



地址:苏州市工业园区仁爱路199号www.优德88.cpm 独墅湖校区一期912707

邮箱: whlin@suda.edu.cn



1991年生于浙江省瑞安市,2013年在吉林大学获学士学位,2019年在中国科学院大学长春应用化学研究所获博士学位(导师:谢志刚研究员),2019-2021年美国麻省大学医学院博士后(合作导师:Gang Han教授),2021-2022年中国香港香港城市大学博士后(合作导师:Stella W. Pang教授),2022年受聘为www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部副研究员。在国际主流期刊发表论文30余篇,被引用900余次。



1. Quan, L.; Moreno-Gonzalez, I.; Xie, Z.; Gamez, N.; Vegas-Gomez, L.; Song, Q.; Gu, J.;Lin, W.; Gomez-Gutierrez, R.; Wu, T. A near-infrared probe for detecting and interposing amyloid beta oligomerization in early Alzheimer's disease.Alzheimer's & Dementia2022, 1-11.

2. Zeng, L.; Huang, L.; Wang, Z.; Wei, J.; Huang, K.;Lin, W.; Duan, C.; Han, G. Self-Assembled Metal–Organic Framework Stabilized Organic Cocrystals for Biological Phototherapy.Angewandte Chemie International Edition2021, 60, 23569-23573.

3. Li, C.;Lin, W.; Liu, S.; Sun, T.; Xie, Z. Structural optimization of organic fluorophores for highly efficient photothermal therapy.Materials Chemistry Frontiers2021, 5, 284-292.

4. Lin, W.; Colombani-Garay, D.; Huang, L.; Duan, C.; Han, G. Tailoring nanoparticles based on boron dipyrromethene for cancer imaging and therapy.WIREs Nanomedicine and Nanobiotechnology2020, e1627.

5. Huang, L.; Wu, W.; Li, Y.; Huang, K.; Zeng, L.;Lin, W.; Han, G. Highly Effective Near-Infrared Activating Triplet–Triplet Annihilation Upconversion for Photoredox Catalysis.Journal of the American Chemical Society2020, 142, 18460-18470.

6. Zhou, Y.; Zhang, Y.;Lin, W.; Kesseli, S. J.; Huang, L.; Zhao, Y.; Yao, X.; Huang, K.; Han, G. WavelengthSelective LightControlled Stepwise Photolysis from Single Gold Nanoparticles.AdvancedHealthcare Materials2020, 2000321.

7. Lin, W.; Zhang, W.; Liu, S.; Li, Z.; Hu, X.; Xie, Z.; Duan, C.; Han, G. Engineering pH-Responsive BODIPY Nanoparticles for Tumor Selective Multimodal Imaging and Phototherapy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2019, 11, 43928-43935.

8. Wang, X.;Lin, W.*; Zhang, W.; Li, C.; Sun, T.; Chen, G.; Xie, Z. Amphiphilic redox-sensitive NIR BODIPY nanoparticles for dual-mode imaging and photothermal therapy.Journal of Colloid and Interface Science2019, 536, 208-214.

9. Zhang, W.;Lin, W.; Li, C.; Liu, S.; Hu, X.; Xie, Z. Rational Design of BODIPY-Diketopyrrolopyrrole Conjugated Polymers for Photothermal Tumor Ablation.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2019, 11, 32720-32728.

10. Li, C.;Lin, W.; Liu, S.; Zhang, W.; Xie, Z. Self-destructive PEG-BODIPY nanomaterials for photodynamic and photothermal therapy.Journal of Materials Chemistry B2019, 7, 4655-4660.

11. Quan, L.; Gu, J.;Lin, W.; Wei, Y.; Lin, Y.; Liu, L.; Ding, H.; Pan, C.; Xie, Z.; Wu, T. A BODIPY biosensor to detect and drive self-assembly of diphenylalanine.ChemicalCommunications2019, 55, 8564-8566.

12. Wang, X.; Fu, L.;Lin, W.; Zhang, W.; Pei, Q.; Zheng, X.; Liu, S.; Zhang, T.; Xie, Z. Vaginal delivery of mucus-penetrating organic nanoparticles for photothermal therapy against cervical intraepithelial neoplasia in mice.Journal of Materials Chemistry B2019, 7, 4528-4537.

13. Lin, W.; Yin, L.; Sun, T.; Wang, T.; Xie, Z.; Gu, J.; Jing, X. The Effect of Molecular Structure on Cytotoxicity and Antitumor Activity of PEGylated Nanomedicines.Biomacromolecules2018, 19, 1625-1634.

14. Zhu, Y.;Lin, W.*; Wang, X.; Zhang, W.; Chen, L.; Xie, Z. Constructing reduction-sensitive PEGylated NIRF mesoporous silica nanoparticles via a one-pot Passerini reaction for photothermal/chemo-therapy.Chemical Communications2018, 54, 11921-11924.

15. Zhang, W.;Lin, W.; Wang, X.; Li, C.; Liu, S.; Xie, Z. Hybrid Nanomaterials of Conjugated Polymers and Albumin for Precise Photothermal Therapy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2018, 11, 278-287.

16. Zong, S.; Wang, X.;Lin, W.; Liu, S.; Zhang, W. Simple D-A-D Structural Bisbithiophenyl Diketopyrrolopyrrole (TDPP) as Efficient Bioimaging and Photothermal Agents.Bioconjugate Chemistry2018, 29, 2619-2627.

17. Lin, W.; Zhang, W.; Sun, T.; Liu, S.; Zhu, Y.; Xie, Z. Rational Design of Polymeric Nanoparticles with Tailorable Biomedical Functions for Cancer Therapy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2017, 9, 29612-29622.

18. Zhu, Y.;Lin, W.*; Zhang, W.; Feng, Y.; Wu, Z.; Chen, L.; Xie, Z. PEGylated BODIPYAssembling Fluorescent Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy.Chinese Chemical Letters2017, 28, 1875-1877.

19. Lin, W.; Xie, Z.; Jing, X. Self-Assembling Organic Nanoparticles for Bioimaging and Cargo Delivery.Journal of Controlled Release2017, 259, e140-e141.

20. Zhang, W.;Lin, W.; Zheng, X.; He, S.; Xie, Z. Comparing Effects of Redox Sensitivity of Organic Nanoparticles to Photodynamic Activity.Chemistry of Materials2017, 29, 1856-1863.

21. Lin, W.; Zhang, W.; Sun, T.; Gu, J.; Xie, Z.; Jing, X. Effect of Molecular Structure on Stability of Organic Nanoparticles Formed by Bodipy Dimers.Langmuir2016, 32, 9575-9581.

22. Lin, W.; Li, Y.; Zhang, W.; Liu, S.; Xie, Z.; Jing, X. Near-Infrared Polymeric Nanoparticles with High Content of Cyanine for Bimodal Imaging and Photothermal Therapy.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2016, 8, 24426-24432.

23. Lin, W.; Sun, T.; Xie, Z.; Gu, J.; Jing, X. A Dual-Responsive Nanocapsule via Disulfide-Induced Self-Assembly for Therapeutic Agent Delivery.ChemicalScience2016, 7, 1846-1852.

24. Sun, T.;Lin, W; Zhang, W.; Xie, Z. SelfAssembly of Amphiphilic Drug–Dye Conjugates into Nanoparticles for Imaging and Chemotherapy.Chemistry – An Asian Journal2016, 11, 3174-3177.

25. Zhang, W.;Lin, W.; Pei, Q.; Hu, X.; Xie, Z.; Jing, X. Redox-Hypersensitive Organic Nanoparticles for Selective Treatment of Cancer Cells.Chemistry of Materials2016, 28, 4440-4446.

26. Lin, W.; Guan, X.; Sun, T.; Huang, Y.; Jing, X.; Xie, Z. Reduction-Sensitive Amphiphilic Copolymers Made via Multi-Component Passerini Reaction for Drug Delivery.Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces2015, 126, 217-223.

27. Lin, W.; Sun, T.; Zheng, M.; Xie, Z.; Huang, Y.; Jing, X. Synthesis of Cross-Linked Polymers via Multi-Component Passerini Reaction and Their Application as Efficient Photocatalysts.RSC Advances2014, 4, 25114.

28. Zong, S.; Wang, X.; Yang, Y.; Wu, W.; Li, H.; Ma, Y.;Lin, W.; Sun, T.; Huang, Y.; Xie, Z.; Yue, Y.; Liu, S.; Jing, X. The Use of Cisplatin-Loaded Mucoadhesive Nanofibers for Local Chemotherapy of Cervical Cancers in Mice.European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics2015, 93, 127-135.

29. Quan, L.; Liu, S.; Sun, T.; Guan, X.;Lin, W.; Xie, Z.; Huang, Y.; Wang, Y.; Jing, X. Near-Infrared Emitting Fluorescent BODIPY Nanovesicles for in Vivo Molecular Imaging and Drug Delivery.ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces2014, 6, 16166-16173.

30. Quan, L.; Sun, T.;Lin, W.; Guan, X.; Zheng, M.; Xie, Z.; Jing, X. BODIPY Fluorescent Chemosensor for Cu2+Detection and Its Applications in Living Cells: Fast Response and High Sensitivity.Journal of Fluorescence2014, 24, 841-846.

31. Quan, L.;Lin, W.; Sun, T.; Xie, Z.; Huang, Y.; Jing, X. Green Photocatalysis with Oxygen Sensitive BODIPYs under Visible Light.Catalysis Letters2014, 144, 308-313.

32. Hu, X.; Li, J.;Lin, W.; Huang, Y.; Jing, X.; Xie, Z. Paclitaxel Prodrug Nanoparticles Combining Chemical Conjugation andPhysical Entrapment for Enhanced Antitumor Efficacy.RSC Advances2014, 4, 38405-38411.