汪顺义教授课题组在Org. Lett.上发表研究论文

Copper-Catalyzed Chemoselective Coupling of N-Dithiophthalimides and Alkyl Halides: Synthesis of Unsymmetrical Disulfides and Sulfides

Bin Li, Bo-Xi Liu, Weidong Rao, Shu-Su Shen, Daopeng Sheng, and Shun-Yi Wang*(汪顺义)

Key Laboratory of Organic Synthesis ofJiangsu Province, College of Chemistry, Chemical Engineeringand Materials Science, and Collaborative Innovation Centerof Suzhou Nano Science and Technology, SoochowUniversity, Suzhou 215123, China

Org. Lett.2024, 26, 17, 3634–3639

Abstract:In this paper, we report an unprecedented copper-catalyzed disulfides or sulfides coupling reaction involving unactivated alkyl halides and N-dithiophthalimides. This reaction can be conducted under mild conditions using low-cost metal catalysts and exhibits high chemical selectivity and functional group compatibility, enabling the efficient assembly of various sulfides and disulfides.
