Name:XIAO Jie

Add: 199 Ren-Ai Rd., Suzhou Industrial Park,
Suzhou, Jiangsu 215123, China
Phone: +86-512-65883267
Fax: +86-512-65883267

Group Website
· Ph.D. , Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 5/2010
· M.S. , Materials Science, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 5/2009
· M.S. , Chemical Engineering, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, 8/2006
· M.S. , Control Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University, China, 3/2004
· B.S. , Industrial Automation, Zhejiang University, China, 7/2001
· Postdoctoral research associate , Applied Sciences Laboratory, Washington State University, Spokane, WA, 3/2010-3/2012
· Professor , College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science , Soochow University, 4/2012 - present
Research Interests:
· Multiscale systems science and engineering
§ Modeling, design, control and optimization
· Nanomaterials design and manufacturing
§ Modeling of structure-processing-property relationships
§ Goal-driven systematic design
· Applied research
§ Sustainable manufacturing: metallic coating application (e.g., electroplating), polymeric coating application (e.g., auto and aircraft painting), food manufacturing
§ Multifunctional nanomaterials design: self-cleaning coatings, anti-icing coatings, self-healing smart coatings, organic solar cells
§ Electrochemical energy systems: Li-ion batteries, fuel cells, light-weight alloy corrosion
Selected Publications
1. Xiao J, Chaudhuri S. Design of Anti-Icing Coatings Using Supercooled Droplets as Nano-to-Micoscale Probes. Langmuir.201 2; 28: 4434-4446.
2. Xiao J , Chaudhuri S. Predictive modeling of localized corrosion: An application to aluminum alloys.Electrochimica Acta.2011; 56: 5630-5641.
3. Xiao J , Huang YL, Manke C. Design of sustainable multifunctional nanocoatings: A goal-driven multiscale systems approach.Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering.2011; 19: 666-673.
4. Xiao J , Huang YL, Manke C. Computational design of thermoset nanocomposite coatings: Methodological study on coating development and testing.Chem. Eng. Sci.2010; 65: 753-771.
5. Xiao J, Huang YL, Manke C. Computational design of polymer nanocomposite coatings: A multiscale hierarchical approach for barrier property prediction.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2010; 49: 7718-7727.
6. Xiao J, Huang YL. Microstructure-property-quality-correlated paint design: an LMC-based approach.AIChE J.2009; 55: 132-149.
7. Xiao J , Huang YL. Computational design of nanopaint: An integrated, multiscale process and product modeling and simulation approach. Chapter 87, in: El-Halwagi M, Linninger A.Design for Energy and the Environment.NW: Taylor & Francis Group, 2009: 897-905.
8. Xiao J , Li J, Piluso C, Huang YL. Multiscale characterization of automotive surface coating formation for sustainable manufacturing.Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering.2008; 16: 416-423.
9. Xiao J , Huang YL, Lou HH. A probability distribution estimation based method for dynamic optimization.AIChE J.2007; 53: 1805-1816.
10. Xiao J , Huang YL, Qian Y, Lou HH. Integrated product and process control of single-input-single-output systems.AIChE J.2007; 53: 891-901.
11. Xiao J, Li J, Lou HH, Xu Q, Huang YL. ACS-based dynamic optimization for curing of polymeric coating.AIChE J.2006; 52: 1410-1422.
12. Xiao J , Li J, Lou HH, Huang YL. Cure-window-based proactive quality control in topcoat curing.Ind. Eng. Chem. Res.2006; 45: 2351-2360.