




王华光本科毕业于安徽师范大学物理学专业,2013年在中国科学院大学获理学博士学位,2013-2016年在www.优德88.cpm 软张泽新课题组从事博士后研究工作,之后留任助理研究员,2022年晋升为副研究员。至今在JACSPRLAngew. Chem. Int. Ed.等学术期刊发表论文20多篇,主持国自然青年基金和省高校面上基金。受邀担任Nature Reviews ChemistryLangmuirACS OmegaMicromachines等学术期刊审稿人。




1. Haiyang Zhang, Xuan Feng, Xiuyang Xia, Jiao Zhu,Huaguang Wang*,Ran Ni* and Zexin Zhang*, Shape-Dictated Self-Assembly of Photoresponsive Hybrid Colloids,Small Methods, 2300383, 2023,IF: 15.3

2. Fukai Zhang, Haitao Yu,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Comparative study of the dynamics of colloidal glass and gel,Journal of Chemical Physics, 158, 174902, 2023,IF: 4.3

3. Sihua Ren, Fei Xu,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Colloidal antibiotic mimics: selective capture and killing of microorganisms by shape-anisotropic colloids,Soft Matter, 19, 3253, 2023,IF: 4.0

4. Dejia Geng, Lei Chen, Sinan Du, Xiang Yang,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, A Versatile Method for Synthesis of Light-Activated,Magnet-Steerable Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Active Colloids,Molecules, 28, 3048, 2023,IF: 4.9

5. Ning Kang, Jiao Zhu, Xiaoliang Zhang,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Reconfiguring Self-Assembly of Photoresponsive Hybrid Colloids,Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144, 4754, 2022,IF: 16.3

6. Xunqiang Zhang, Wenqing Xie, Sinan Du,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Synthesis of rod-shaped ZnO/Polysiloxane micromotors with patch-dependent motion modes,Langmuir, 38, 4389, 2022,IF: 4.3

7. Fei Xu, Jiao Zhu,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Colloidal Assembly Manipulated by Light-responsive Ag3PO4Nanoparticles,Chemical Communications, 57, 10347, 2021,IF: 6.0

8. Xiaoyan Sun,Huaguang Wang(共一), Hao Feng, Zexin Zhang*, and Yuqiang Ma*, Observation of the Pinning-Induced Crystal-Hexatic-Glass Transition in Two-Dimensional Colloidal Suspensions,Chinese Physics Letters, 38, 106101, 2021,IF: 2.3

9. Ya Chen, Xinlan Tan,Huaguang Wang*, Zexin Zhang*, J. M. Kosterlitz and Xinsheng Sean Ling*, 2D Colloidal Crystals with Anisotropic Impurities,Physical Review Letters, 127, 018004, 2021,IF: 9.1

10. Xinlan Tan, Ya Chen,Huaguang Wang*, Zexin Zhang* and Xinsheng Sean Ling*, 2D isotropic-nematic transition in colloidal suspensions of ellipsoids,Soft Matter, 17, 6001, 2021,IF: 4.0

11. Xiaomeng Lv, Sinan Du, Chao Zhou, Wei Wang,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Synthesis of Snowman-shaped Photocatalytic Microrotors and Mechanical Micropumps,ChemNanoMat, 7, 902, 2021,IF: 3.8

12. Jiao Zhu,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Shape-tunable Janus micromotors via surfactant-induced dewetting,Langmuir, 37, 4964, 2021,IF: 4.3

13. Xiaoliang Zhang, Wenqing Xie,Huaguang Wang* and Zexin Zhang*, Magnetic matchstick micromotors with switchable motion modes,Chemical Communications,57, 3797, 2021,IF: 6.0

14. Xinzhuo Liu,Huaguang Wang*, Zexin Zhang*, J. M. Kosterlitz and Xinsheng Sean Ling*, Nature of the Glass Transition in 2D Colloidal Suspensions of Short Rods,New Journal of Physics, 22, 103066, 2020,IF: 3.7

15. Wenqing Xie, Chao Zhou, Xiaoliang Zhang, Sinan Du, Wei Wang,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Large-scale synthesis of uniform and shape-tunable ZnO/polysiloxane Janus micromotors powered by visible light and pure water,ChemNanoMat, 6, 1749, 2020,IF: 3.8

16. Fang Zhou,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Diffusion of Anisotropic Colloids in Periodic Arrays of Obstacles,Langmuir, 36, 11866, 2020,IF: 4.3

17. 刘心卓,王华光*,椭球胶体在圆球胶体体系中扩散行为的实验研究,物理学报,69, 238201, 2020,IF: 0.9

18. Lei Chen, Xiaoyan Sun,Huaguang Wang*and Zexin Zhang*, Preparation of dual-drive hybrid micromotors by swelling and selective surface modification of polymeric colloidsColloid and Interface Science Communications, 38, 100300, 2020,IF: 5.6

19. Jing Shang, Ruonan Gao, Fu Su,Huaguang Wang*and Dan Zhu*, Colloidal Probes of PNIPAM-Grafted SiO2 in Studying the Microrheology of Thermally Sensitive Microgel Suspensions,Advances in Polymer Technology, 2020, 3971593, 2020,IF: 2.5

20. 王颖,王华光*,张泽新,摄像显微技术在微纳马达体系研究中的应用,科学通报, 62, 186, 2017

21. Huaguang Wang, Binghui Li, Arjun G. Yodh* and Zexin Zhang*, Stimuli-Responsive Shape Switching of Polymer Colloids by Temperature-Sensitive Absorption of Solvent,Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 55, 9952, 2016,IF: 16.8

22. 王华光,张泽新*,摄像显微技术在实验软物质物理中的应用,物理学报, 65, 178705, 2016,IF: 0.9

23. Huaguang Wang, Xuebang Wu*, Zhengang Zhu, C. S. Liu* and Zexin Zhang, Revisit to phase diagram of poly(N-isopropylacrylamide) microgel suspensions by mechanical spectroscopy,Journal of Chemical Physics, 140, 024908, 2014,IF: 4.3

24. Huaguang Wang, Xuebang Wu*, C. S. Liu*, Zhengang Zhu, Zhuo Ao and Guangzhao Zhang, Dynamics in N-Isopropylacrylamide-acrylic Acid Copolymer Aqueous Solution from Mechanical Spectroscopy,Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 116, 13411, 2012,IF: 3.4