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2002年毕业于齐鲁工业大学,获学士学位,2007年获中国科学院上海光机所博士学位。先后在英国南安普顿大学光电研究中心、日本神户大学做博士后和JSPS特别研究员。200910月至20123月任日本国立材料www.优德88.cpm 所青年科学家中心研究员(tenure-track)20124月任北海道大学助理教授(tenure-track)20138月受聘www.优德88.cpm 材料与化学化工学部特聘教授、博士生导师,201312月入选江苏省特聘教授。迄今为止,在Prog. Mater. Sci.Light: Science & ApplicationsJACSAngew. Chem.Adv. Mater.APLOpt. Lett.等期刊上发表110余篇论文。近年来主持江苏省特聘教授专项经费、国家自然科学基金面上项目等多项经费。






1. Yan-Min Yang, Zhi-Yong Li,Jun-Ying Zhang, Yue Lu,Shao-Qiang Guo,Qing Zhao,Xin Wang,Zi-Jun Yong, Hong Li, Ju-Ping Ma, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa,Chikako Moriyoshi, Li-Li Hu, Li-Yan Zhang, Li-Rong Zheng,Hong-Tao Sun,*X-ray-activated long persistent phosphors featuring strong UVC afterglow emissions,Light: Science & Applications,2018, 7, 88.(News & Views, Nature Photonics, 2019, 13, 74-75: Ultraviolet Afterglow; Highlighted by X-MOL,http://www.x-mol.com/news/15218)

2. Zi-Jun Yong, Shao-Qiang Guo, Ju-Ping Ma, Jun-Ying Zhang, Zhi-Yong Li, Ya-Meng Chen, Bin-Bin Zhang, Yang Zhou, Jie Shu, Jia-Li Gu, Li-Rong Zheng, Osman M. Bakr,Hong-Tao Sun,*Doping-Enhanced Short-Range Order of Perovskite Nanocrystals for Near-Unity Violet Luminescence Quantum Yield,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2018, 140, 9942-9951.(Highlighted by X-MOL,http://www.x-mol.com/news/13640)

3. Yang Zhou, Jie Chen, Osman M. Bakr,* andHong-Tao Sun,*Metal-Doped Lead Halide Perovskites: Synthesis, Properties, and Optoelectronic Applications,Chem. Mater., 2018, 30, 6589−6613.(Review; Selected as Front Cover; a top download for all of 2018/Chemistry of Materials;One of top 20 most downloaded articles in Sep. 2018)

4. Bo-Mei Liu, Zhi-Gang Zhang, Kai Zhang, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Chikako Moriyoshi, Hui-Mei Yu, Chao Li, Li-Rong Zheng, Li-Na Li, Guang Yang, Yang Zhou, Yong-Zheng Fang, Jing-Shan Hou, Yoshitaka Matsushita,Hong-Tao Sun,*Unconventional Luminescent Centers in Metastable Phases Created by Topochemical Reduction Reactions,Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2016, 55 (16), 4967-4971. (Highlighted in Annual Report of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BSRF2016, pages 25-26; Highlighted in Annual Report of Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility, 2016, page 39 Highlighted by X-MOL,http://www.x-mol.com/news/2561)

5. Kai Zhang, Chong-Geng Ma, Jun-Ying Zhang, Bo-Mei Liu, Yang Zhou, Shao-Qiang Guo, Jia-Yue Xu, Jing-Shan Hou, Yong-Zheng Fang, Li-Rong Zheng, andHong-Tao Sun,*Giant Enhancement of Luminescence from Phosphors through Oxygen-Vacancy-Mediated Chemical Pressure Relaxation,Adv. Optical Mater., 2017, 5, 1700448. (Highlighted in Annual Report of Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility, BSRF2017)

6.Hong-Tao Sun,*Y. Matsushita, Y. Sakka, N. Shirahata, M. Tanaka, Y. Katsuya, H. Gao and K. Kobayashi, Synchrotron X-ray, Photoluminescence and Quantum Chemistry Studies of Bismuth Embedded Dehydrated Zeolite Y,J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2012, 134, 2918-2921.

7.Hong-Tao Sun,*A. Hosokawa, Y. Miwa, F. Shimaoka, M. Fujii,* M. Mizuhata, S. Hayashi, and S. Deki, Strong Ultra-Broadband Near-Infrared Photoluminescence from Bismuth-Embedded Zeolites and Their Derivatives,Adv. Mater., 2009, 21, 3694-3698.

8. Yang Zhou, Zi-Jun Yong, Kai-Cheng Zhang, Bo-Mei Liu, Zhao-Wei Wang, Jing-Shan Hou, Yong-Zheng Fang, Yi Zhou,Hong-Tao Sun,*and Bo Song,* Ultrabroad Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence at New Wavelengths from Doped Organometal Halide Perovskites,J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2016, 7, 2735−2741.

9. Hong Li, Qing Zhao, Bo-Mei Liu, Jun-Ying Zhang, Zhi-Yong Li, Shao-Qiang Guo, Ju-Ping Ma, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Chikako Moriyoshi, Li-Rong Zheng,Hong-Tao Sun,*Transformation of Perovskite BaBiO3into Layered BaBiO2.5Crystals Featuring Unusual Chemical Bonding and Luminescence,Chemistry–A European Journal, 2018, 24, 8875-8882. (Highlighted by X-MOL,http://www.x-mol.com/news/tag/5)

10. Dan-Dan Zhou, Qing Zhao, Fu-Ping Zhu, Zhi-Gang Zhang, Yang Zhou, Zi-Jun Yong, Ju-Ping Ma, Yoshihiro Kuroiwa, Chikako Moriyoshi, Yong-Zheng Fang, Jia-Li Gu, Jie Shu, Zhi-Yong Li, Jian-Mei Chen, Li-Rong Zheng,Hong-Tao Sun,*Ion-Exchangeable Microporous Polyoxometalate Compounds with Off-Center Dopants Exhibiting Unconventional Luminescence,Chemistry–A European Journal, 2018, 24, 9976-9982. (Highlighted by X-MOL,http://www.x-mol.com/news/13149)