He Xuewen

Name:Xuewen He


Address:Room-1417, Building-701, Dushuhu campus of Soochow

University, No. 199, Renai Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou City,

Jiangsu Province, P. R. China (Postal code: 215123)

Contact information:Email:xheao@suda.edu.cn,Tel: 86-1886218529


2016-2019 Ph.D. in Chemistry, Supervisor : Prof. Ben Zhong Tang;

The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST)

2009-2012 Master of Engineering in Biomedical Engineering, Supervisor: Prof. Xiangliang Yang;

Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST)

2005-2009 Bachelor of Science in Biotechnology,

Huazhong University of Science & Technology (HUST)

Research experience:

Start from 2021, Professor,

College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Material Science,

Soochow University

2019-2021Postdoctoral Fellow, Supervisor: Prof. Ben Zhong Tang

Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering,

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST)

2012-2016 Research Assistant, Supervisor: Prof. Nan Ma

College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering & Material Science,

Soochow University


2019The George K. Lee Foundation Scholarships ofHKUST;

2019School of Science Postgraduate Research Excellence Award ofHKUST;

Research interests:

Dr. He has authored over 40 peer-reviewed papersinJ. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem., ACS Nano, Nano. Lett., Small, Anal. Chem., Annu. Rev. Anal. Chem. etc.which have received a total citation of > 2200 times and an H-index at 29 (Oct. 2021);8 CN/US patents have been applied with 3 authorized.


We are actively looking for master and PhD students in the following backgrounds: analytical chemistry, biomedical engineering, organic chemistry, material chemistry, etc. Postdoctoral and scientific research assistants are recruited throughout the year, and undergraduate scientific research internships are welcome. For any further information, please contact Professor Xuewen He (xheao@suda.edu.cn)

Representative publications(#co-first author; *corresponding author)

1. , J. W. Y. Lam, R. T. K. Kwok*, B. Z. Tang*Real-Time Visualization and Monitoring of Physiological Dynamics by AIEgens..

Q. Yue,X. He, N. Yan, S. Tian, C. Liu, W.-X. Wang*, L. Luo*, B. Z. Tang*. Photodynamic Control of Harmful Algal Blooms by An Ultra-Efficient and Degradable AIEgen-Based Photosensitizer.Chem. Eng. J.2021, 417, 127890.

3. J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020,142,3959-3969.

4. Z. Wang#,X. He#, T.-Y. Yong, Y. Miao, C. Zhang*, B. Z. Tang*. Multicolor Tunable Polymeric Nanoparticle from Tetraphenylethylene-Cage for Temperature Sensing in Living Cells.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2020,142,512-519.

5. X. He, C. Peng, S. Qiang, L.-H. Xiong, Z. Zhao, Z. Wang, R. T. K. Kwok, J. W. Y. Lam, N. Ma, B. Z. Tang*. Less is More: Silver-AIE Core@Shell Nanoparticles for Multimodality Cancer Imaging and Synergistic Therapy.Biomaterials2020,238,119834.

6. , L.-H. Xiong, Y. Huang, Z. Zhao, Z. Wang, J. W. Y. Lam, R. T. K. Kwok*, B. Z. Tang*

L.-H. Xiong*, S. Huang, Y. Huang, F. Yin, F. Yang, Q. Zhang, J. Cheng*, R. Zhang*,X. He*. Ultrasensitive Visualization of Virus via Explosive Catalysis of an Enzyme Muster Triggering Gold-Nanoaggregate Disassembly.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2020,

8. , L.-H. Xiong, Z. Zhao, Z. Wang, L. Luo, J. W. Y. Lam, R. T. K. Kwok*, B. Z. Tang*AIE-Based Theranostic Systems for Detection and Killing of Pathogens.Theranostics2019,9,3223–3248.

9. , F. Yin, D. Wang, L.-H. Xiong, R. T. K. Kwok, P. F. Gao, Z. Zhao, J. W. Y. Lam, K.-T. Yong, Z. Li*, B. Z. Tang*AIE Featured Inorganic–Organic Core@Shell Nanoparticles for High-Efficiency siRNA Delivery and Real-Time Monitoring.Nano Lett.2019,19,2272–2279.

10. N. Yan,X. He, B. Z. Tang*, W.-X. Wang*. Differentiating Silver Nanoparticles and Ions in Medaka Larvae by Coupling Two Aggregation-Induced Emission Fluorophores.Environ. Sci. Technol.2019,53,5895–5905.

11. X. He, Z. Zhao, L.-H. Xiong, P. F. Gao, C. Peng, R. S. Li, Y. Xiong, Z. Li, H. H.-Y. Sung, I. D.Williams, R. T. K. Kwok, J. W. Y. Lam, C. Z. Huang, N. Ma, B. Z. Tang*.Redox-Active AIEgen-Derived Plasmonic and Fluorescent Core@Shell Nanoparticles for Multimodality Bioimaging.J. Am. Chem. Soc.2018,140,6904–6911.

12. L.-H. Xiong,X. He, Z. Zhao, R. T. K. Kwok, Y. Xiong, P. F. Gao, F. Yang, Y. Huang, H. H.-Y. Sung, I. D. Williams, J. W. Y. Lam, J. Cheng*, R. Zhang*, B. Z. Tang*.Ultrasensitive Virion Immunoassay Platform with Dual-Modality Based on a Multifunctional Aggregation-Induced Emission Luminogen.ACS Nano2018,12,9549–9557.

13. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,Highly Sensitive Naked-Eye Assay for Enterovirus 71 Detection Based on Catalytic Nanoparticle Aggregation and Immunomagnetic Amplification.ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces2017,9,14691−14699.

14. X. He,T. Zeng, Z. Li, G. Wang, N. Ma*. Catalytic Molecular Imaging of MicroRNA in Living Cells via DNA-Programmed Nanoparticles Disassembly.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2016,55,3073−3076.

15. X. He,Z.Li, M.Chen, N. Ma*. DNA-Programmed Dynamic Assembly of Quantum Dots for Molecular Computation.Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.2014,53,14447−14450.

16. X. He, N. Ma*.A General Strategy for Label-Free Sensitive DNA Detection Based on Quantum Dot Doping.Anal. Chem.2014,86,36763681.

17. X. He, N. Ma*.An Overview of Recent Advance of Quantum Dots for BiomedicalApplications.Colloids Surf. B: Biointerfaces2014,124,118131.

18. X. He, L. Gao, N. Ma*. One-Step Instant Synthesis of Protein-Conjugated Quantum Dots at Room Temperature.Sci. Rep.2013,3,2825.

19. X. He, N. Ma*. Biomimetic Synthesis of Fluorogenic Quantum Dots for Ultrasensitive Label-Free Detection of Protease Activities.Small2013,9,25272531.