朱健教授课题组在Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.上发表研究论文

Tuning the Mechanical Properties of 3D-printed Objects by the RAFT Process: From Chain-Growth to Step-Growth

Xiaofeng Pan, Jiajia Li*(李佳佳), Zhuang Li, Qing Li, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhengbiao Zhang, Jian Zhu*(朱健)

Stateand LocalJoint EngineeringLaboratoryfor NovelFunctionalPolymericMaterials,JiangsuKey Laboratoryof AdvancedFunctionalPolymerDesignand Application,Departmentof PolymerScienceand Engineering,Collegeof Chemistry, ChemicalEngineering and MaterialsScience,SoochowUniversity,Suzhou215123,China

Angew. Chem.Int. Ed.2024,63,e202318564(1 of 6)

Abstract:Photoinduced 3D printing based on the reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) process has emerged as a robust method for creating diverse functional materials. However, achieving precise control over the mechanical properties of these printed objects remains a critical challenge for practical application. Here, we demonstrated a RAFT step-growth polymerization of a bifunctional xanthate and bifunctional vinyl acetate. Additionally, we demonstrated photoinduced 3D printing through RAFT step-growth polymerization with a tetrafunctional xanthate and a bifunctional vinyl acetate. By adjusting the molar ratio of the components in the printing resins, we finely tuned the polymerization mechanism from step-growth to chain-growth. This adjustment resulted in a remarkable range of tunable Young's moduli, ranging from 7.6 MPa to 997.1 MPa. Moreover, post-functionalization and polymer welding of the printed objects with varying mechanical properties opens up a promising way to produce tailor-made materials with specific and tunable properties.
