JIA Dingxian
Name:JIA Dingxian

Email: jiadingxian@suda.edu.cn
Group Website
Professor (Inorganic Chemistry)
M. Sc., Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, the Chinese Academy of Science (1995).
Ph. D., Suzhou University (2005).
Associate professor, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Soochow University (2003-2009).
Professor, College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Soochow University (2009-now).
Research Interests:
Inorganic-organic hybrid mterials
Rare earth material chemistry
Coordination chemistry
Representative Publications
1. Novel Polyselenid oarsenate and Selenid oarsenate: Solvothermal Synthesis and Characterization of [Co(phen)3][As2Se2(μ-Se3)(μ-Se5)] and [Co(phen)3]2[As8Se14]. J. Zhao, J. J. Liang, J. F. Chen, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang,D. X. Jia*. Inorg. Chem . 2011, 50, 2288–2293.
2. Solvothermal Synthesis and Characterization of Polyselenid oarsenate Salts of Transition Metal Complex Cations.D. X. Jia*, J. Zhao, Y. L. Pan, W. W. Tang, B. Wu and Y. Zhang.Inorg.Chem.2011, 50, 7195–7201.
3. Effects of lanthanide metal size and amino ligand denticity on the solvothermal systems Ln/Sn/Se/en and Ln/Sn/Se/dien (Ln = lanthanide). J. J. Liang, J. F. Chen, J. Zhao, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang andD. X. Jia*.DaltonTrans.2011, 40, 2631–2637.
4. An unprecedented m 4 -Sn2Se9ligand: Solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of novel lanthanum selenidostannates [{La(dien)2}4( m 4 -Sn2Se9)( m -Sn2Se6)]and [La2(en)8( m -Se2)]Sn2Se6. J. F. Chen, Q. Y. Jin, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang,D. X. Jia*. Chem . Commun .2009, 7212–7214.
5. Investigating metal size effects in the Ln/As/Se/amine (Ln = lanthanide excluding Pm, amine = en, dien, en+trien) systems: solvothermal syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide selenidoarsenates. J. Wang, Y. L. Pan, J. F. Chen, J. S. Gu, Y. Zhan g,D. X. Jia*. Dalton Trans .2010, 39, 7066 –7072.
6. Hydrothermal synthesis and characterizations of thioarsenates [Fe(phen)3][As3S6] × dien × 7H2O and [Mn2(phen)4(As2S5)] × phen × 2H2O: a new coordination mode of the As2S54–anion. Y. L. Pan, Q. Y. Jin, J. F. Chen, Y. Zhang,D. X. Jia*.Inorg, Chem.2009, 48, 5412–5417.
7. The coordination of the tetraselenidoantimonate [SbSe4]3 - anion with trivalent lanthanide ions tuned by ethylene polyamines.D. X. Jia*, Q. Y. Jin, J. F. Chen, Y. L. Pan, and Y. Zhang.Inorg, Chem.2009, 48, 8286–8293.
8. Effect of lanthanide contraction on mixed polyamine systems Ln/Sb/Se/(en+dien) and Ln/Sb/Se/(en+trien): syntheses and characterizations of lanthanide complexes with a tetraselenidoantimonate ligand. J. Zhao, J. J. Liang, Y. L. Pan, Y. Zhang,D. X. Jia*. J. Solid State Chem. 2011, 184, 1451 - 1458.