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厦门大学生物化工专业博士(硕博连读2011-2016),澳大利亚昆士兰大学联合培养博士(2014-2015)、博士后(2016-2018),法国国家农业食品与环境研究院(INRAE)访问学者(2023.10-2024.01),现任www.优德88.cpm 化工与环境工程学院副教授,硕士生导师。中国食品科学技术学会全谷物分会委员(理事),中国食品科学技术学会高级会员,中国化工学会会员,江苏省科技副总,SCI期刊《Fermentation》编委、客座编辑,《Journal of Future Foods》、《Food Science of Animal Products》青年编委,《Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems》客座编辑等。主讲本科生课程《化学反应工程》、《化工基础》和《化工原理》,参与讲授研究生课程《化工前沿》。获www.优德88.cpm 教师教学创新大赛一等奖,指导本科生获第五届全国“互联网+化学反应工程”课模设计大赛三等奖、第十一届江苏省大学生化工设计竞赛特等奖等。








目前主持江苏省自然科学基金青年项目、江苏省高等学校自然科学基金面上项目、企业横向项目等,作为项目骨干参与国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项和国家自然科学基金面上项目等。截至20242月,累计发表SCI论文75篇,其中第一或通讯作者论文48篇,ESI高被引论文3篇,他引1700余次,H-index 24。担任Food Chem.,Carbohyd. Polym.,Trends Food Sci. Tech.,Food Hydrocolloid.,Food Funct.,J Food Eng.等主流食品期刊审稿人。参编溶出度技术专著1部,授权国家发明专利2项。




1) Yang, S., Hu, Z.,Wu, P*., Kirk, T., & Chen, X. D*. (2024).In vitrorelease and bioaccessibility of oral solid preparations in a dynamic gastrointestinal system simulating fasted and fed states: A case study of metformin hydrochloride tablets.International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 652, 123869.

2) Iqbal, S., Zhang, P.,Wu, P*., Ge, A., Kirk, T. V*., & Chen, X. D. (2024). Impact of fat content on the modulation of viscosity, microstructure and enzymatic hydrolysis of UHT milk during simulated gastrointestinal digestion.International Journal of Dairy Technology, 77(1), 59-70.

3) Wu, P*., & Wang, N. (2024). Bioactive Compounds in Grain Fermentation.Fermentation, 10(2), 95.

4) Xiong, Z.,Wu, P*., Wang, N., Cong, H., & Chen, X. D*. (2023). How bio-relevant buffering media affect dissolution and release kinetics of solid formula: Ibuprofen as a model.Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, 87, 104857.

5) Dong, X., Zhuo, H., Wang, K.,Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2023). Real-time spatial quantification of gastric acid diffusion in whey protein gels with different NaCl concentrations by wide-field fluorescence microscopy.Food Research International, 169, 112828.

6) Hu, Z.,Wu, P*., Chen, Y., Wang, L., Jin, X., & Chen, X. D*. (2023). Intestinal absorption of DHA microcapsules with different formulations based onex vivorat intestine andin vitrodialysis models.Food & Function, 14(4), 2008-2021.

7) Zhang, H., Duan, S., Yu, Y., Wu, R. a., Wang, J., Chen, X. D., Szeto, I. M.-Y.,Wu, P*., & Jin, Y*. (2023). Impact of casein-to-whey protein ratio on gastric emptying, proteolysis, and peptidome profile of fermented milk duringin vitrodynamic gastrointestinal digestion in preschool children.Food Chemistry, 405, 134840.

8) Ye, Q., Ding, M., Zhang, P.,Wu, P*., Wang, Y., Selomulya, C., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). Visual monitoring of disintegration of solid oral dosage forms in simulated gastric fluids using low-field NMR imaging.AAPS PharmSciTech, 23(7), 246.

9) Zhang, P., Iqbal, S., Deng, R., Duan, X., Han, X., Chen, X. D*., &Wu, P*. (2022). Impact of elderly gastrointestinal alterations on gastric emptying and enzymatic hydrolysis of skim milk: Anin vitrostudy using a dynamic stomach system.Food Chemistry, 134365.

10) Liu, Z., Suolang, Q., Wang, J., Li, L., Luo, Z., Shang, P*., Chen, X. D., &Wu, P*. (2022). Formation of structured clots, gastric emptying and hydrolysis kinetics of yak milk duringin vitrodynamic gastrointestinal digestion: Impact of different heat treatments.Food Research International, 162, 111958.

11) Chen, L., Lv, B., Zhang, X., Xu, Y.,Wu, P*., Zhou, W., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). The swallowing threshold and starch hydrolysis of cooked rice with different moisture contents for human mastication.Food Research International, 160, 111677.

12) Dong, X.,Wu, P*., Cong, H., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). Mechanistic study on thein vitrodisintegration and proteolysis of whey protein isolate gels: Effect of the strength of sodium ions.Food Hydrocolloids, 132, 107862.

13) Feng, J.,Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). Quantitative visualization study on the physical movement and gastric emptying of diced carrot particle in a transparent rat stomach-duodenum model.International Journal of Food Engineering, 18(6), 461-478.

14) Huang, Y.,Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D. (2022). Mechanistic insights into the influence of flavonoids from dandelion on physicochemical properties andin vitrodigestibility of cooked potato starch.Food Hydrocolloids, 130, 107714.

15) Li, L., Baima, C., Jiang, J., Liu, Z*., Wang, J., Chen, X. D., &Wu, P*. (2022).In vitrogastric digestion and emptying of tsampa under simulated elderly and young adult digestive conditions using a dynamic stomach system.Journal of Food Engineering, 327, 111054.

16) Iqbal, S., Zhang, P.,Wu, P*., Yin, Q., Hidayat, K., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). Modulation of viscosity, microstructure and lipolysis of W/O emulsions by cellulose ethers duringin vitrodigestion in the dynamic and semi-dynamic gastrointestinal models.Food Hydrocolloids, 107584.

17) Lv, B.,Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). The surface mechanics of cooked rice as influenced by gastric fluids measured using a micro texture analyzer.Journal of Texture Studies,53(4),465-477.

18) Hu, Z.,Wu, P*., Wang, L., Wu, Z., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). Exploringin vitrorelease and digestion of commercial DHA microcapsules from algae oil and tuna oil with whey protein and casein as wall materials.Food & Function, 13(2), 978-989.

19) Iqbal, S., Zhang, P.,Wu, P*., Deng, R., & Chen, X. D*. (2022). Impact of amylose from maize starch on the microstructure, rheology and lipolysis of W/O emulsions during simulated semi-dynamic gastrointestinal digestion.International Journal of Food Science & Technology, 57(6), 3578-3588.

20) Wang, J.,Wu, P*., Wang, J., Wang, J., Gu, B., Ge, F., & Chen, X. D*. (2022).In vitrogastric digestion and emptying of cooked white and brown rice using a dynamic human stomach system.Food Structure, 31, 100245.

21) Iqbal, S., Zhang, P.,Wu, P*., Ge, A., Ge, F., Deng, R., Chen, X.D*., (2021). Evolutions of rheology, microstructure and digestibility of parboiled rice during simulated semi-dynamic gastrointestinal digestion.LWT, 148, 111700.

22) Peng, Z.,Wu, P*., Wang, J., Dupont, D., Menard, O., Jeantet, R., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Achieving realistic gastric emptying curve in an advanced dynamicin vitrohuman digestion system: experiences with cheese-a difficult to empty material.Food & Function, 12(9), 3965-3977.

23) Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D. (2021). Validation ofin vitrobioaccessibility assays-A key aspect in the rational design of functional foods towards tailored bioavailability.Current Opinion in Food Science, 39, 160-170.

24) Chen, X. D., &Wu, P*. (2021). A practical perspective for a conservative estimate of blood glucose level during restaurant dining and supermarket shopping.Foods,10(2), 444.

25) Wu, P*., Wang, J., Wang, J.,Chen, X. D, Szeto Ignatius, M., Duan, S.* (2021). Evaluation of probiotics viability in fermented milk based on a biomimetic gastrointestinal model.Food and Fermentation Industries,47(12), 147-153.

26) Huang, Y.,Wu, P*., Ying, J., Dong, Z., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Mechanistic study on inhibition of porcine pancreatic α-amylase using the flavonoids from dandelion.Food Chemistry,344, 128610.

27) Liu, Z-D., Wang, J., Li, L., &Wu, P*. (2021). Mechanistic insights into the role of starch multi-level structures in functional properties of high-amylose rice cultivars.Food Hydrocolloids, 113, 106441.

28) Ding, M.,Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Investigation of gastric disintegration of carrot during digestionin vitroby a Low-Field Nuclear Magnetic Resonance device.Journal of Food Engineering, 292, 110307.

29) Iqbal, S.,Wu, P*., Kirk, T. V., & Chen, X. D*. (2021). Amylose content modulates maize starch hydrolysis, rheology, and microstructure during simulated gastrointestinal digestion.Food Hydrocolloids, 110, 106171.

30) Duan, X., Han, H., Deng, R., &Wu, P*. (2020). Drying treatments on Chinese yam (Dioscorea spp.) prior to wet milling influence starch molecular structures and physicochemical properties.Food Hydrocolloids,102, 105599.

31) Li, C., Yu, W.,Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D. (2020). Currentin vitrodigestion systems for understanding food digestion in human upper gastrointestinal tract.Trends in Food Science & Technology,96, 114-126.

32) Wu, P*., & Chen, X. D*. (2020).On designing biomimicin vitrohuman and animal digestion track models: ideas, current and future devices.Current Opinion in Food Science, 35, 10-19.

33) Wu, P*., Li, C., Bai, Y., Yu, S., & Zhang, X. (2019). A starch molecular basis for aging-induced changes in pasting and textural properties of waxy rice.Food Chemistry, 284, 270-278. Ahmed, S., Ru, W., Han, H., Cheng, L., Bian, X., Li, G., Jin, L.,Wu, P*., Bao, J*. (2019). Fine molecular structure and its effects on physicochemical properties of starches in potatoes grown in two locations.Food Hydrocolloids, 97, 105172.

34) Han, H., Zhang, H., Li, E., Li, C., &Wu, P*. (2019). Structural and functional properties of OSA-starches made with wide-ranging hydrolysis approaches.Food Hydrocolloids, 90, 132-145.

35) Wang, J.,Wu, P*., Liu, M., Liao, Z., Wang, Y., Dong, Z., & Chen, X. D*. (2019). An advanced near real dynamicin vitrohuman stomach system to study gastric digestion and emptying of beef stew and cooked rice.Food & Function, 10(5), 2914-2925.