LI Weifeng
Name:LI Weifeng

Tel: 13013790726
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Representative Publications
1. Study on the photoluminescence of Cr3+and doping mechanism in F- codoped PbWO4single crystal,W. F. Li, Y. M. Long, X. Q. Feng,Nucl. Instr. Met. Phys. Res. A,2009,610, 636.
2. Study on the low-temperature annealing-induced color center in Y3+doped PbWO4single crystal,W. F. Li, Y. M. Long, X. Q. Feng, J. T. Zhao,Phys. Status Solidi A,2009,206, 1584.
3. Structure and properties of zirconia films fabricated by plasma-assisted cathodic arc deposituion,W. F. Li, X. Y. Liu, A. P. Huang , Paul. K. Chu,J.Phys.D: Appl. Phys.,2007,40, 2293.
4 . EPR and optical studies of Cr ions in PbWO4single crystals,W. F. Li, X. Q. Feng,Optical Materials,2007,29, 457.
5. Spectral properties and energy transfer in PbWO4co-doped with Cr3+and F, W. F. Li , X. Q. Feng, C. J. Duan, J. T. Zhao, D. H. Cao, M. Gu ,J.Phys.C: Condens. Matt.,2006,18, 6065.
6. Formation mechanism of Cr4+ions in PbWO4single crystals, W. F. Li , X. Q. Feng, Y. M. Kan ,Phys.Rev. B,2005,71, 104101.