周刘蕾,2008年7月毕业于南京邮电大学通信与信息工程学院获工学博士学位,2008年8月于www.优德88.cpm 电子信息学院任讲师,2015年提升为副教授。自2003年便开始研究认知无线电、物联网通信中的关键技术,对该领域的应用背景有较深刻的理解。过去的五年中,与哈尔滨工业大学电子与信息技术研究院保持长期合作,参加多个国家自然科学基金项目和“
研究领域 |
1) 无线通信 2)协作通信 |
科研项目 |
桂林电子科技大学“认知无线电与信息处理”省部共建教育部重点实验室开放基金(No. 2013KF05):基于用户群体特征的多域协同认知无线网络关键技术研究; 2013年6月-2015年10月
江苏省自然科学基金面上项目(No. BK2011377):高速环境下宽带无线接入的若干关键技术研究;2011年7月-2014年7月
江苏省高校自然www.优德88.cpm 面上项目(No.10KJB510024):认知超宽带无线通信系统中若干关键技术研究;2010年9月~2012年9月
江苏省计算机信息处理技术重点实验室开放研究课题(No. KJS1128):异构无线网络高维数据挖掘方法研究;2010年10月~2013年10月
国家质检总局科技计划项目( No.2011KJ18) :真空吸尘器国内外主要标准的差异分析和国外技术贸易壁垒的研究;(已结题)
国家质检总局科技计划项目(No. 2010KJ12):电源品质对电磁兼容检测系统影响与分析;(已结题)
江苏出入境检验检疫局(No. 2012KJ13):基于用户舒适度评价的专门用途照明产品低频电磁危害因子建模; 2012.1-2014.12(横向课题)
www.优德88.cpm 青年教师自然科学基金项目(No. Q311901510):分布式编码在无线协作网络中的应用;2010年09月~2012年09月(已结题)
www.优德88.cpm 优秀人才引进科研启动项目(No. Q4119809);(已结题)
代表性科研成果 |
[1]Liu-Lei Zhou, Hong-bo Zhu, “Waveform Design and Performance Analysis of Ultra-Wideband Pulse Based on Iteration Algorithm”, The 2006 4th Asia-Pacific Conference on Environmental Electromagnetics, Dalian, China, Aug. 2006: 755-758(EI: 074310884727, ISTP: 000241457100168)
Liu-Lei Zhou, Hong-bo Zhu, “A Novel Ultra-Wideband Pulse Waveform”, China-Japan Joint Microwave Conference, vol.2, Aug. 2006: 570-573
L. -L. Zhou, H. -B. Zhu, N. -T. Zhang, “Iterative Solution to the Notched Waveform Design in Cognitive Ultra-Wideband Radio System”,Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 75,2007: 271-284(SCI: 000248081200016 , EI: 073110734017)
周刘蕾、朱洪波,“一种基于Turbo信道编码方案的超宽带系统性能研究”,南京邮电大学学报,Oct. 2007, 27(5): 68-72(EI: 080811111213)
周刘蕾、朱洪波,“满足FCC辐射掩模下UWB信号设计算法及性能分析”,微波学报,Aug. 2007,23(4): 32-36
周刘蕾、朱洪波,“高斯脉冲的超宽带系统抗时间抖动性能分析”,中国电子科学院学报,Apr. 2007,2(2): 131-135
Liu-Lei Zhou, Hong-bo Zhu, Nai-tong Zhang, “Performance Evaluation of UWB System in the Presence of Timing Jitter Based on Novel Modified Hermite Functions”,The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2007, Shanghai, China, 21-25 Sept. 2007: 566-569(EI: 080311027299,ISTP: 000262098300141)
周刘蕾、朱洪波、张乃通,“基于认知无线电的超宽带与窄带系统间干扰抑制分析”,通信学报,Mar. 2008, 29(3): 135-139(EI: 081811231774)
周刘蕾、汪一鸣,“基于认知的UWB系统软频谱自适应设计方法”,中国电子科学院学报,Dec. 2008,3(6): 613-617(EI: 10622089)
Liu-lei ZHOU, Yi-ming WANG, “A Transform Domain Technique for Suppressing Narrowband Interference in Ultra-wideband System”, Proceedings of 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2008, 16-20 Dec., Hong Kong, China (EI: 093712298241)
Yi-ming WANG, Liu-lei ZHOU,“Performance Evaluation in the Presence of Timing Jitter using a Novel Pulse Design Based on Hermite Functions for UWB Communications”, Proceedings of 2008 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, APMC 2008, Dec. 16th-20th, Hong Kong, China (EI: 093712298123)
Liu-lei ZHOU, Yi-ming WANG, “A Novel Adaptive Ultra-Wideband Pulse Design Based on Cognitive Radio Theory”, The 5th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM ‘09, Beijing, China, 24-26 Sept. 2009:1-4(EI:20100112610462, ISTP )
周刘蕾、汪一鸣,“满足FCC频谱限制的UWB脉冲设计算法研究”,中国电子科学院学报,Feb. 2009,4(1): 72-75(EI: )
汪一鸣、周刘蕾,“基于追踪定位的认知频谱感知解决方案”,通信学报,Nov. 2010, 30(11): 117-122(EI:12004063)
Xianyi Rui, Jia Hou,Liulei Zhou, “On the performance of full-duplex relaying with relay selection”,Electronics Letters, 2010, 46(25): 1674-1676. (SCI)
R. Wang, X. Wu, T. Wang, X. Liu, and L. Zhou, “TCP Convergence Layer-based operation of DTN for long-delay cislunar communications,” IEEE Systems Journal,vol. 4, No. 3, Sept. 2010, pp. 385-395(SCI)
R. Wang, X. Wu, L. Zhou, and J. Hou, “TCP convergence layer (TCPCL)-based DTN over Cislunar Channels in Presence of long link disruption,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Nov.-Dec., 2010.
R. Wang, P Parikh, R. Bhavanthula, J. Hou, L. Zhou, and T. Taleb, “Licklider Transmission Protocol (LTP)-based DTN for long-delay cislunar communications,” IEEE GLOBECOM 2010, Nov.-Dec., 2010.
张文婷、汪一鸣、周刘蕾,“基于ZCZ序列的DS-UWB的自适应同步”,中国电子www.优德88.cpm 院学报,2010,(06): 63-66
Yiming Wang, Liulei Zhou, and Ruhai Wang, "A Novel Frequency Sense Solution for Cognitive Radio Based on Tracing Localization", Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 10th-15th , Japan, 2011: 1-4 (EI:12142779)
崔翠梅,汪一鸣,周刘蕾,朱洪波,协同频谱感知的多维度优化及判别准则,南京邮电大学学报(自然科学版),Aug. 2011, 31(4):19-23
R. Wang, Z. Wei, V. Dave, B. Ren, Q. Zhang, J. Hou and L. Zhou, “Which DTN CLP is Best for Long-Delay Cislunar Communications with Channel-Rate Asymmetry?” IEEE Wireless Communications, Dec. 2011, 18(6): 10-16.(SCI-I)
R. Wang, V. Dave, B. Ren, R. Bhavanthula, Q. Zhang, J. Hou, and L. Zhou, “Interplanetary Overlay Network (ION) for long delay communications with asymmetric channel rates,” Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), Jun 10th-15th , Japan, 2011: 1-4
Xiao Li,Liulei Zhou, Jue Wang, Shi Jin, and Xiqi Gao, “Adaptive Downlink Multi-User MISO Transmission Systems Exploiting Statistical Channel State Information”,7th International Conference on Communications and Networking in China(ChinaCom 2012), Aug. 8–10, China, 2012:1-4(EI, Best paper Awards)
Xianyi Rui, Jia Hou,Liulei Zhou, “Decode-and-forward with full-duplex relaying”,International Journal of communication systems, 2012, 25(2): 270-275 (SCI)
X. Li,L. Zhou, S. Jin, X. Gao, “Multi-user multiple-input single-output downlink transmission systems exploiting statistical channel state information”,IET Communications, Oct.2012: 1-8
Liulei Zhou, Luoquan Hu, Yiming Wang, Jia Hou, Shuqi Liu, “Method for the WSN Channel Modeling Via Stochastic Differential Equations and Its Applications ”,International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2012), Oct. 25-27, 2012, Huangshan, China, 2012:1-4
Shuqi Liu, Yiming Wang, Cuimei Cui, Liulei Zhou, Rong Chen, “Connectivity of Mobile Cognitive Radio Network with Random Waypoint Movement”,International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2012), Oct. 25-27, 2012, Huangshan, China, 2012:1-4
Min Jiang, Xu Huang, LiuLie Zhou, YiMing Zhou and Jia Zeng, “Quantum State Transformation and General Design Scheme on Teleportation Protocols”,Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(18): 2247-2251, 2012.
Min Jiang, Xu Huang, LiuLei Zhou, YiMing Zhou and Jia Zeng, “An Efficient Scheme for Multi-party Quantum State Sharing via Non-maximally Entangled States”,Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(10): 1089-1094, 2012.
Min Jiang, Xu Huang, LiuLei Zhou, MinTong Zhou, “An Efficient Scheme of General Deterministic Teleportation of GHZ-like State in a Network”,Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, accepted.
Xianyi Rui, Jia Hou and Liulei Zhou, “Performance Analysis of Full-Duplex Relaying with Partial Relay Selection”,Wireless Personal Communications, 2013, 72(2): 1327-1332.
Xiaoyang Huang, Liulei Zhou, Wenshi Li. A 1V 2.52-kS/s 367nW Rail-to-Rail 10-bit Successive Approximation ADC[C]. March, AMT2013.
郑园园,侯嘉,周刘蕾,陈 琨,“一种改进高阶软解调在电力线中的应用”,通信技术,2013,46(6):37-40
Zhifeng Zhu, Liulei Zhou, Jia Hou, “Research on Improved Coding and Decoding Algorithm for Fountain Codes”, International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP2012), Oct. 23-25, Hefei, China, 2014:1-4