LU Juan
Name:LU Juan

Tel: 86-512-68362936
Group Website
Soochow University (2008)
Research Interests:
Preparation of nanomaterials and their applications
Representative Publications
1. Microwave-assisted synthesis and characterization of 3D flower-like Bi2S3superstructures.J. Lu, Q. F. Han, X. J. Yang , L.D. Lu, X. Wang,Mater. Lett.,2007,61,2883.
2. Preparation of Bi 2S 3nanorods via a hydrothermal approach. J. Lu, Q. F. Han, X. J. Yang, L. D. Lu, X. Wang, Mater. Lett., 2007, 61,342.
3. Preparation of ultra-long Sb2Se3 nanoribbons via a short-time solvothermal process. J. Lu, Q. F. Han, X. J. Yang, L. D. Lu, X. Wang, Mater. Lett., 2008, 62, 2415.
4. Study on the preparation and spectral characteristics of Bi 2S 3nanoribbons. J. Lu, Q. F. Han, X. J. Yang , L.D. Lu, X. Wang, Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis, 2009, 29,48.
5. A Template-free route to Sb2S3crystals with hollow olivary architectures. Q. F. Han,J. Lu, X. J. Yang, L. D Lu, X. Wang,Crystal Growth and Design,2008,8,395.
6. Preparation and characterization of belt-like Sb 2Se 3crystals. Q. F. Han, J. Chen, J. Lu, X. J. Yang, L. D. Lu, X. Wang, Mater. Lett. 2007, 62, 2054.
7. Prepartion of uniform Bi 2S 3nanoribbons at a low temperature. Y. Sun, Q. F. Han, J. Lu,X. J. Yang, L. D. Lu, X. Wang,Mater. Lett.2008, 62, 3730.
8. Preparation and catalytic properties of AgI-ZnO nanocomposites. L. Yang, J. Lu,Z. S. Wang, L. H. Li, J. Chin. Ceram. Soc, 2011, 39,929.
9. Preparation of crystalline Sn-doped TiO 2and its application in visible-light photocatalysis. X. F. Zhou, J. Lu,L. H. Li, Z. S. Wang, J. Nanomaterials, 2011,432947.