汪顺义教授课题组在Org. Lett.上发表研究论文

Simultaneous Preparation of Sulfides/Selenides and Sulfones via Synergistic Nickel-Catalyzed Reductive Coupling and SN2 Reaction

Ji-Min Cao1,2, Wei-Chen Zhu1,2, Xin-Yu Liu,1,2Weidong Rao3, Shu-Su Shen4, Dao-peng Sheng5,6, Shun-Yi Wang1,2*(汪顺义)

1Key Laboratoryof OrganicSynthesisof JiangsuProvince,Collegeof Chemistry,ChemicalEngineeringandMaterialsScience,SoochowUniversity,Suzhou215123, China


3Key Laboratory of Biomass-based Green Fuels and Chemicals, College of Chemical Engineering, Nanjing Forestry University, Nanjing 210037, China

4School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215009, P. R. China

5StateKeyLaboratoryof RadiationMedicineandProtection,Schoolfor RadiologicalandInterdisciplinarySciences(RAD-X)andCollaborativeInnovationCenterof RadiationMedicineof JiangsuHigherEducationInstitutions,SoochowUniversity,Suzhou,Jiangsu215123,China

Org. Lett.2023, 25, 51, 9207–9212

Abstract:Sulfone compounds and thioether compounds are two highly valuable classes of compounds, but it is challenging to prepare sulfone and thioether compounds simultaneously and efficiently. Here we report that sulfides/selenides and sulfones can be obtained simultaneously using allyl bromide/benzyl bromide-activated alkyl bromides and thiosulfonates/selenosulfonates using a nickel-catalyzed reductive coupling and SN2 synergistic strategy, which is characterized by excellent atom and step economy, mild reaction conditions, broad functional group compatibility, and excellent yields.
