李亚红教授与刘玮副教授合作在CrystEngComm 上发表研究论文
Chair-like [LnIII4CoIII2] (Ln = Dy, Eu, Gd, Tb) clusters including a [DyIII4CoIII2] single molecule magnet

Haifeng Zhangab,Rui Liub,Jin Zhanga,Yahong Li*a(李亚红)andWei Liua(刘玮)

aCollege of Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China

bDepartment of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Jining University, Qufu 273155, China

CrystEngComm,2016,18, 8246-8252

The employment of a Schiff base ligand 2-((2-(hydroxymethyl)phenylimino)methyl)phenol (H2L) in the synthesis of LnIII–CoIIIclusters is reported. Four isomorphous hexanuclear clusters of compositions [Ln4Co23-OH)2(NO3)4(CH3COO)4L4(DMF)2]·2C2H5OH [H2L = 2-((2-(hydroxymethyl)phenylimino)methyl)-6-methoxyphenol; Ln = Dy (1), Eu (2), Gd (3), Tb (4)] have been prepared under solvothermal conditions. The centrosymmetric hexanuclear metallic core is composed of a defect-dicubane Ln4moiety and two CoIIIions which are linked to the defect-dicubane unit through two alkoxo groups and two phenoxido groups. This structure gives a chair-like topology. The magnetic properties of1–4were studied. The Dy4unit of1exhibits slow magnetic relaxation behavior. TheUefffor1of 41.9 K is a relatively high value among those reported for Dy4SMMs with defect-dicubane cores. This value is also much higher than those reported for [DyIII4CoIII2] SMMs. This work further illustrates that hydroxide-containing Schiff bases are very effective ligands for designing 3d–4f-based SMMs.
