BIAN Guoqing
Name:BIAN Guoqing
Title:Associate Professor

Tel: 86-512-65880373 (o)62759143 (Lab)


Group Website
Research Interests:functional coordination chemistry; inorganic material chemistry; experimental teaching.
Representative Publications
1. A new method to synthesize unsymmetrical dithiolene metal complexes of 1,3-dithiole-2-thione-4, 5-dithiolate for third-order non-linear optical applications, J. Dai,G. Q. Bian, et al,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2000,122, 11007.
2. Benzenthiolate bridged binuclear group 12 metal complexes with TTF fused dithiolate ligand, a new synthetic approach using cluster- cracking reaction,G.Q.Bian,J.Dai,et al.Commun.Chem.,2002,1474.
3. One-Dimensional Indium Sulfides with Transition Metal Complexes of Polyamines, J. Zhou,G. Q. Bian*, Y. Zhang, Q. Y. Zhu, C. Y. Li, J.Dai*,Inorg. Chem.2007 ,46, 6347.
4. Structural study of organic-inorganic hybrid thiogallates and selenidogallates in view of effects of the chelate amines, J. Zhou, Y. Zhang,G. Q. Bian*, C. Y. Li, X. X. Chen, J.Dai*,Cryst. Growth Des.2008 ,8, 2235.
5. Solvothermal Synthesis of Two Cationic Indium Selenides with I_ Ion as Counterion, C.Y. Li, J. Zhou, Y. Zhang, Z.X. Lei, G.Q. Bian*, J. Dai*, Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. 2009 , 635(1), 151.
6. . An Air-induced Synthesis of a Salt [AuCl2(DDDT)](MET- TTF) (DDDT=5,6-Dihydro-1,4-dithiin-2,3-dithiolate, MET- TTF =Bis (methylthio)ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene), W. Yang, Z. G. Ren, G. Q. Bian* , Q.Y. Zhu, J. Dai * , Z. Naturforsch . 2010 , 65b, 1267 .
7. 综合化学实验 . 卞国庆 纪顺俊 , 苏州 : www.优德88.cpm 出版社 , 2007.
8. 无机化学实验 . 郎建平 卞国庆 , 南京 : 南京大学出版社 , 2009.