
Email: yingwu@suda.edu.cn

学历及学术经历 :
吴 莹,女, 1959年8月出生,江苏宜兴人,博士,教授,硕士研究生导师。
1982年本科毕业于www.优德88.cpm 化学系,并留校任教。1994年获华东师范大学化学系分析化学硕士学位。 2006 年获www.优德88.cpm 博士学位。从事分析化学教学及科研工作。
1992-2000年,液/液界面电分析化学研究。开展有关生物分子、大环内脂类药物及金属离子在模拟生物膜界面迁移的电化学性质及分析方法研究;2001-2006,有机-无机杂化材料的合成与性能研究,从事有机-杂多酸电荷转移配合物的合成、表征及光电磁性能研究,以及有机-杂多酸电荷转移配合物修饰电极电催化应用。2007年至今,开展功能化金属纳米粒子的合成、组装以及纳米粒子修饰电极、电化学免疫传感器等方面的研究工作。已在 Biosensors and Bioelectronics,Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Electroanalysiy等国内外优秀学术期刊上发表学术论文四十余篇,主要参与及完成国家自然科学基金项目2项,承担省部级项目1项,主持完成市厅级项目4项。
研究领域 : 化学修饰电极、 纳米 组装及纳米 修饰、 生物 )电化学 传感器等。
1. New method for preparation of polyoxometalate-capped gold nanoparticles, and their assembly on an indium-doped tinoxide electrode, Yu Cheng, Junwei Zheng, Zhenping Wang, Liu Liu,Ying Wu * , Jianping Yang, Microchim Acta ,2011,173: 529 535
2.A novel reagentless amperometric immunosensor based on gold nanoparticles/ TMB/ Nafion-modified electrode,Ying Wu * , Junwei Zheng, Zheng Li, Yanrong Zhao, Yu Zhang Biosensors and Bioelectronics 2009 , 24(5): 1389-1393
3.Electrocatalytic Behavior and Amperometric Detection of Morphine on ITO Electrode Modified with Directly Electrodeposited Gold Nanoparticles, Yanrong Zhao,Ying Wu*, Yu Zhang, Zeguan Chen, Xia Cao, Junwei Di, Jianping Yang.Electroanalysis,2009, 21(8): 939-943
4. Synthesis and shapes of gold nanoparticles by using transition metal monosubstituted heteropolyanions as photocatalysts and stabilizers, Niu Caihong,Wu Ying*, Wang Zhenping, Li Zheng, Li Rong.Frontiers of Chemistry in China,2009, 4(1): 44-47
5. Disposable superoxide anion biosensor based on superoxide dismutase entrapped in silica sol–gel matrix at gold nanoparticles modified ITO electrode. Yuan Wang,Ying Wu, Jianwen Wang, Junwei Di*.Bioprocess Biosyst Eng.2009, 32: 531–536
6. Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Crystals Molecular Hybrid Material with 3,3,5,5- Tetramethylbenzidine and Molybdophosphate, Ying Wu * , D. Wen, L. Xu, Z. Wang.Journal of Materials Science and Engineering 2006 , 24(1): 25-28.
7. Photoinduced Electron TransferandElectrocatalyticPropertiesof Novel Charge-Transfer Compound (TMB)3HPMo12O40,Ying Wu*, Junwei Zheng, Ling Xu, Zhenping Wang, Dijiang Wen.Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry 2006 , 589: 232-236
8. A novel spectrophotometric determination of trace copper based on charge transfer complex,Junwei Di,Ying Wu, Yun Ma.Spectrochimica Acta Part A,2005, 61(2): 937-941