
新加坡南洋理工大学化学系博士招生简章(2014 年8 月入学)
南洋理工大学(Nanyang Technological University)一所在2013年9月最新版QS高等教育大学排名中列全球第41的著名高校。
隶属于数理学院(School of Physical & Mathematical Sciences )的化学与生物化学系(Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry)成立于2005年,是南大发展最快的科系之一。已有1200多名本科生和230多名博士生,现招收2014年8月录取的博士研究生,所有新生将获得全额奖学金,奖学金包括四年全额学费和每月2500新加坡元的生活补贴(约合人民币13000元)
学院名称:School of Physical & Mathematic Sciences(SPMS)
科系名称:Division of Chemistry and Biological Chemistry(CBC)
1. Group 4 mixed-bridge frameworks, Towards 3D inorganic frameworks appended with radicals (Prof. Felipe Garcia research group)
2. Development of novel bonding and structures with main group elements and their applications in catalysis (Prof. Rei Kinjo research group)
3. Bond activation, Hetero- and intermetallic clusters, Catalysis, Bioorganometallic (Prof. Leong Weng Kee research group)
4. Design and synthesis of chiral organometallic complexes and their applications in asymmetric catalysis (Prof. Pak-Hing Leung research group)
5. Organophosphorus chemistry, Transition metal chemistry, Homogeneous catalysis (Prof. Francois Mathey research group)
6. Main-group-elements-containing p -conjugated systems for optoelectronic devices, Small molecules activation mediated by low valent metal complexes. (Prof. Cheuk-Wai So research group)
7. Electrochemistry and photochemistry of first-row transition metal complexes (Prof. Soo Han Sen research group)
8. Synthesis of main group compounds as catalysts for organic transformations. (Prof. Dragoslav Vidovic research group)
Ø Prof. Felipe Garcia research group
1.Confinement of halide ions within homologous inverse coordination hosts; modification of halide-ion selectivity. F. García, R. J. Less, M McPartlin Mary, A. Michalski, R. E. Mulvey, V. Naseri, M. L Stead, A. Moran de Vega, D. S. Wright, Chem. Comm. 2011, 47, 1821.
2.Syntheses and structures of [Me 2Si{As(PtBu) 3} 2] and [(CyP) 3SiMe 2] (Cy = cyclohexyl, C 6H 11). W. T. K. Chan, F. Garcia, M. McPartlin, R. L. Melen, D. S. Wright, J. Organomet Chem. 2010, 695, 1069.
Ø Prof. Rei Kinjo research group
Ø Prof. Leong Weng Kee research group
5.Photochemical Reaction of Cp*Ir(CO) 2with C 6F 5X (X = CN, F): Formation of Diiridium(II) Complexes. K. H. G. Mak, P. K. Chan, W. Y. Fan, R. Ganguly, W. K. Leong, Organometallics 2013, 32, 1053.
6.Metal Carbonyl-Gold Nanoparticle Conjugates for Live-Cell SERS Imaging. K. V. Kong, Z. Lam, W. D. Goh, W. K. Leong, M. Olivo. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2012, 51, 9796.
Ø Prof. Pak-Hing Leung research group
7.Reactivity of Cycloplatinated Amine Complexes: Intramolecular C-C Bond Formation, C-H Activation, and PPh 2Migration in Coordinated Alkynylphosphines. K. W. Tan, X. Y. Yang, Y. Li, Y. Huang, S. A. Pullarkat, P. H. Leung, Organometallics 2012, 31, 8407.
8.Enantioselective Addition of Diphenylphosphine to 3-Methyl-4-nitro-5-alkenylisoxazoles. R. J. Chew, Y. Huang, Y. Li, S. A. Pullarkat, P. H. Leung, Adv. Synth. Catal. 2013, 355, 1403.
Ø Prof. Francois Mathey research group
9.The original coordination chemistry of 2-phosphaphenol with copper(I) and gold(I) halides. Y. Mao, K.M.H. Lim, Y. Li, R. Ganguly, F. Mathey, Organometallics2013 , 32, 3562.
10.The original reactivity of a phosphole-substituted Fischer carbene complex. K.H. Ng, Y. Li, R. Ganguly, F. Mathey, Organometallics 2013 , 32, 2287.
Ø Prof. Cheuk-Wai So research group
11.An Extensive s-, p- and n-Electron Delocalized Si 4Ring. S.-H. Zhang, H.-W. Xi, K. H. Lim, C.-W. So, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.DOI: 10.1002/anie.201305567.
12.A Base-Stabilized Lead(I) Dimer and an Aromatic Plumbylidenide Anion. S.-P. Chia, H. W. Xi, Y. Li, K. H. Lim, C.-W. So, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 6298 .
Ø Prof. Soo Han Sen research group
13.Visible Light-Induced Hole Injection into Rectifying Molecular Wires Anchored on Co 3O 4and SiO 2Nanoparticles. H. S. Soo, A. Agiral, A. Bachmeier, H. Frei, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2012, 134, 17104.
14.A Seven-Coordinate Iron Platform and its Oxo and Nitrene Reactivity. H. S. Soo, M. T. Sougrati, F. Grandjean, G. J. Long, C. J. Chang, Inorg. Chim. Acta 2011, 369, 82.
Ø Prof. Dragoslav Vidovic research group
15.Counterion Dependence on the Synthetic Viability of NHC-stabilized Dichloroborenium Cations. S. Muthaiah, D. C. H. Do, R. Ganguly, R.; D. Vidović, D. Organometallics 2013, DOI:10.1021/om400541q.
16.A Carbone-Stabilized Two-Coordinate Phosphorus(III)-Centered Dication. M. Q. Y. Tay, Y. Lu, R. Ganguly, D. Vidovic, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 3132.
我系无机化学的 梁百 教授和 卓威教授将特別于 ( Nov 19-20, at Soochow University )进行2014年入学的招生面试和写作考试。
