
Tel: 86-512-65880336 (Lab)
Fax: 86-512-65880335 (o)
Email: jpzou@suda.edu.cn


历及学术经历:1982年南京大学本科毕业,2000年取得日本信州大学博士学位。1989-1991年大阪府立大学访问学者,1996-1997年香港浸会大学访问学者。1993年www.优德88.cpm 任副 教授,1999年www.优德88.cpm 教授,2002年被聘为博士生导师。至今,主持三项国家自然科学基金项目、十多项省市级基金项目和十一项产学研项目。在国内外核心化学期刊如Chem. Commun.,Org. Lett.,Green Chem.,Adv. Synth. Cat.,J. Org. Chem.等杂志上发表正式论文174篇,获得中国授权专利23个,出版有机硫化学有机化合物结构分析2007年被评为江苏省高校精品教材)编著2本。



1. Phosphinoyl Radical-initiated Vicinal Cyanophosphinoylation of Alkenes, Pei-Zhi Zhang,Ling Zhang, Jian-An Li, Adedamola Shobe ru,Jian-Ping Zou,Wei Zhang,Org. Lett.2017,19, 5537−5540.

2. Phosphinoyl Radical-Initiated α,β-Aminophosphinoylation of Alkenes, Jian-An Li, Pei-Zhi Zhang, Kui Liu, Adedamola Shoberu,Jian-Ping Zou, and Wei Zhang,Org. Lett,2017,19,4704−4706.

3. Copper-Catalyzed TBHP-Mediated Radical Cross-Coupling Reaction of Sulfonylhydrazides with Thiols Leading to Thiosulfonates, Guo-Yu Zhang, Shuai-Shuai Lv, Adedamola Shoberu, andJian-Ping Zou,J. Org. Chem.2017,82, 9801−9807.

4.Metal-free radical C-H methylation of pyrimidinones and pyridinones with dicumylperoxide,P. Z. Zhang, J. A. Li, L. Zhang, A. Shoberu ,J. P. Zouand W. Zhang,Green Chem.,2017,19, 919–923.

5.Catalytic Asymmetric Total Synthesis of Hedyosumins A, B and C,W. B. Sun, X. Wang, B. F. Sun, G. Q. Lin,J. P. Zou,Org. Lett.2016,18, 1219-1221.

6. Silver-catalyzed direct Csp2-H phosphorylation of indoles leading to phosphoindoles, Wang-Bin Sun, Jian-Fei Xue, Guo-Yu Zhang, Run-Sheng Zeng, Li-Tao An, Pei-Zhi Zhang,Jian-Ping Zou,Adv. Synth. Catal.2016,358, 1753-1758.

7. Direct Radical Acetoxyphosphorylation of Styrenes Mediated by Manganese(III), Shao-Fang Zhou, Da-Peng Li, Kui Liu,Jian-Ping Zou, and Olayinka Taiwo Asekun,J. Org. Chem.2015,80, 1214−1220.

8. Air Oxidative Radical Hydroxysulfurization of Styrenes Leading to β-Hydroxysulfides, Shao-Fang Zhou, Xiangqiang Pan, Zhi-Hao Zhou, Adedamola Shoberu, andJian-Ping Zou

J. Org. Chem.2015,80, 3682-3687.

9.Manganese(III)-mediated direct Csp2-H radical trifluoromethylation of coumarins with sodium trifluoromethanesulfinate,Xiao-Hui Cao, Xiangqiang Pan, Peng-Jun Zhou,Jian-Ping Zou, Olayinka Taiwo Asekun,Chem.Commun.,2014,50, 3359-3362.

10. Manganese(III)-mediated phosphinoyl radical reactions for

stereoselective synthesis ofphosphinoylatedtetrahydro- naphathalenes, Xiang-Qiang Pan, Lu Wang,Jian-Ping Zou, Wei Zhang,Chem. Commun.,2011,47, 7875–7877.

11. Solvent- and catalyst-free synthesis of 2,3-dihydro-1H-benzo[d] imidazoles, Da-Peng Li, Guang-Liang Zhang, Li-Tao An,Jian- Ping Zou, and Wei Zhang,Green Chem.2011,13, 594–597.

12. Manganese(III)-Mediated Direct Phosphonation of Arylalkenesand Arylalkynes, X. Q. Pan,J. P. Zou,G. L. Zhang, W.

Zhang,Chem. Commun., 2010,46, 1721.

13.一种合成喹喔啉衍生物的方法,邹建平,蔡晶晶,潘向强,茅海峰,陈唐明,专利号ZL 2008 1 0023118.023个中国授权专利。
