MENG Fenghua
Name:MENG Fenghua

Tel/fax: 86-512-65882060

Group Website
Professor (Biomedical Polymers)
B.Sc. Dalian University of Technology (1995)
M.Sc. Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry (1998)
Ph.D. Twente University, The Netherlands (2003)
Research Interests:Biodegradable polymers, smart drug/ protein delivery system, cancer diagnosis /targeted therapy
Representative Publications
1. Polymersomes Spanning from Nano to Micro Scales: Advanced Vehicles for Controlled Drug Delivery and Robust Vesicles for Virus and Cell-Mimicking F.H. Meng , and Z.Y. Zhong*,J. Phys. Chem. Letters2011, 2, 1533. (Invited Perspective)
2. a -Amino Acid Containing Degradable Polymers as Functional Biomaterials: Rational Design, Synthetic Pathway and Biomedical Applications, H.L. Sun,F.H. Meng, A.A. Dias, M. Hendriks, J. Feijen, and Z.Y. Zhong*,Biomacromolecules2011, 12, 1937.
3. Folate-Conjugated Crosslinked Biodegradable Micelles for Receptor-Mediated Delivery of Paclitaxel, J. Xiong,F.H. Meng, C. Wang, R. Cheng, Z. Liu, and Z.Y. Zhong*,J. Mater. Chem.2011, 21, 5786. (IF 5.099) ( 他引 10 )
4. The highly efficient delivery of exogenous proteins into cells mediated by biodegradable chimaeric polymersomes, G.J. Liu, S.B. Ma, S.K. Li, R. Cheng,F.H. Meng,*H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*,Biomaterials2010, 31, 7575. (IF 7.882) ( 他引 10 )
5. Shell-sheddable micelles based on dextran-ss-poly( e -caprolactone) diblock copolymer for efficient intracellular release of doxorubicin, H.L. Sun,F.H. Meng*, B.N. Guo, X.Q. Li, R. Cheng, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*,Biomacromolecules2010, 11, 848 (IF 5.325) ( 他引 26 )
6. pH-Sensitive Degradable Polymersomes for Triggered Release of Anticancer Drugs: a Comparative Study with Micelles, W. Chen,F.H. Meng*, R. Cheng, Z.Y. Zhong*,J. Control. Release2010, 142, 40. (IF 7.164) ( 他引 33 )
7. Versatile Synthesis of Functional Biodegradable Polymers by Combining Ring-Opening Polymerization and Post polymerization Modification via Michael-Type Addition Reaction, W. Chen, H.C. Yang, R. Wang, R. Cheng,F.H. Meng*, W.X. Wei, Z.Y. Zhong*,Macromolecules2010, 43, 201 (IF 4.837) ( 他引 15 )
8. Reversibly Stabilized Multifunctional Dextran Nanoparticles Efficiently Deliver Doxorubicin into the Nuclei of Cancer Cells, Y.L. Li, L. Zhu, Z.Z. Liu, R. Cheng,F.H. Meng*, J.H. Cui, S.J. Ji, Z.Y. Zhong*,Angew. Chem. Int. Edit.2009, 48, 9914. (IF 12.730) ( 他引 34 ) 2009 年苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖
9. Biodegradable micelles with sheddable poly(ethylene glycol) shells for triggered intracellular release of doxorubicin, H.L. Sun, B.N. Guo, R. Cheng,F.H. Meng*, H.Y. Liu, Z.Y. Zhong*,Biomaterials2009, 30: 6358. (IF 7.882) ( 他引 42 )
10. pH-Responsive Biodegradable Micelles Based on Acid-Labile Polycarbonate Hydrophobe: Synthesis and Triggered Drug Release, W. Chen, F.H. Meng, F. Li, S.-J. Ji,Z.Y. Zhong*,Biomacromolecules2009, 10: 1727. (IF 5.325) ( 他引 37 )
11. Reversibly crosslinked temperature-responsive nano-sized polymersomes: synthesis and triggered drug release, H.F. Xu,F.H. Meng*, Z.Y. Zhong*,J. Mater. Chem.2009, 19: 4183. (IF 5.099) ( 他引 22 )
12. Reduction-Sensitive Polymers and Bioconjugates for Biomedical Applications,F.H. Meng, W.E.Hennink, Z.Y. Zhong*,Biomaterials2009, 30:2180. (IF 7.882). ( 他引 96 )
13. Stimuli-responsive polymersomes for programmed drug delivery.F.H. Meng, Z.Y. Zhong*, J. Feijen,Biomacromolecules2009, 10: 197. (IF 5.325). ( 他引 122 ) 2009 年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文, 2009 年苏州市自然科学优秀学术论文二等奖
14. Biodegradable polymersomes as a basis for artificial cells: encapsulation, release and targeting,F.H. Meng, G.H.M. Engbers, J. Feijen,.J Control Release,2005, 101: 187. (IF 7.164) ( 他引 95 )