, D. Wu, Y. Chen, Y. Cai, O. Korotova, andF. Wang, “Sensing azimuthally symmetric objects by a single-pixel detector via COAM matrix,” App. Phys. Lett. 122,251106 (2023).

  5. X. Zhu, J. Yu, Y. Chen,F. Wang, and Y. Cai, “Generation of stochastic structured light beams with controllable beam parameters,” ACS Photonics. 10, 2272-2279 (2023).

  6. F. Wang, Z. Yang, Y. Chen, O. Korotkova, and Y. Cai, “Coherence-orbital angular momentum matrix of Schell-model sources,” Opt. Lett. 47, 2826-2829 (2022).

  7. X. Zhang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen,F. Wang, and Y. Cai, “Noncentrosymmetric far-zone spectral density induced by light scattering with random media having parity-time symmetry,” Phys. Rev. A 105, 023510 (2022).

  8. Y. Liu, Y. Chen,F. Wang, Y. Cai, C. Liang, and O. Korotkova, “Robust far-field imaging by spatial coherence engineering,” Opt. Elec. Adv. 4, 210027 (2021).

  9. D. Peng, Z. Huang, Y. Liu, Y. Chen,F. Wang, S. A. Ponomarenko, and Y. Cai, “Optical coherence encryption with structured random light,” Photonix 2, 6 (2021).

  10. Z. Huang, Y. Chen,F. Wang, S. A. Ponomarenko, and Y. Cai, “Measuring complex degree of coherence of random light fields with generalized Hanbury Brown-Twiss experiment,” Phys. Rev. Appl. 13, 044042 (2020).
