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1995年毕业于www.优德88.cpm 化学教育专业,1998年获www.优德88.cpm 物理化学专业硕士学位,2008年获www.优德88.cpm 物理化学专业博士学位。1998年起就职于www.优德88.cpm ;2009年聘为副教授,2011年任硕士生导师。在国内外核心化学期刊如Chem. Commun.,Anal. Chem.,J. Mater. Chem. B,Chem. Phys., Dyes pigm.等正式发表论文50余篇。



1. Aggregation induced convertible third-order nonlinear optical absorptions of the phenoxazinium containing films prepared by sol-gel method, F. Zhang, J.-T. Miao, Y. Fang,R. Sun*, X.-Z. Guo, Y.-L. Song, J.-F. Ge*,Dyes Pigments, 2015, 113, 496-501.

2. Optical properties of hemicyanines with terminal amino groups and their applications in near-infrared fluorescent imaging of nucleoli, J.-T. Miao, C. Fan,R. Sun*, Y.-J. Xu and J.-F. Ge*,J. Mater. Chem. B,2014, 2, 7065–7072.

3. Colorimetric and ratiometric pH responses by the protonation of phenolate within hemicyanine,J.-T. Miao, C. Fan, X.-Y. Shi,R. Sun*, Y.-J. Xu andJ.-F. Ge*,Analyst,2014, Advance Article.DOI:10.1039/C4AN01505C.

4. The third-order nonlinear optical properties of charge flowable trimethine cyanine with quinolone groups, J.-T. Miao, X.-Z. Wu,R. Sun*, Y.-L. Song, J.-F. Ge*,DyesPigments, 2014, 105, 41-46.

5. Adjustable third-order nonlinear optical properties of the spin coating phenoxaziniume-PMMA films, J.-T. Miao,R. Sun*, B.-L. Yan, X.-Z. Wu, Y.-L. Song, J.-M. Lu, J.-F. Ge*,MATER. CHEM. PHYS.,2014, 147, 232-237.

6. Third-order nonlinear optical properties of the poly(methyl methacrylate)-phenothiazinium dye hybrid thin films,R. Sun, Y.-T. Lu, B.-L. Yan, J.-M. Lu, X.-Z. Wu, Y.-L. Song, J.-F. Ge*,ThinSolidFilms, 2014, 551, 153–157.

7. A rosamine-based red-emitting fluorescent sensor for detecting intracellular pH in live cells,R. Sun, X.-D. Liu, Z. Xun, J.-M. Lu, Y.-J. Xu, J.-F. Ge*,SensorsandActuatorsB,2014, 201, 426–432.

8. A benzoxazine–hemicyanine based probe for the colorimetric and ratiometric detection of biothiols, X.-D. Liu,R. Sun,, Y. Xu, Y.-J. Xu, J.-F. Ge*, J.-M. Lu,SensorsandActuatorsB 2013,178, 525-531.

9. A coumarin–indole-based near-infrared ratiometric pH probe for intracellular fluorescence imaging, X.-D. Liu, Y. Xu,R. Sun,* Y.-J. Xu, J.-M. Lu, J.-F. Ge*,Analyst, 2013, 138, 6542-6550

10. Reversible Near-Infrared pH Probes Based on Benzo[a]phenoxazine, W. Liu,R. Sun, J.-F. Ge*, Y.-J. Xu, Y. Xu, J.-M. Lu,* I. Itoh, M. Ihara*,Anal.Chem. 2013, 85, 7419-7425.

11. A cyanobenzo[a] phenoxazine-based near infrared lysosome-tracker for in cellulo imaging,R. Sun, W. Liu, Y.-J. Xu, J.-M. Lu,* J.-F. Ge *, Masataka Ihara,Chem.Commun., 2013,49, 10709-10711.

12. Third-order nonlinear optical properties of unsymmetric pentamethine cyanine dyes possessing benzoxazolyl and benzothiazolyl groups,R. Sun; B.-L. Yan,J.-F. Ge*, Q.-F.Xu; N.-J. Li, X.-Z. Wu, Y.-L. Song, J.-M. Lu*,DyesPigments. 2013,96, 189-195.

13. Third-Order Nonlinear Optical Properties Of Symmetric Phenoxazinium Chlorides With Resonance Structures At 532 nm, J.-F. Ge, Y.-T. Lu,R. Sun*, J. Zhang, Q.-F. Xu, N.-J. Li, Y.-L. Song, J.-M. Lu,DyesPigments, 2011, 91, 489-494.

14. Third-order Nonlinear Optical Properties of a New Type of D-π-D Unsymmetrical Phenoxazinium Chloride with Resonance Structures, J.-F. Ge, Y.-T. Lu, Q.-F. Xu, W. Liu, N.-J. Li,R. Sun*, Y.- L. Song, J.-M. Lu,ChemicalPhysics,2011, 382, 74–79.

15. A Small-Molecule-Based Ternary Data-Storage Device, H. Li, Q.-F. Xu, N.-J Li,R. Sun,J.-F. Ge, J.-M. Lu,* H.-W. Gu,*
and F. Yan,J. AM. CHEM. SOC.2010,132, 5542–5543.