Career Opportunities

Positions in College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science

Employer Name:College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University

Job Title:Top Faculty Scholars andPostdoctoral Associate

Position Description:We are seeking candidates with strong background in the fields of Chemistry, Materials Science, Chemical Engineering and Environmental Engineering.The successful candidates will be required to work both independently and within interdisciplinary teams.

Location:Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, P. R. China

Salary:Competitive with benefits

Field of Specialization:Chemistry/ Materials Science/ Chemical Engineering/ Environmental Engineering

Work Function:Teach and research-applied for top faculty scholars and research-applied forpostdoctoral associate

Application email or link:Applicants should apply by submitting a current CV and five representative papers through Please direct email queries

Introduction to CCCEMS

College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science (CCCEMS) is renowned for its high quality of education and research, and of graduates.


CCCEMS was formed by the original School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering and the Division of Materials Science and Engineering. The School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering grew out of the Chemistry Department of Soochow University, which was founded in 1914 and was one of the earliest chemistry departments in China. In 1917, the First Master Degree of Chemistry in China was proudly issued by Soochow University.

Education and Research

CCCEMS has over 1,200 postgraduates and over 1,500 undergraduate students in 10 different majors, including chemistry, applied chemistry, polymer science and engineering, functional materials, chemical engineering, environmental engineering, etc.

CCCEMS is research intensive in a variety of fields and works collaboratively across areas. There are around 300 faculty staff in the College, many of whom are acknowledged leaders in their research fields. In the College, there are 5 academicians, more than 30 national-level talents. CCCEMS has a range of national and provincial-level research center.

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