


www.优德88.cpm 唐仲英血液学研究中心






2000-2003中科院上海生命www.优德88.cpm 院分子生物学与生物化学专业硕士

2003-2007年:美国Vanderbilt University,肿瘤生物学专业博士




20141-20146美国Mayo Clinic助理教授









1.Zhang N#, Yin R#, Zhou P#, Liu X#, Fan P, Qian L, Dong L, Zhang C, Zheng X, Deng S, Kuai J, Liu Z, Jiang W, Wang X*, Wu D*,Huang Y*. DLL1 orchestrates CD8+T cells to induce long-term vascular normalization and tumor regression.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A, 118 (22): e2020057118, 2021.

2.Zheng X#, Fang Z#, Liu X, Zhou P, Deng S, Wang X, Zhang C, Yin R, Hu H, Chen X, Zhao Y, Lin S, Qin S, Wang X, Kim B, Zhou P, Jiang W, Wu Q,Huang Y*. Increased vessel perfusion predicts the efficacy of immune checkpoint blockade.J. Clin. Invest.128(5): 2104-2115, 2018.

3.Huang Y*, Kim BYS, Chan CK, Hahn SM, Weissman IL, Jiang W*. Improving immune-vascular crosstalk for cancer immunotherapy.Nat. Rev. Immunol.18(3): 195-203, 2018.

4.Zheng X, Zhang N, Qian L, Wang X, Fan P, Kuai J, Lin S, Liu C, Jiang W, Qin S, Chen H* andHuang Y*, CTLA4 blockade promotes vessel normalization in breast tumors via the accumulation of eosinophils,Int. J. Cancer, 146(6):1730-1740, 2020.

5.Liu Y#, Song Y#, Lin D, Lei L, Mei Y, Jin Z, Gong H, Zhu Y, Hu B, Zhang Y, Zhao L, Teo KY, Qiu J, Jiang W, Dong C, Wu D*,Huang Y*, Liu H*. NCR group 3 innate lymphoid cells orchestrate IL-23/IL-17 axis to promote hepatocellular carcinoma development.EBioMedicine, 41:333-344, 2019.

6.Deng S#, Zhang G#, Kuai J, Fan P, Wang X, Zhou P, Yang D, Zheng X, Liu X, Wu Q*,Huang Y*. Lentinan inhibits tumor angiogenesis via interferon γ and in a T cell independent manner.J. Exp. Clin. Cancer Res.37(1): 260, 2018.

7.Peterson TE#, Kirkpatrick ND#,Huang Y#, Farrar CT, Marijt KA, Kloepper J, Datta M, Amoozgar Z, Seano G, Jung K, Kamoun WS, Vardam T, Snuderl M, Goveia J, Chatterjee S, Batista A, Muzikansky A, Leow CC, Xu L, Batchelor TT, Duda DG, Fukumura D*, Jain RK*. Dual inhibition of Ang-2 and VEGF receptors normalizes tumor vasculature and prolongs survival in glioblastoma by altering macrophages.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A113(16): 4470-5, 2016.

8.Jiang W#,Huang Y#, An Y, Kim B*. Remodelling Tumor Vasculature to Enhance Delivery of Intermediate-Sized Nanoparticles.ACS Nano.9(9): 8689-96, 2015.

9.Huang Y, Carbone DP*. Mechanisms of and Strategies for Overcoming Resistance to Anti-vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Therapy in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer.BBA Reviews on Cancer1855(2):193-201, 2015.

10.Huang Y, Goel S, Duda DG, Fukumura D, Jain RK*. Vascular normalization as an emerging strategy to enhance cancer immunotherapy.Cancer Res.73: 2943-8, 2013.

11.Huang Y, Stylianopoulos T, Duda DG, Fukumura D, Jain RK*. Benefits of vascular normalization are dose and time dependent-letter.Cancer Res.73: 7144-6, 2013.

12.Huang Y, Yuan J, Righi E, Kamoun WS, Ancukiewicz M, Nezivar J, Santosuosso M, Martin JD, Martin MR, Vianello F, Leblanc P, Munn LL, Huang P, Duda DG, Fukumura D, Jain RK*, Poznansky MC. Vascular normalizing doses of antiangiogenic treatment reprogram the immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment and enhance immunotherapy.Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A109: 17561-6, 2012.

13.Huang Y, Snuderl M, Jain RK*. Polarization of tumor-associated macrophages: a novel strategy for vascular normalization and antitumor immunity.Cancer Cell19: 1-2, 2011.

14.Huang Y, Lin L, Shanker A, Malhotra A, Yang L, Dikov MM, Carbone DP*. Resuscitating cancer immunosurveillance: selective stimulation of DLL1-Notch signaling in T cells rescues T-cell function and inhibits tumor growth.Cancer Res.71: 6122-31, 2011.

15.Huang Y, Chen X, Dikov MM, Novitskiy SV, Mosse CA, Yang L, Carbone DP*. Distinct roles of VEGFR-1 and VEGFR-2 in the aberrant hematopoiesis associated with elevated levels of VEGF.Blood110: 624-31, 2007.

16.Snuderl M#, Batista A#, Kirkpatrick ND#, Ruiz de Almodovar C, Riedemann L, Walsh EC, Anolik R,Huang Y, Martin JD, Kamoun W, Knevels E, Schmidt T, Farrar CT, Vakoc BJ, Mohan N, Chung E, Roberge S, Peterson T, Bais C, Zhelyazkova BH, Yip S, Hasselblatt M, Rossig C, Niemeyer E, Ferrara N, Klagsbrun M, Duda DG, Fukumura D, Xu L, Carmeliet P, Jain RK*. Targeting placental growth factor/neuropilin 1 pathway inhibits growth and spread of medulloblastoma.Cell152: 1065-76, 2013.

17.Incio J, Ligibel JA, McManus DT, Suboj P, Pinter M, Jung K, Kawaguchi K, Pinter M, Babykutty S, Chin SM, Vardam TD,Huang Y, Rahbari N, Roberge S, Wang D, Gomes-Santos I, Puchner SB, Schlett CL, Hoffmman U, Ancukiewicz M, Tolaney SM, Krop IE, Duda D, Boucher Y, Fukumura D*, Jain RK*. Obesity promotes resistance to anti-VEGF therapy in breast cancer by upregulating IL-6 and FGF-2,Sci. Transl. Med.10(432): eaag0945, 2018.

18. Incio J, Liu H, Suboj P, Chin SM, Chen IX, Pinter M, Ng MR, Nia HT, Grahovac J, Kao S, Babykutty S,Huang Y, Jung K, Rahbari NN, Han X, Chauhan VP, Martin JD, Kahn J, Huang P, Desphande V, Michaelson J, Michelakos TP, Ferrone CR, Soares R, Boucher Y, Fukumura D*, Jain RK*.Obesity-induced inflammation and desmoplasia promote pancreatic cancer progression and resistance to chemotherapy.Cancer Discov.6(8): 852-869, 2016.



2019www.优德88.cpm 周氏教育科研奖




2014Distinguished Oral Presentation in Mayo Clinic Young Investigator Research Symposium

2010AACR-Aflac Scholar-in-Training Award

2007AACR-Merck Scholar-in-Training Award