所在系所 能源与动力工程
通讯地址 www.优德88.cpm 能源学院 致远楼209
2005年上海理工大学工程热物理专业博士毕业,同年到www.优德88.cpm 物理科学与技术学院,能源学院工作至今,其中2009年至2010年期间,在物理科学与技术学院开展博士后研究工作,2014年度DAAD-王宽诚奖学金获得者,于2014年1月至2015年2月在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院进行访问研究。曾先后就职于火电厂和核电站,分别从事火电厂运行和岭澳核电站一期项目设计与调试工作。
1) Xiaohui Zhang et al.,Analysis of dual-phase-lag heat conduction in a two-dimensional slab heated by a moving annular laser pulse.Applied Mathematical Modelling,105, 160-178(2022)
2)Xiaohui Zhang et al.,Mesoscopic simulation of molten pool heat transfer and fluid flow with moving annular laser via lattice Boltzmann method.Applied Thermal Engineering,215, 118947(2022)
3)Xiaohui Zhang et al.,Time step estimates for Lorentz force and thermal driven convective transport.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,106,31-37(2019)
4) Xiaohui Zhang, et al., An experimental investigation of convective mass transfer characterization in two configurations of electrolysers.International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,43,8632-8643 (2018)
5) Xiaohui Zhang,et al., A case study of a time step validation strategy and convergence method for oscillatory numerical simulation of a heat transfer process.Numerical Heat Transfer, 73,195-208,(2018)
6)Xiaohui Zhang,et al.,Three-dimensional multi-scale fluid distributor assembly minimizing total viscous dissipation.International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,39,1535-1541,(2012)
7) Xiaohui Zhang, et al.,Unsteady numerical computation of combined thermally and electromagnetically driven convection in a rectangular cavity.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer,54(1-3),15:717-721(2011)
8) Xiaohui Zhang, et al.,Flow transitions in a Joule-heated cavity of a low-Prandtl number fluid.International Journal of Thermal Sciences,50:2063-2077(2011)
9) Xiaohui Zhang,et al.,Optimum geometric arrangement of vertical rectangular fin arrays in natural convection.Energy Conversion and anagement,51:2449-2556(2010)
1)德意志学术交流中心项目,Numerical Research of Thermal-hydraulics and Safety Features of Containment of Nuclear Power Plants,2014-2015,主持