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2011- 至 今 教授 www.优德88.cpm 唐仲英血液学研究中心

2016-2017年 访问学者 德国马谱分子生物医学研究所

2016-2016年 访问学者 韩国科学技术研究院(KAIST, Center for Vascular Research / IBS)

2005-2011年 教授 南京大学模式动物研究所

2000-2005年博士后/研究员芬兰赫尔辛基大学 Biomedicum Helsinki


1996-1996年访问学者英国剑桥大学 妇产科系(分子生殖生物学研究室)

1994-1996年助教南京农业大学 动物科学系

1992-1994年 南京农业大学(参加江苏省委组织的社教与扶贫工作队,江苏省沭阳县)




2. 肿瘤生物学



曹旭东博士,博士后研究员 李桃桃博士,博士后研究员



孙志亮 徐蓓蓓


崔静 刘亚会 李俊达 丁凯
沈昕 虞鑫豪 贾曦文



1. Cao Xi#, Li Ti#, Xu Bi#, Ding K, Li W, Shen B, Chu M, Zhu D, Rui L, Shang Z, Li X, Wang Y, Zheng S, Alitalo K, Liu G, Tang J, Kubota Y,He Y*. Endothelial TIE1 restricts angiogenic sprouting to coordinate vein assembly in synergy with its homologue TIE2.ATVB (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol)2023 Jun 15. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.122.318860. bioRxiv; DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.05.502976.


2. Haijuan Jiang#, Luqing Zhang#, Xuelian Liu#, Wei Sun, Katsuhiro Kato, Chuankai Chen, Xiao Li, Taotao Li, Zhiliang Sun, Wencan Han, Fujing Zhang, Qi Xiao, Zhongzhou Yang, Junhao Hu, Zhihai Qin, Ralf H. Adams, Xiang Gao,Yulong He*. Angiocrine FSTL1 (Follistatin-Like Protein 1) Insufficiency Leads to Atrial and Venous Wall Fibrosis via SMAD3 Activation.ATVB(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol) 2020. doi10.1161/ATVBAHA.119.313901. bioRxiv 616623; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/616623.


3. Chu M#, Li T#, Shen B, Cao X, Zhong H, Zhang L, Zhou F, Ma W, Jiang H, Xie P, Liu Z, Dong N, Xu Y, Zhao Y, Xu G, Lu P, Luo J, Wu Q, Alitalo K, Koh GY, Adams RH,He Y*. Angiopoietin receptor Tie2 is required for vein specification and maintenance via regulating COUP-TFII.Elife. 2016 Dec 22;5. pii: e21032. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21032.


4. Shen B#, Shang Z#, Wang B#, Zhang L#, Zhou F#, Li T, Chu M, Jiang H, Wang Y, Qiao T, Zhang J, Sun W, Kong X,He Y*. Genetic dissection of TIE pathway in lymphatic maturation and valve development.ATVB(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol)34:1221-1230 (2014).


5. Zhang L#, Zhou F#, Han W#, Shen B, Luo J, Shibuya M,He Y*. VEGFR-3 ligand-binding and kinase activity are required for lymphangiogenesis but not for angiogenesis.Cell Res20:1319-31 (2010)-Cover paper.


6. Holopainen T#, Huang H#, Chen C#, Kim KE, Zhang L, Zhou F, Han W, Li C, Yu J, Wu J, Koh GY, Alitalo K*,He Y*. Angiopoietin-1 overexpression modulates vascular endothelium to facilitate tumor cell dissemination and metastasis establishment.Cancer Res69:4656-64 (2009).


7.He Y, Rajantie I, Pajusola K, Jeltsch M, Holopainen T, Yla-Herttuala S, Harding T, Jooss K, Takahashi T, Alitalo K. VEGFR-3 mediated activation of lymphatic endothelium is crucial for tumor cell entry and spread via lymphatic vessels.Cancer Res65:4739-46(2005).


8.He Y#, Rajantie I#, Ilmonen M, Makinen T, Karkkainen MJ, Haiko P, Salven P, Alitalo K. Preexisting lymphatic endothelium but not endothelial progenitor cells are essential for tumor lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis.Cancer Res64:3737-40 (2004).


9.He Y, Kozaki K, Karpanen T, Koshikawa K, Yla-Herttuala S, Takahashi T, Alitalo K. Suppression of tumor lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis by blocking vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 signaling.J Natl Cancer Inst94:785-7 (2002).


10.He Y*, Smith SK, Day KA, Clark D, Licence DR, Charnock-Jones DS*. Alternative splicing of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-R1 (FLT-1) pre-mRNA is important for the regulation of VEGF activity.Mol Endocrinol13:537-545 (1999).



*corresponging author, #co-first author

48. Taotao Li#, Xudong Cao#, Fei Zhou#, Jing Cui, Beibei Xu, Xiujuan Li, Lena Claesson-Welsh, Taija Makinen,Yulong He*. A critical role of VEGFR2 in lymphatic tumor metastasis.bioRxiv; 2023. doi: 10.1101/2023.02.16.528814.

47. Cao Xi#, Li Ti#, Xu Bi#, Ding K, Li W, Shen B, Chu M, Zhu D, Rui L, Shang Z, Li X, Wang Y, Zheng S, Alitalo K, Liu G, Tang J, Kubota Y,He Y*. Endothelial TIE1 restricts angiogenic sprouting to coordinate vein assembly in synergy with its homologue TIE2.ATVB (Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol)2023 Jun 15. doi: 10.1161/ATVBAHA.122.318860. bioRxiv; DOI: 10.1101/2022.08.05.502976.

46. Wang W, Li X, Ding X, Xiong S, Hu Z, Lu X, Zhang K, Zhang H, Hu Q, Lai KS, Chen Z, Yang J, Song H, Wang Y, Wei L, Xia Z, Zhou B,He Y, Pu J, Liu X, Ke R, Wu T, Huang C, Baldini A, Zhang M, Zhang Z. Lymphatic endothelial transcription factor Tbx1 promotes an immunosuppressive microenvironment to facilitate post-myocardial infarction repair.Immunity. 2023 Aug 15:S1074-7613(23)00332-1. doi: 10.1016/j.immuni.2023.07.019.

45. Liu X, Han M, Weng W, Li Y, Pu W, Liu K, Li X, He L, Sun R, Shen R,He Y, Liang D, Chen YH, Wang QD, Tchorz JS, Zhou B. Functional ProTracer identifies patterns of cell proliferation in tissues and underlying regulatory mechanisms.NPJ Regen Med. 2023 Aug 3;8(1):41. doi: 10.1038/s41536-023-00318-y.

44. Yuan N, Wei W, Ji L, Qian J, Jin Z, Liu H, Xu L, Li L, Zhao C, Gao X,He Y, Wang M, Tang L, Fang Y, Wang J. Young donor hematopoietic stem cells revitalize aged or damaged bone marrow niche by transdifferentiating into functional niche cells.Aging Cell. 2023 May 24:e13889. doi: 10.1111/acel.13889.

43. Qi L, Li X, Zhang F, Zhu X, Zhao Q, Yang D, Hao S, Li T, Li X, Tian T, Feng J, Sun X, Wang X, Gao S, Wang H, Ye J, Cao S,He Y, Wang H, Wei B. VEGFR-3 signaling restrains the neuron-macrophage crosstalk during neurotropic viral infection.Cell Rep. 2023 May 10;42(5):112489. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2023.112489.

42. Passardi A, Bittoni A, Bai Z, Zhang Z, Sier C,He Y, Shahini E, Solimando AG. Editorial: Angiogenesis blockade for the treatment of gastrointestinal cancer.Front Oncol. 2023;13:1147849. doi: 10.3389/fonc.2023.1147849.

41. Ma W, Wan Y, Zhang J, Yao J, Wang Y, Lu J, Liu H, Huang X, Zhang X, Zhou H,He Y, Wu D, Wang J, Zhao Y. Growth arrest-specific protein 2 (GAS2) interacts with CXCR4 to promote T-cell leukemogenesis partially via c-MYC.Mol Oncol. 2022 Oct;16(20):3720-3734. doi: 10.1002/1878-0261.13306.

40. Korhonen EA, Murtomäki A, Jha SK, Anisimov A, Pink A, Zhang Y, Stritt S, Liaqat I, Stanczuk L, Alderfer L, Sun Z, Kapiainen E, Singh A, Sultan I, Lantta A, Leppänen VM, Eklund L,He Y, Augustin HG, Vaahtomeri K, Saharinen P, Mäkinen T, Alitalo K. Lymphangiogenesis requires Ang2/Tie/PI3K signaling for VEGFR3 cell-surface expression.J Clin Invest. 2022 Aug 1;132(15):e155478. doi: 10.1172/JCI155478.

39. Yang Y, Xiao Q, Yin J, Li C, Yu D,He Y, Yang Z, Wang G. Med23 supports angiogenesis and maintains vascular integrity through negative regulation of angiopoietin2 expression.Commun Biol. 2022 Apr 19;5(1):374. doi: 10.1038/s42003-022-03332-w.

38. Ma L, Li W, Zhang Y, Qi L, Zhao Q, Li N, Lu Y, Zhang L, Zhou F, Wu Y, He Y, Yu H,He Y*, Wei B*, Wang H*. FLT4/VEGFR3 activates AMPK to coordinate glycometabolic reprogramming with autophagy and inflammasome activation for bacterial elimination.Autophagy. 2022; 18(6): 1385–1400. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1985338

37. Cao X#, Xu B#, Li X#, Li T andHe Y*. A Genetically engineered mouse model of venous anomaly and retinal angioma-like vascular malformation.Bio-protocol2021 11(15): e4117. DOI: 10.21769/BioProtoc.4117.

36. Gan Y, Zhang T, Chen X, Cao W, Lin L, Du L, Wang Y, Zhou F, He X,He Y, Gan J, Sheng H, Sorokin L, Shi Y, Wang Y. Steroids Enable Mesenchymal Stromal Cells to Promote CD8+ T Cell Proliferation Via VEGF-C.Adv Sci(Weinh). 2021 May 2;8(12):2003712. doi: 10.1002/advs.202003712

35. Bae H, Hong KY, Lee CK, Jang C, Lee SJ, Choe K, Offermanns S,He Y*, Lee HJ, Koh GY*. Angiopoietin-2-integrin α5β1 signaling enhances vascular fatty acid transport and prevents ectopic lipid-induced insulin resistance.Nat Commun. 2020 Jun 12;11(1):2980. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-16795-4.

34. Haijuan Jiang#, Luqing Zhang#, Xuelian Liu#, Wei Sun, Katsuhiro Kato, Chuankai Chen, Xiao Li, Taotao Li, Zhiliang Sun, Wencan Han, Fujing Zhang, Qi Xiao, Zhongzhou Yang, Junhao Hu, Zhihai Qin, Ralf H. Adams, Xiang Gao,Yulong He*. Angiocrine FSTL1 (Follistatin-Like Protein 1) Insufficiency Leads to Atrial and Venous Wall Fibrosis via SMAD3 Activation.ATVB(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol) 2020. doi10.1161/ATVBAHA.119.313901. bioRxiv 616623; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/616623.

33. Hu X, Deng Q, Ma L, Li Q, Chen Y, Liao Y, Zhou F, Zhang C, Shao L, Feng J, He T, Ning W, Kong Y, Huo Y, He A, Liu B, Zhang J, Adams R,He Y, Tang F, Bian X, Luo J. Meningeal lymphatic vessels regulate brain tumor drainage and immunity.Cell Res2020 30: 229-243. doi: 10.1038/s41422-020-0287-8.

32.He Y*. Angiopoietins and TIE Receptors in Lymphangiogenesis and Tumor Metastasis. In: Marmé D. (eds)Tumor Angiogenesis- A Key Target for Cancer Therapy. 2019 Springer, Cham. https://link.springer.com/referencework/10.1007/978-3-319-31215-6.

31. Zheng Y; Liu C; Li Y; Jiang H; Yang P; Tang J; Xu Y; Wang H;He Y*. Loss-of-function mutations with circadian rhythm regulator Per1/Per2 lead to premature ovarian insufficiency.Biol Reprod.2019 Apr 1;100(4):1066-1072. doi:10.1093/biolre/ioy245.

30. Lee SJ, Lee CK, Kang S, Park I, Kim YH, Kim SK, Hong SP, Bae H,He Y, Kubota Y, Koh GY. Angiopoietin-2 exacerbates cardiac hypoxia and inflammation after myocardial infarction.J Clin Invest.2018 Nov 1;128(11):5018-5033. doi: 10.1172/JCI99659. Epub 2018 Oct 8.

29. Li P, Wei G, Cao Y, Deng Q, Han X, Huang X, Huo Y,He Y, Chen L, Luo J. Myosin IIa is critical for cAMP-mediated endothelial secretion of von Willebrand factor.Blood2018 131:686-698. doi: 10.1182/blood-2017-08-802140. Epub 2017 Dec 5

28. Kim J, Park DY, Bae H, Park DY, Kim D, Lee CK, Song S, Chung TY, Lim DH, Kubota Y, Hong YK,He Y, Augustin HG, Oliver G, Koh GY. Impaired angiopoietin/Tie2 signaling compromises Schlemm's canal integrity and induces glaucoma.J Clin Invest. 2017 Oct 2;127(10):3877-3896. doi: 10.1172/JCI94668. Epub 2017 Sep 18.

27. Park DY, Lee J, Kim J, Kim K, Hong S, Han S, Kubota Y, Augustin HG, Ding L, Kim JW, Kim H,He Y, Adams RH, Koh GY. Plastic roles of pericytes in the blood-retinal barrier.Nat Commun. 2017 May 16;8:15296. doi: 10.1038/ncomms15296.


25. Chu M#, Li T#, Shen B, Cao X, Zhong H, Zhang L, Zhou F, Ma W, Jiang H, Xie P, Liu Z, Dong N, Xu Y, Zhao Y, Xu G, Lu P, Luo J, Wu Q, Alitalo K, Koh GY, Adams RH,He Y*. Angiopoietin receptor Tie2 is required for vein specification and maintenance via regulating COUP-TFII.Elife. 2016 Dec 22;5. pii: e21032. doi: 10.7554/eLife.21032.

24. Chen L, Li J, Wang F, Dai C, Wu F, Liu X, Li T, Glauben R, Zhang Y, Nie G,He Y*, Qin Z*. Tie2 Expression on Macrophages Is Required for Blood Vessel Reconstruction and Tumor Relapse after Chemotherapy.Cancer Res. 76(23):6828-6838 (2016).

23. Park JS, Kim IK, Han S, Park I, Kim C, Bae J, Oh SJ, Lee S, Kim JH, Woo DC,He Y, Augustin HG, Kim I, Lee D, Koh GY. Normalization of Tumor Vessels by Tie2 Activation and Ang2 Inhibition Enhances Drug Delivery and Produces a Favorable Tumor Microenvironment.Cancer Cell30(6):953-967 (2016).

22. Han S, Lee SJ, Kim KE, Lee HS, Oh N, Park I, Ko E, Oh SJ, Lee YS, Kim D, Lee S, Lee DH, Lee KH, Chae SY, Lee JH, Kim SJ, Kim HC, Kim S, Kim SH, Kim C, Nakaoka Y,He Y, Augustin HG, Hu J, Song PH, Kim YI, Kim P, Kim I,Koh GY. Amelioration of sepsis by TIE2 activation-induced vascular protection.Sci Transl Med. 8(335):335ra55 (2016). doi: 10.1126/scitranslmed.aad9260.

21. Shen B#, Shang Z#, Wang B#, Zhang L#, Zhou F#, Li T, Chu M, Jiang H, Wang Y, Qiao T, Zhang J, Sun W, Kong X,He Y*. Genetic dissection of TIE pathway in lymphatic maturation and valve development.ATVB(Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol)34:1221-1230 (2014).

20. Zhang Y, Lu Y, Ma L, Cao X, Xiao J, Chen J, Jiao S, Gao Y, Liu C, Duan Z, Li D,He Y, Wei B, Wang H Activation of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Receptor-3 in Macrophages Restrains TLR4-NF-κB Signaling and Protects against Endotoxin Shock.Immunity. 40:501-514 (2014).

19. Xiong Y, Hu Z, Han X, Jiang B, Zhang R, Zhang X, Lu Y, Geng C, Li W,He Y, Huo Y, Shibuya M, Luo J. Hypertensive stretch regulates endothelial exocytosis of Weibel-Palade bodies through VEGF receptor 2 signaling pathways.Cell Res23:820-34 (2013).

18. Li T, Yang J, Zhou Q,He Y*. Molecular Regulation of Lymphangiogenesis in Development and Tumor Microenvironment.Cancer Microenviron. 5:249-260 (2012).

17. Lu Y, Xiong Y, Huo Y, Han J, Yang X, Zhang R, Zhu DS, Klein-Heßling S, Li J, Zhang X, Han X, Li Y, Shen B,He Y, Shibuya M, Feng GS, Luo J. Grb-2-associated binder 1 (Gab1) regulates postnatal ischemic and VEGF-induced angiogenesis through the protein kinase A-endothelial NOS pathway.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108:2957-2962 (2011).

16. Zhang L#, Zhou F#, Han W#, Shen B, Luo J, Shibuya M,He Y*. VEGFR-3 ligand-binding and kinase activity are required for lymphangiogenesis but not for angiogenesis.Cell Res20:1319-31 (2010)-Cover paper.

15. Zhou F#, Chang Z#, Zhang L#, Hong Y, Shen B, Wang B, Zhang F, Lu F, Tvorogov D, Alitalo K, Hemmings BA, Yang Z*,He Y*. Akt / Protein Kinase B is required for lymphatic network formation, remodeling and valve development.Am J Pathol177: 2124-2133 (2010).

14. Holopainen T#, Huang H#, Chen C#, Kim KE, Zhang L, Zhou F, Han W, Li C, Yu J, Wu J, Koh GY, Alitalo K*,He Y*. Angiopoietin-1 overexpression modulates vascular endothelium to facilitate tumor cell dissemination and metastasis establishment.Cancer Res69:4656-64 (2009).

13. Tammela T#,He Y#, Lyytikkä J, Jeltsch M, Markkanen J, Pajusola K, Ylä-Herttuala S, Alitalo K. Distinct Architecture of Lymphatic Vessels Induced by Chimeric Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C/Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Heparin-Binding Domain Fusion Proteins.Circ Res100:1468-75 (2007).

12. Wirzenius M, Tammela M, Uutela M,He Y, Odorisio1 T, Zambruno1 G, Nagy JA, Dvorak HF, Ylä-Herttuala S, Shibuya M and Alitalo K. Distinct vascular endothelial growth factor signals for lymphatic vessel enlargement and sprouting.J Exp Med204:1431-40 (2007).

11.He Y, Rajantie I, Pajusola K, Jeltsch M, Holopainen T, Yla-Herttuala S, Harding T, Jooss K, Takahashi T, Alitalo K. VEGFR-3 mediated activation of lymphatic endothelium is crucial for tumor cell entry and spread via lymphatic vessels.Cancer Res65:4739-46(2005).

10. Lin J, Lalani AS, Harding TC, Gonzalez M, Wu WW, Luan B, Tu GH, Koprivnikar K, VanRoey MJ,He Y, Alitalo K, Jooss K. Inhibition of lymphogenous metastasis using adeno-associated virus-mediated gene transfer of a soluble VEGFR-3 decoy receptor.Cancer Res65:6901-9 (2005).

9. Bhardwaj S, Roy H, Karpanen T,He Y, Jauhiainen S, Hedman M, Alitalo K, Yla-Herttuala S. Periadventitial angiopoietin-1 gene transfer induces angiogenesis in rabbit carotid arteries.Gene Ther12:388-94 (2005).

8.He Y#, Rajantie I#, Ilmonen M, Makinen T, Karkkainen MJ, Haiko P, Salven P, Alitalo K. Preexisting lymphatic endothelium but not endothelial progenitor cells are essential for tumor lymphangiogenesis and lymphatic metastasis.Cancer Res64:3737-40 (2004).

7.He Y, Karpanen T and Alitalo K. Role of lymphangiogenic factors in lymphatic tumor metastasis.Biochim Biophys ActaBBA Review Cancer1654:3-12 (2004).

6. Uutela M, Wirzenius M, Paavonen K, Rajantie I,He Y, Karpanen T, Lohela M, Wiig H, Salven P, Pajusola K, Eriksson U, Alitalo K. PDGF-D induces macrophage recruitment, increased interstitial pressure and blood vessel maturation during angiogenesis.Blood104:3198-204 (2004).

5.He Y, Kozaki K, Karpanen T, Koshikawa K, Yla-Herttuala S, Takahashi T, Alitalo K. Suppression of tumor lymphangiogenesis and lymph node metastasis by blocking vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 signaling.J Natl Cancer Inst94:785-7 (2002).

4. Charnock-Jones DS, He Yand Smith SK. Angiogenesis and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF) in Reproduction. InThe New Angiotherapy(eds T-P D Fan & E C Kohn), pp.115-128 (2002). Humana Press.

3. Smith SK,He Y, Clark DE, Charnock-Jones DS. Angiogenic growth factor expression in placenta.Semin Perinatol24, 82-86 (2000).

2.He Y*, Smith SK, Day KA, Clark D, Licence DR, Charnock-Jones DS*. Alternative splicing of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-R1 (FLT-1) pre-mRNA is important for the regulation of VEGF activity.Mol Endocrinol13:537-545 (1999).

1. Clark DE, Smith SK,He Y, Day KA, Licence DR, Corps AN, and Charnock-Jones DS. A vascular endothelial growth factor antagonist is produced by the placenta and released into the maternal circulation.Biol Reprod59:1540-1548 (1998).


