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姓名:牛政 职称:教授 部门:化学学院 联系方式:
Tel: 86-512-65883615
E-mail: zhengniu@suda.edu.cn |
学历及学术经历: 2008年毕业于天津大学材料科学与工程学院材料化学专业,获得理学学士学位;2014年毕业于南开大学化学学院,获得无机化学博士学位。2015年至2019年在美国University of South Florida化学学院从事博士后研究。2019年加入www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部担任特聘教授、博士生导师。从2009年开始,在南开大学从事基于MOF材料的组装,分离及机理研究。从2015到2019年,在University of South Florida从事基于多孔材料的催化、分离以及新型配位机理的研究。在JACS, Angew, Chem等杂志上发表近40篇论文,其中以第一及通讯作者发表10余篇一区论文,文章总引用数超过1200次。 研究领域: 基于MOF类的多孔材料进行各种机理和应用方面的研究,主要包括:多孔frustrated Lewis pair异相催化剂的合成及性质研究、导电及电极材料的合成及性质研究、化工气体的捕获和分离、金属-气体分子新型配位键的构建、荧光探针以及固相合成。 代表性论文(#代表共同第一作者,*代表通讯作者): 1. Wang, M.-F.; Mi, Y.; Hu, F.-L.*;Niu, Z.*; Yin, X.-H.; Huang, Q.; Wang, H.-F.; Lang, J.-P.* “Coordination-Driven Stereopecific Control Strategy for Pure Cycloisomers in Solid-State Diolefin Photocycloaddition”J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2020, doi:10.1021/jacs.9b12358. 2. Niu, Z.; Zheng, W.; Lan, P. C.; Aguila, B.; Ma, S.* “Promoting Frustrated Lewis Pair for Heterogeneous Chemoselective Hydrogenation via Tailored Pore Environment within Metal‐Organic Framework”Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2019,58, 7420-7424. (IF = 12.102) (Highlighted by X-MOL,https://www.x-mol.com/news/17288) 3. Niu, Z.; Cui, X.; Pham, T.; Lan, P. C.; Xing H.; Forrest, K. A.; Wojtas, L.; Space, B.; Ma, S.* “Metal-Organic Framework Based Methane Nano-trap for the Capture of Coal-Mine Methane”Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,2019,58, 10138-10141. (IF = 12.102) (Very Important Paper) 4. Niu, Z.; Gunatilleke, W. D. C. B.; Sun, Q.; Lan, P. C.; Perman, J.; Ma, J.-G.; Cheng, Y.; Aguila, B.; Ma, S.* “Metal-organic framework anchored with Lewis pair as a new paradigm for catalysis”Chem,2018,4, 2587-2599. (IF = 18.205) (Highlighted inC&EN;Previewby Prof. Douglas Stephan inChem; Featured onthe 2018 November Issue Cover of Chem; Highlighted by X-MOL,https://www.x-mol.com/news/15552) 5. Niu, Z.; Fang, S.; Liu, X.; Ma, S.*; Ma, J.-G.*; Cheng, P. “Coordination-driven polymerization of supramolecular nanocages”J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2015,137, 14873-14876. (IF = 14.357) 6. Niu, Z.; Wang, L.; Fang, S.; Lan, P. C.; Aguila, B.; Perman, J.; Ma, J.-G.*; Cheng, P.; Li, X.; Ma, S.* “Solvent-assisted coordination driven assembly of a supramolecular architecture featuring two types of connectivity from discrete nanocages”,Chem. Sci.2019,10, 6661-6665. (IF = 9.063) 7. Teng, P.;†Niu, Z.;†She, F.; Zhou, M.; Sang, P.; Gray, G. M.; Verma, G.; Wojtas, L.; Van der Vaart, A.; Ma, S.*; Cai, J.* “Hydrogen-bonding-driven 3D supramolecular assembly of peptidomimetic zipper”,J. Am. Chem. Soc.,2018,140, 5661‒5665. (IF = 14.357) (Selected forthe cover of the May 2018 JACS, Volume 140, Issue 17; Highlighted by USF Chemistry News and Research Highlights; Highlighted by X-MOL,http://www.x-mol.com/med/news/12537) (†共同第一作者) 8. Wang, X.;†Niu, Z.;†Al-Enizi, A. M.; Nafady, A.; Wu, Y.; Aguila, B.; Verma, G.; Wojtas, L.; Chen, Y.-S.; Li, Z.*; Ma, S.* “Pore Environment Engineering in Metal-Organic Frameworks for Efficient Ethane/Ethylene Separation”,J. Mater. Chem. A,2019,7, 13585-13590. (†共同第一作者) (IF = 10.733) 9. Niu, Z.; Ma, J.-G.*; Shi, W.; Cheng, P.* “Water molecule-driven reversible single-crystal to single-crystal transformation of a multi-metallic coordination polymer with controllable metal ion movement”Chem. Commun.,2014,50, 1839 -1841. (IF = 6.29) 10. Niu, Z.; Fang, S.; Ma, J.-G.*; Zhang, X.-P.; Cheng, P.* “Enhancement of adsorption selectivity for MOFs under mild activation and regeneration conditions”Chem. Commun.,2014,50, 7797-7799. (IF = 6.29) |