严锋教授课题组在Adv. Mater.上发表研究论文

Poly(Ionic Liquid) Double-Network Elastomers with High-Impact Resistance Enhanced by Cation-π Interactions

Qingning Li, Weizheng Li, Ziyang Liu, Sijie Zheng, Xiaowei Wang, Jiaofeng Xiong, Feng Yan*(严锋)

Jiangsu Engineering Laboratory of Novel Functional Polymeric MaterialsJiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Negative Carbon Technologies,Suzhou Key Laboratory of Soft Material and New Energy,College of ChemistryChemical Engineering and Materials Science,Soochow UniversitySuzhou 215123, China

Adv. Mater.2023, 36, 2311214 (1 of 10)

Abstract:With the continuous development of impact protection materials, lightweight, high-impact resistance, flexibility, and controllable toughness are required. Here, tough and impact-resistant poly(ionic liquid) (PIL)/poly(hydroxyethyl acrylate) (PHEA) double-network (DN) elastomers are constructed via multiple cross-linking of polymer networks and cation-pi interactions of PIL chains. Benefiting from the strong noncovalent cohesion achieved by the cation-πinteractions in PIL chains, the prepared PIL DN elastomers exhibit extraordinary compressive strength (95.24 ± 2.49 MPa) and toughness (55.98 ± 0.66 MJ m-3) under high-velocity impact load (5000 s-1). The synthesized PIL DN elastomer combines strength and flexibility to protect fragile items from impact. This strategy provides a new research idea in the field of the next generation of safety and protective materials.
