

办公室地址: 701-1527






2005年毕业于南京大学化学化工学院,获学士学位;2008年毕业于南京大学化学化工学院,获硕士学位;2013年于新加坡国立大学获博士学位,2013-2014新加坡国立大学博士后。2014年加入www.优德88.cpm 材化部路建美教授课题组,受聘为特聘副教授、硕士生导师,2019年获聘教授。获江苏省双创博士、苏州市紧缺人才称号。目前承担国家青年基金1项,面上基金1项,江苏省高校自然www.优德88.cpm 重大项目1项、市纳米创新专项1项。主讲物理化学、材料表面科学基础等课程。








申请人以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature Communications (1)Advanced Material (1)Chemical Science (2)Materials Horizons (1)Small (3)Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical (2)Advanced Electronic Materials (1)ACS Applied Material and Interface (1)Advanced Material Technologies (1)Journal of Physical Chemistry C (3)等期刊等发表SCI论文26篇,引用次数1600余次,H因子13


(1) Qian, W.-H.; Cheng, X.-F.; Zhao, Y.-Y.; Zhou, J.;He, J.-H.*; Li, H.; Xu, Q.-F.; Li, N.-J.; Chen, D.-Y.; Lu, J.-M*. Independent Memcapacitive Switching Triggered by Bromide Ion Migration for Quaternary Information Storage.Advanced Materials 2019,0, 1806424 (IF=25.809,中科院一区).

(2)He, J.-H.; Mao, W.; Xu, G. Q.*; Tok, E. S. Orbital resolution of molecules covalently attached to a clean semiconductor surface.Nature Communications2014,5,3721 (IF=12.353,中科院一区).

(3) Zhou, J.; Lin, H.; Cheng, X.-F.; Shu, J.;He, J.-H.*; Li, H.; Xu, Q.-F.; Li, N.-J.; Chen, D.-Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Ultrasensitive and robust organic gas sensors through dual hydrogen bonding.Materials Horizons2018DOI10.1039/C8MH01098F(IF=13.183,中科院一区).

(4) Xiao, X.; Cheng, X. F.; Hou, X.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Ion-in-Conjugation: Squaraine as an Ultrasensitive Ammonia Sensor Material.Small2017,13,1602190 (IF=9.598,中科院一区).

(5) Hou, X.; Xiao, X.; Zhou, Q. H.; Cheng, X. F.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Surface engineering to achieve organic ternary memory with a high device yield and improved performance.Chemical Science2017,8, 2344-2351 (IF=9.063,中科院一区).

(6) He, J.-H.; Mao, W.; Chen, W.; Wu, K.; Cheng, H. S.; Xu, G. Q.* Resolving molecular orbitals self-decoupled from semiconductor surfaces.Chemical Science2014,5, 4447-4452 (IF=9.063,中科院一区).

(7) Zhou, J.; Cheng, X.-F.; Gao, B.-J.; Yu, C.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q.-F.; Li, H.; Li, N.-J.; Chen, D.-Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Detection of NO2Down to One ppb Using Ion-in-Conjugation-Inspired Polymer.Small2019,15, 1803896 (IF=9.598,中科院一区).

(8) Zhou, J.; Xiao, X.; Cheng, X. F.; Gao, B. J.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.*Surface modification of polysquaraines to sense humidity within a second for breath monitoring.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemistry2018,271, 137 (IF=5.667,中科院一区).

(9) Xiao, X.; Zhang, Q. J.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Polysquaraines: Novel humidity sensor materials with ultra-high sensitivity and good reversibility.Sensors and Actuators B-Chemistry2018,255, 1147 (IF=5.667,中科院一区).

(10) Cheng, X. F.; Hou, X.; Zhou, J.; Gao, B. J.;He, J.-H.*; Li, H.; Xu, Q. F.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Pseudohalide-Induced 2D (CH3NH3)2PbI2(SCN)2Perovskite for Ternary Resistive Memory with High Performance.Small2018,14,1703667 (IF=9.598,中科院一区).

(11) Cheng, X. F.; Hou, X.; Qian, W. H.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-Poly(styrenesulfonate) Interlayer Insertion Enables Organic Quaternary Memory.ACS Appliled Materials & Interfaces2017,9, 27847 (IF=8.097,中科院一区).

(12) Cheng, X. F.; Shi, E. B.; Hou, X.; Shu, J.;He, J.-H.*; Li, H.; Xu, Q. F.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* 1D pi-d Conjugated Coordination Polymers for Multilevel Memory of Long-Term and High-Temperature Stability.Advanced Electronic Materials2017,3(IF=5.466,中科院一区).

(13) Zhao, Y. Y.; Cheng, X. F.; Qian, W. H.; Zhou, J.; Sun, W. J.; Hou, X.;He, J.-H.*; Li, H.; Xu, Q. F.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Mussel-Inspired Polydopamine Coating for Flexible Ternary Resistive Memory.Chemistry–An Asian Journal2018,13, 1744-1750 (IF=3.692).

(14) Hou, X.; Cheng, X. F.; Zhou, J.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Better Organic Ternary Memory Performance through Self-Assembled Alkyltrichlorosilane Monolayers on Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) Surfaces.Chemistry–A European Journal2017,23, 16393-16400 (IF=5.160).

(15) Hou, X.; Cheng, X. F.; Xiao, X.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Surface Engineering of ITO Substrates to Improve the Memory Performance of an Asymmetric Conjugated Molecule with a Side Chain.Chemistry–An Asian Journal2017,12, 2278-2283 (IF=3.692).

(16) Cheng, X. F.; Xia, S. G.; Hou, X.; Xiao, X.;He, J.-H.*; Ren, Z. G.; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Racemic Effect on the Performance of Organic Multilevel Memory: Beyond Molecular Design.Advanced Material Technologies2017,21700202 (IF=4.622).

(17) Cheng, X. F.; Shi, E. B.; Hou, X.; Xia, S. G.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, H.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Upgrading Electroresistive Memory from Binary to Ternary Through Single-Atom Substitution in the Molecular Design.Chemistry–An Asian Journal2017,12, 45-51 (IF=3.692).

(18) Mao, W.;He, J.-H.*; Xi, Y. J.; Chen, W.; Wu, K.; Zhang, C.; Tok, E. S.; Xu, G. Q. Molecular Nanocorrals on Si(111)-(7x7): Temperature-Dependent Site Selectivity.Journal of Physical Chemistry C2016,120, 24780-24788 (IF=4.484).

(19) Li, Y.; Li, H.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Lu, J.-M.* Inserting Thienyl Linkers into Conjugated Molecules for Efficient Multilevel Electronic Memory: A New Understanding of Charge-Trapping in Organic Materials.Chemistry – An Asian Journal2016,11, 906-914 (IF=3.692).

(20) Bao, Q.; Li, H.; Li, Y.;He, J.-H.*; Xu, Q. F.; Li, N. J.; Chen, D. Y.; Wang, L. H.; Lu, J.-M.* Comparison of two strategies to improve organic ternary memory performance: 3-Hexylthiophene linkage and fluorine substitution.Dyes and Pigments2016,130, 306-313 (IF=3.767).

(21) He, J.-H.; Mao, W.; Gu, J. Q.; Xu, G. Q.; Tok, E. S. Self-Assembled Molecular Wires and Highly Ordered Monolayer: Thiazole on Ge(100).Journal of Physical Chemistry C2013,117, 19115 (IF=4.484).

(22) He, J.-H.; Mao, W.; Gao, J. K.; Xu, G. Q. Theoretical Investigation of Ge(100) Nitridation by Nitric Oxide: Monomeric or Dimeric Dissociation?Journal of Physical Chemistry C2013,117, 17111-17118 (IF=4.484).